A gentle challenge for you

Resolution? So last year…

Goals? Overused and under-committed…

How about firing up, feeling stretched and taking up a challenge?

“No, I can’t run that workshop”

“Oh I’m too new to get clients.”

“This is not the right economy to raise my price.”

“Not sure if I am spiritual enough to run the retreat”

Well, what if you can? How about approaching your business from this place for a second?

Often we plan way too far ahead. “Next year I will….” Sadly in many people’s cases, “that year” never arrives.

And you are not one of them.

Instead of “this year will be my best year”. I sincerely challenge you to make this month your best month yet, this week your best week yet, this DAY be your most abundant day yet…You see, it gets a lot sharper this way. 

Then you cannot help but ask yourself the question: If this is my best week yet, I’d better focus on attracting more clients, creating at least one more income stream, sorting out my book, hiring the right support, etc.

Start NOW. Because that’s all you have.


[last call] still bothered by your self-doubt?

Here is great resource for you, my 9-week-e-course: remove your self-doubt. The price will go up to $77 in 24 hours, but you can get it for ONLY $47 NOW. A small investment to bring more peace, confidence, and FEELING ready to fulfil your mission.

“I went through the course immediately, because I’m new to business and I always had boundary problems. I’m so grateful! The video training spoke to my heart and answered my potential questions. They hold the light for me to step up. Yesterday for the first time I converted a client without offering a discount! What a liberation!” – Michelle

“I have found the exercise of confronting & transforming your fear is particularly useful…” – Anh

“Beautifully simplistic with powerful messages” – Karen

“I felt a big relief when you mentioned about ego…” – Angela F

“…I especially love the practice of ‘pushing’ away my energetic field and creating a boundary and this is something I now do on a daily basis…” – Angela L

Get it before the price goes up.

Let’s say, you want financial independence/stability, biz growth. you MUST recognise your creative power first and foremost.

When I first came to the UK at 17, I hardly spoke English at all. As a result, it was so difficult for me to get a part-time job while studying.

I wasn’t allowed to take any bank loans nor social benefits. Money became a real problem. But I thought I was old enough not to ask for any money from my folks (plus Asian stock markets had crashed and my family lost almost everything we had back then). 

I literally knocked door to door in Sheffield to get a part-time job, So that I could bring food to the table. And no matter how hard it was, I didn’t let myself go hungry.  Years later, once I went through the yellow pages and realised that I had worked for at least 50% of the restaurants, function rooms and pubs in the town! 

When I graduated at 20, there were only about 4 or 5 companies accepting applications from international students like me. I can’t tell you enough how much I felt like a second/third/last class citizen. But again, once I owned my power I got myself a job within a short few months (normally it could take up to or over a year).

And the pattern is still happening. People keep asking me how I managed to leave the corporate world and “make up” an online biz, in a fre@king month, out of nothing. 

Well, I don’t think that it was out of nothing. I just learnt how to connect with my creative power. And instead of “working on my fears”, I learnt how to release them, because the majority of them don’t actually belong to me organically. 

But seriously, I don’t have more access than you do…You can connect with your power too.

And here is a proven system you can follow. I hope that you’ll join us + have a fabulous start to 2014!

[1:1 Intuitive Business Mentoring – time-sensitive offerIf you are serious about increasing your income level and getting a “health check” of your biz and move it forward. I’m opening one more round of COMPLIMENTARY intuitive business mentoring sessions.

You can apply this no-obligation, complimentary service here.

I look forward to helping you out!


signature, yiye zhang

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