How To Meet And Work With Your Spirit Guides (Hint: It’s Simple!)

如何与你的精神指南连接One of the most asked questions through my work is: how to ask your spirit guides for help/how to communicate with spirits?

If you are also into Quantum Physics, you probably are aware that things in our physical world only appear to be solid and rigid, but they are really composed of pure vibration and consciousness.

In this spiritual realm you have beautiful helpers (即, your divine support team) 协助您在旅途现世.

Who are they really? 为什么他们在这里?

首先, 我做了这个信息图形为你, 这表现了 4 类型指导灵是谁,你可以连接. 他们是谁以及他们 “专门知识” 能为您服务.

您最多可以有 33 指导在你生活中的任何时间; 如果你寻求扩大你的意识, 你可以吸引超过 33. 鉴于您正在访问本网站, 你可能有 33 以上.

Maybe you are wondering, “为什么这些‘指南’吸引了我,要帮我? Do I really deserve all their time, energy and support?”

My first suggestion for you is to ask this question instead, “你为什么不应该得到任何帮助?”


Each of us is made by stardust.

虽然我们每个人是不是在夸大意义上的“重要”, 从您自己的角度来看,您是宇宙的重要组成部分–您是您的 一切!

So with this self-worth piece in mind, I invite you to open to explore this warm, benevolent and uplifting energy that your Spirit Guides are eager to bring into your daily living.

在这个视频, 我将与你一个简单的分享 & 有效的锻炼与你的精神向导和, 即使这是新的给你.

在几分钟之内, 您将学习如何与精神境界连接, 让你的生活更有趣, 愉快和有效, 并有信心知道你是否已经获得正版指导.


想象一下您的精神指导者是您的“帮派” /“船员”, they are as varied as your human friends to play different roles and help you on all sorts of things such as making sure you are safe, short-term projects, life-long learning, heal emotional wounding, 发挥你的创造力?

Most of your Spirit Guides have been living on earth in other life times and many of them perhaps have had connections with your previously, because of that, no wonder why they would volunteer to reconnect with you and offer assistance to your current incarnation.

Guides can be your teachers, helpers, past-life friends, deceased family members, high-terrestrial beings from other galaxies, and your fur family (animals).

The more you are open to your guides and their help, the more fluid and satisfying your work and life can become!

话虽如此, high vibrational guidance is suggestive instead of intrusive. You will never ever to be forced to listen to any guidance when it doesn’t feel right to you at the time.

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Spirit Guides: 如何满足,并与他们合作


9 关于“的想法”How To Meet And Work With Your Spirit Guides (Hint: It’s Simple!)

  1. 你为我的灵魂之旅带来了新的美丽. 我非常享受您的指导和支持,以这种新颖而美丽的方式在生活中航行. 非常感谢, 有爱有光~Tiffini

  2. 一冶 – 我想让你知道我从你的博客中学到了很多东西, 感谢您以如此优雅和同情心分享您的知识!

  3. 当您分享您的大多数精神向导在不同的一生中都存在于地球上时,您提出了一个很好的观点. 这就是为什么他们希望与您重新联系并为您当前的化身提供支持. 我想考虑是否有人想与他的精神向导重新联系, 他应该寻找可以帮助他实现这一目标的可靠服务.

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