A Love Letter to You

With the holidays fast approaching, I want to wish you a beautiful time ahead! And share a love letter to you…

I want to remind you of this:
The moment your soul decided to reincarnate, you chose a perfect plan for your path. You might not see it right now, but everything you do, every decision you make is sacred. (tweet this)

I want to reassure you that:
Your voice is heard by the Universe.
Your dreams are protected by your Higher Self.
You are so magical, the world is honoured to have you.
And what’s yours cannot pass you by.

I want to inspire you to:
Finish this year strong. Strong means:

+ Physically strong. Being grounded in your body, in your home, in your divine being. Love your body, honour your feelings. Don’t skip meals, don’t do all-nighters, even if you have a “massive-launch-that-is-coming-up-and-your-family-don’t-understand-how-important-that-is!”

+ Mentally strong. Make sure the following vocabulary is non-existent in your world. “This is too hard.” “Nothing is happening, perhaps this is not meant to be.” “Seriously, there must be something wrong with this platform or that method, or worse, me…”

Instead, put your hands on your heart, feel its beat for a few seconds, or one minute or two. Can you feel this wise, ancient, beautiful and courageous being inside? Let this being guide your head. And move in your desired direction, one step, then one more, and keep moving.

Your perfect strategies will birth from this place.

Surrendering is alignment. It’s organic. It’s hot.

+ Financially strong. Sort out your Money dramas. Only when you stop worrying about paying the bills, can you serve others sustainably. Own your worth. Owning it doesn’t mean that it will be easier, quite often it means having difficult conversations with your clients, your suppliers or partner, and of course, your inner selves. But it does mean that you start seeing the hope, get desired results, and more importantly, get to be at peace with yourself.

I want to send you waves of courage, just a click away:

– If you are new in building your body of work and feeling confused, here are 7 truths to help you stop doubting yourself and start focussing on what really matters. 

– If you are growing your divine business while going through PTSD, you are not on your own. And you are NOT falling behind. Your soul is right on schedule.

– If you are recovering from chronic illness, you are not weak (yes, I’ve been there too). In fact, you have your own unique perspective to offer to the world.

– If you are in the middle of uplevelling, it is not your fault when things go wonky. Here is your ultimate guide to help you nagivate your journey.

Last but not least, I want to say thank you, thank you and thank you for your trust:
In this crowded online place, it’s such a delight to have connected with you, the unique YOU.

Love and abundance



Manifesting money, intuition, law of attraction

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