Can Law Of Attraction Really Help?

Law of attraction, be kind to yourself, spiritual entrepreneur, lightworker, abundance

I was reading emails from readers last Sunday by our fire place while it was pouring outside. This particular email from Rene from India caught my attention. Her question wasn’t strictly about money, but she asked if I could help. She moved far away from home (2 days of travelling) to college. She is alone during the holiday season in college without friends. She misses her family and is worried about her upcoming exams intensely. She wondered how law of attraction could help her perform well in exams.


On the surface this is a question about exams, but actually this is an awesome question about ALMOST EVERYTHING!

Think about it, students worry about exams, entrepreneurs worry about clients (or lack of them), conversion, “exceeding expectation”, retention and so on…

So can law of attraction help you at all?

Here is the short version of the truth:

Law of attraction does NOT help nor harm anyone, it is just a reflection of your state of being. 

Law of attraction is the result, it is not the cause. YOU are the underlying cause (and the cure).

As a teenager, I went through ranked exams regularly (I wrote about this soul-destroying experience here by the way).

How come my results varied each time then? I was the same person who possessed the same knowledge and skills!

Well, firstly as someone who is so sensitive towards energy, I knew exactly if I’d do well or not even beforehand. The ones in which I did well, I was enjoying it and relaxed; the ones I didn’t, I was too nervous about the outcome – it didn’t matter how much I was pushing myself by revising all day long or visualising myself doing well, the brutal truth was: my Spirit was absent.

Secondly, I only found this out recently – I was way too hard on myself. A few months ago, I reunited with a high school friend, and he was talking about how well I performed back then. I told him how frustrated I was with my “swinging” ranking, he laughed it off, “So when you did the worst, OK, you were not the top 10, but you were still in the top 100 out of 1000s of the best students in our city, while most of the kids could not even get into our school! Give yourself some credit for all your hard work!”

He was totally right, I clung my self-worth to some B.S. and kept beating myself up, in which case, I bored my Spirit away.

When we are not in our Spirit, we attract results based on our fearful ego.

So back to the question, I could advise you to do a vision board, with your desired exam results/ranking/grades/whatsoever.

But, for your long-term happiness, I encourage you to practice letting go instead. (Given you’ve reached out and asked this question, I’m sure that you are a very dedicated student already.)

Rather than “pushing it through”, or forcing yourself to repeat something that you don’t even want to believe in thousands of times (talking about tedious!), trust that your fears are not real no matter how potent they feel like right now.

Have faith that when you are relaxed, when you stop beating yourself up, when you cease being overly anxious about your performance, wisdom will come through naturally. Your outer wold will, of course, reflect that.

The law of attraction can be totally on your side, providing that your focus is not law of attraction techniques, but YOU.

Just like when you are about to have a safe landing, you check that you are alert and well, you’ve got all necessary equipment and you trust that gravity will inevitably take you to the ground, not overly thinking about how to improve your techniques of gravity – which cannot be worked on anyway.

The same goes for business owners who are looking to attract more clients. If you are extremely nervous right now, it’s wiser to take a step back and relax into your being, before you implement any strategies. What people want from you is your good energy, your genius, and your brilliance. Sadly, when you are frustrated or stressed out, those qualities simply won’t shine through.

Don’t believe me? Just think about the last time when you had a breakthrough, didn’t it happen during a hot bubble bath?

Or after a nourishing vacation?

Or after you’d been taking care of yourself?

Or during a super-inspiring conversation with a mentor or friend?

Still can’t trust yourself? Here is a love letter for your exhausted heart.

Once I was working with a client with a fierce warrior energy. She was able to trouble shooting any obstacles. She worked dang hard for her business. She read the all the relevant books, she went to all the seminars, she registered for all the courses (and she went through them)…Yet somehow both her and her business were in pain, that kind of deep pain which kept her awake at 3am.

I suggested her to, as well as appreciating the bold, courageous and fearless aspect of her, explore the feminine, relaxed and playful side, as that was the part of her yearning to be witnessed and expressed. I recommended her to play with the depth in her life and business, instead of shooting for more speed.

I encouraged her to look at things in a more non-linear way: as we allow ourselves to dig deep and drink the joy and inspiration from the well of life, there is more we can offer through our businesses organically. Numbers, clients attraction and retention will be taken care of from there.

She struggled to give herself permission initially, but day by day, little by little, she felt more rejuvenated and relaxed. With this new expression of her soul combining with her contagious courage, she became an event more inspirational leader for her community.

Be kind, to yourself first.

The rest? Well, when you have plenty of space to breathe, the Universe is right here to support you through the law of attraction.

[Want to ask me a question – read the guideline here.

With Abundance Love,

law of attraction, business coach

Yiye Zhang| Intuitive & Abundance Guide, I decode the mysteries of your soul & simplify your path to abundance.

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4 thoughts on “Can Law Of Attraction Really Help?

  1. There is so much confusion on law of attraction these days. So mean well but actually misleading. I really love the fact you don’t sugar coat, but pointing us to work on ourselves with honesty. Your gentle guidance is very helpful!

    1. Hi Cynthia, thanks for your kind words. I’m so happy to hear that you’ve found it helpful. It’s true that LoA is not to be used to bypass our journey.

  2. Thank you Yiye, this is a wonderful post. I try to keep this my theme for the year: Be kind, to yourself first. This was always difficult for me, but now I am having a little baby and it got even more difficult. I know I have to care after myself to be the mother for my child I want to be.

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