Feliz Solsticio, Luna llena & Guías Espirituales Reunión!


How to cast a spell for an enhanced summer.

Feliz Solsticio (Summer if you are in the northern hemisphere, and winter if in the south)! Full-moon is well on her way too!

Es una oportunidad perfecta para nosotros para ir más profundo con el poder femenino en el interior, the mysteries lying within the darkness, and the vitality and manifesting magnet that we all have, yet might have been underrated…

?Hoy, you can light a white candle, to represent yourself; and some jasmine scent (oil, perfume, incense…they are all good), to attract all things good.

Sit somewhere quiet, comfortable, y mejor, uplift you. Relax your body, mind and nerve system.

Meditate on the flame of the candle and the beautiful scent around you. Imagine yourself experiencing your ideal, perfect day, to the little details as possible. You are living on your purpose, you are acknowledged and appreciated. You are in tune with your Higher Self and the Universe.

Then close your eyes and repeat the following words 12 veces:
“My life will go without a hitch, as I connect with my inner witch.”

If you are going through some emotional rising tides, don’t be afraid of them. They can be very refreshing and cleansing for your energy system, to let go of what no longer serves you.

And your Spirit Guides, Angels and of course your Higher Self are fully on board to support you, if you let them.

A week ago I hosted a live training call on contacting your divine support team. Almost 100 lightworker entrepreneurs registered for the call.

Together we went through 5 practical and grounded ways to connect with high vibrational Guides, and to allow them help us forge ahead our spiritual entrepreneurial journey.

A lot of insights were revealed during the Q&Una sección, I am learning so much from those live + raw moments too!

You can now get the recording of this training call from your Prosperity Shop.

I hope you’ll enjoy using the tools I’ve shared. Whether if you are brand new or more experienced in this arena, you’ll find something refreshing and different that you can apply into your creativity, life and work straight away.

En cuanto a mí, recently I am blessed to work intimately with a few lightworker entrepreneurs (both upcoming and seasoned) on fully tapping into our divine support system.

It has been so rewarding to witness them + coming out of their spiritual artist closet,

+ having a dialogue with their Angels and Guides fluently in their own style,

+ raising their vibration continuously to receive quality guidance that help them with self-expression and forge ahead their journey with more embraced feminine confidence and wisdom!

The very reason for me hosting VIP Days is because that, with the right container, quite often changes and transformations can happen right in front of you, with no need to wait. And each of us deserves joy, freedom and being seen and held here and now.

I have my last two spots left for awhile. So if you feel called, I’d love to be of service to you. You can use this opportunity to work closely with me 1:1, get access to my 15+ years of education in science and logic as well as my most innate gift as a 3rd generation intuitive. All details are here. Cualquier pregunta (o “sí, let’s work together!”), send me an email to yiye@yourlifeexpression.com.

Finalmente, are you on instagram?

It took me a while to join the club but what a wonderful creative outlet for lightworker entrepreneurs! Follow me for intuition & feminine prosperity tips as well as behind-the-scenes updates on keeping our entrepreneurial journey sane and delicious…


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GRATIS: Obtener mejores consejos sobre la intuición femenina divina y la prosperidad