Meet Your Spirit Guides – Who Are They?

If you are also into Quantum Physics, you probably are aware that things in our physical world only appear to be solid and rigid, but they are really composed of pure vibration and consciousness.

In this spiritual realm you have beautiful helpers (es decir,, your divine support team) para ayudarle en su camino terreno.

Who are they really? Y por qué están aquí?

As my teacher Sonia Choquette taught us, apart from your angels and archangels, usted puede tener hasta 33 guías en cualquier momento de su vida; si usted busca ampliar su conciencia, usted puede atraer a más de 33. Teniendo en cuenta que usted está visitando este sitio web, es probable que tenga 33 o más.

Maybe you are wondering, like some of my students, “Why are these “Guías” attracted to me and want to help me? Do I really deserve all their time, energy and support?”

My first suggestion for you is to ask this question instead, “Why wouldn’t you deserve any help?”

Cada uno de nosotros es una chispa preciosa de lo divino.

Each of us is made by stardust.

Although each of us is not “important” in a grandiosity sense, you are an essential part of this Universe through your own perspective – you are your todo!

So with this self-worth piece in mind, I invite you to open to explore this warm, benevolent and uplifting energy that your Spirit Guides are eager to bring into your daily living.

Even if you are still not sure yet, just your “curiosity hat” en – what can you lose?

Imagine your Spirit Guides as your “gang”/”crew”, they are as varied as your human friends to play different roles and help you on all sorts of things such as making sure you are safe, short-term projects, life-long learning, heal emotional wounding, unleash your creativity…

Most of your Spirit Guides have been living on earth in other life times and many of them perhaps have had connections with your previously, because of that, no wonder why they would volunteer to reconnect with you and offer assistance to your current incarnation.

Guides can be your teachers, helpers, past-life friends, deceased family members, high-terrestrial beings from other galaxies, and your fur family (animals).

The more you are open to your guides and their help, the more fluid and satisfying your work and life can become!

Dicho esto, high vibrational guidance is suggestive instead of intrusive. You will never ever to be forced to listen to any guidance when it doesn’t feel right to you at the time.

Want to dig even deeper? Curious to learn more? Usted puede visit my shop + get the Spirit Guides Audio Class: Learn 5 sure ways to work with your Guides.

conectar con sus ángeles de la guarda, yiye zhang
With multi-dimensional love,

maestro interior, guia espiritual, curar sus historias de dinero, vivir su propósito del alma, acceso directo a la abundancia

Further reading: Ask Your Guides.

2 pensamientos sobre "Meet Your Spirit Guides – Who Are They?

  1. Hi Yiye, I’ve been enjoying your articles and videos. I love how you teach and present things in such a practical manner. Spirit Guide is a topic that I am very interested but sometimes it can be a hit and miss, you are providing much sound advice and guidance. Thanks a lot!

    1. I am glad that you’ve been enjoying this blog Fran! Like anything, connection with our spirit and spirit guides need practice regularly to flourish. Thanks again for dropping by!

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