
在过去三年, 我逐渐减少我的Facebook的使用.

?这些都是我最初的反应: fear of missing out, 撤出症状, 不内疚 “让我的品牌” 就更加明显 #1 社会化媒体平台,充分引线…

每次我觉得这种方式, 我注意到下来. 然后我重新登录后,FB平衡这些情绪 – 是不是感到自豪, 但它是我当时做的最好.

?下一阶段: 解放, 冷静, 更多的机会从不同的社交平台出来,我喜欢这么多, 但仍然遇到焦虑时不时, 例如:

“But I really miss my friends and wonder how they are doing”

“Oh this blog post is doing great, 我会是这样一个傻瓜不分享它FB以及”

再次, 我不停地做笔记时,那些想法弹出, navigated how to fill my well in a much healthier way other than aimlessly browsing feeds on FB again. 例如, watering the roses in my garden, writing a catch-up email with clients, drafting a beautiful newsletter etc.

This is what I am like lately: centred, 创作自由, exquisite mental space without clutter, 自发性, 见到我的朋友的人 & 有质量的时间面对面, answering questions from fellow introverts on how to not be on FB while having a successful online biz (很好, 显然,我们在这里学习我们教什么🙂 ) …


我有更多的精力, 时间和空间来放松,进入生活, 我的精神和创新的连接.

? 这是我的FB排毒旅程简而言之. 它已经一段时间,但它是如此值得的.


我的意思是,你有你的权利和力量放手的东西都不再为您服务, 没关系,如果它是FB还是其他什么东西…

你的生活将变得更加一致,当你花大部分的时间在做的事情,你的爱, 与人你喜欢挂了谁, 在地方/的提升您的光临平台.

? 相信自己的直觉. ?

神州连接, 感性的女人味

2 关于“的想法”生活中没有的Facebook

  1. 有趣, 现在我很好奇,你喜爱的社交媒体网站是什么🙂

    我采取撤退从所有社交媒体 7, 10 或 30 一年天几次,它总是一个非常中心和接地经验.
    Facebook是我最不喜欢的网站, 但我最连接有. 我不认为我可以将其关闭. But to choose not to log in for a while, I’ve been able to do that. And it turns out I don’t miss out on anything interesting.

    1. Hello Nela! It’s interesting to know that FB is the least favourite for many Intuitive/Highly Sensitive Souls. I hear you on the connection part – that’s why it took me over three years to leave FB behind. I thought about letting people know that I’m not there anymore on FB, but the act of logging on to let people know that you are not there anymore is a bit ironic. My URL is still on display on my profile and pages. And I know that people who enjoy my work the most can continuously benefit from my site and newsletter anyway.

      Because of letting go, I’ve found it a lot easier to blog/vlog regularly, quite often, while I’m on the go. 无压力. No expectations. Just express – returning to the original joy of installing this website I guess.

      现在, I am having a lot of fun on LI and IG. I don’t feel restricted to be around at so-called “peak times”, I ignore most gurus’ advices and I only share when I am inspired to share. Currently I spent less than 1 hr per week on those two platforms! This works for me. I feel that I’m using them for the right reason – recording my life and my body of work (in-progress). Unlike being on FB, I don’t feel the constant need to unplug – I’m not sucked into them to start with… 然而, I must thank FB to help me get here. Just like the first romantic relationship full of dramas, but it made me see myself more clearly so that I can enjoy a better relationship that works.

      Thanks so much for sharing your experience with FB. Your comments always inspire and empower!

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