How NOT to ruin your love for creativity

Don’t compare.
Don’t please.
Don’t create for the sake of “going viral”.
Don’t check your stats every single hour.
Don’t be a slave to “tangible results”.


Create to free your vision, your voice, your being.
Create to express the truth in your heart.
Create to challenge the status quo.


Show up to the process.
Remember to breathe.
Remember that you are a co-creator.


Create with love.
Create with feeling.
Create with your inner-fire.
Create with discipline. Every week? Every day? Stick to it no matter what.
Create with an intention – heal the pain? Disturb the perception? Inspire actions? Surrender yourself to your “why” and give it your all.


Feed your inner-child.
Ground yourself regularly.
Make your life adventurous – that’ll be an undeniable tone behind whatever you are creating.


Create firstly for yourself then for others; or there will always be a turbulence within you.
Invite your spirit guides to drop you ideas. Be open enough to receive.


For those who don’t understand that everything is a work-in-process, who want to “sincerely” give you “feedback” to make you “perfect”; smile and say “thank you but no”. They are just offloading their unhappiness and anxiety due to the unsustainable perfectionism onto you. Protect your energy.


You will be tested and sometimes it won’t be pretty.
That’s normal.
Show up, show up and carry on.

Who said it is just that you are making your pieces?
Each of your pieces also makes a new you.

Love & light


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