
You are here to unleash your Soul gifts and fulfill your life purpose. You are a unique expression of the consciousness, there is only you who can walk your path.

我跟朋友们在我们的社区, many get intimated by the words “礼品” 或 “目的”. As if you must be a “chosen one”, otherwise you don’t have the right to lead a meaningful or authentic life.

This belief is old and damaging and doesn’t serve us anymore.

例如, “a chosen one”, but chosen by whom?

在灵魂层面, we are all divine and equal, bright and beautiful. Each of us has our own specialty and style, without which the world is colourless and boring (can you imagine?).

一冶张, five element acupuncture london, spiritual realm

One of the biggest obstacles for people to live your purpose, which I see as an intuitive guide, is that they are waiting for permission. 等待外部事, 所谓的权威人物, 或者确认和审批的任意数.



permission to change the ineffective or even destructive patterns that clearly no longer serve you;

permission to be heard;

permission to be seen;

permission to be loved…

但, 有你之外没有这样的事情有真正的权力给你住你的目的.

Ultimately the biggest resistance to answering your Soul calling comes from yourself.

不需要为 “完美” to live your purpose or be a true service. 事实上, 被地球上的全部原因是接受并享受自己的工作正在进行中.

自我是受惊, 当然是自我. 它突然失去与你打算跃入未知其自称的重要性. 很多人可能会停在这里转回到旧的和熟悉,直到下一次敲响了警钟.

问题是,我们不知道我们有多少时间在这个身体, 我们精心预先选定美丽的物理容器. 现在允许自己. 浪费时间.

每天重新调整你打算你的人生目标. 专注于为你带来快乐的活动, 意义和丰富.
With what is going on in the world right now, 我们有这么多的工作要做.

与其让恐惧接管或者让我们的梦想擦肩而过的, 它是神圣的邀请去拥抱你的目的比以往更.

一冶张, 人生目标, spiritual realm, 五行针


您可以实现有尊严和快乐你的目的, 存在与激情, 主权与和平. 要有信心.



PS. book a session with me and move beyond your obstacles

4 关于“的想法”住你的灵魂目的

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