Life can be like a rushing river, it’s YOUR job to be a still mountain

This week’s blog is short and sweet – I know you are time-hungry!

Hands up if you feel time is moving faster than ever. There is a planetary shift going on – it started in 2011, and will carry on….

On one hand, it means that manifestation is getting easier: information becomes so accessible no matter where you are, from relationship, money, business, spirituality to all the way to life design; synchronicity seems to happen to you on a daily basis if not hourly….

But the downside is that losing balance also becomes easier.

I normally ask clients to come up their top questions before our session. Then I’ll meditate over the questions + receive insights so that they can get out the most out of the session.

Many have asked important questions immediately, some were not sure initially but they use meditation to focus and come up with major concerns – great inner-work!

However a few struggled to think of any.

This fact of no question is a HUGE QUESTION – what stops you seeing the bigger picture right now? Are you losing your centre?

I believe we all resonate with this to a certain degree.

We should build our day job, client work, marketing, dishes, phone chatting, commuting around our purpose + true heart’s desires, but quite often we see the other way round.

Life can be like a rushing river, and it’s our job to stay like a still mountain.

This inner-peace will always your safety net, no matter what happens in the outer-world.

So let’s slow down, and ask ourselves – do we need to be this busy today? Are we moving towards our purpose?

How about spending a couple of more minutes to just breathe and treasure the silence? A couple of extra hours to catch up on some sleep and honour our body – the foundation to everything?

Sometimes moving “backwards” is the best step forward.

Empty your cup today so that Universe can fill it up all over again.

I promise I’ll do the same.

Sending you lots of healing energy

Love, peace + light



signature, yiye zhang


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4 thoughts on “Life can be like a rushing river, it’s YOUR job to be a still mountain

  1. Lol – I too really needed this one today…I’m trying to get through a to-do list and spending the whole time procrastinating instead – taking time out to just rest my mind meant I could figure out exactly what I wanted to do! x

  2. Yiye, this is exactly what I needed to hear right now. So many things have been moving so fast, and I still never feel like I get as much done as I’d like. I begin to think that November may be the month of radical self care and realignment to my heart’s desires. Thank you for this.

    1. Thank you Corie for dropping by, sending you lots of love and prayers for your radical self care!
      and I’m sure you’ll realign with your heart’s desires

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