神州沙龙: Work With Your Spirit Guides

yiye zhang spiritual coach

When I started my intuitive business four years ago, I went to many different places for education, some for spiritual development, some for creativity recovery and other for business building…

As much as I was grateful for all the learning, 很多 info out there was contradicting to each other. I was exhausted by discerning what would apply for lightworkers/spiritual entrepreneurs like myself, and when to apply them…

While being overwhelmed by the situation, 我告诉自己, “Wouldn’t it be great, when I am ready, to host a salon party style environment for fellow lightworker entrepreneurs to gather together and learn, in a playfully aligned atmosphere, to infuse our intuitive feminine side to the logical, 步步, biz building process. We will learn together from a place of wholeness, 彼此欣赏的能源?! 每次我将分享有关该主题的我的最新提示/指南/技术/故事. 对话会生, 现实, as well as insanely encouraging and helpful.

Having been running the “You Asked & I Listened” Q & 在我的博客列一会儿, I am ready to dive deeper and have a live interaction with you!

Today I am hosting the first call of our Divine Salon series. 而我们的话题是与你的精神连接指南 + how to receive guidance effortlessly.

Recording of the live training call (including the Q&A segment). 您将学习:

  • Learn 5 一定的方式联系您神圣的支持团队: 你的高, Guides and Angels. 如何阅读从他们给你不混淆或犹豫的迹象.
  • 辨别基于存活指导v.s之间的差. 较高振动指导. (独此一家可以与风度体现你的欲望的巨大差异).
  • How to apply guidance into your business building/creativity and overall wellbeing.
  • 树立信心相信您会收到指导不受外界噪音的感觉不堪重负.

“I’m still amazed by how easily and quickly you can connect with my guides and show me how to do the same!”
“You introduced me to my guides, taught me how to connect with my higher self and tap into the feelings of joy and love…”
“Your content is so creative. 你给了这么多可操作的技巧, I’m implementing them right now…”

Come over and join us live…Where education meets laughters. Still a few hours left to register, I look forward to greeting you from the other side!


签名, 一冶张

FREE: 获得直觉和神圣的女性繁荣顶级技巧