Embrace Up-Leveling

I haven’t met any entrepreneurs who haven’t suffered from an upper limit problem.

If you’ve been following the last few articles, the mindsets we’ve been through so far really work together. Once you trust your intuition, you get out of this “poor me” mentality, you work out your self-worth, you rewrite your money stories, you will be inspired to raise your fee or create a high end offer.

Let’s move on to the next mindset, which is to embrace your up-leveling journey. 

When you are at this stage, your soul will naturally want to break the upper limit. However, another aspect of you, which is your subconscious self, which is the product of all the social programming and conditioning, will try to hold you back, as much as possible. So some fears, the new and the old, will be triggered during this process. That’s ok, that’s ok, because we have all been through this. What you need to do, is to embrace it.

Depending on how big the leap your soul wants to take at the moment, you might experience some emotional ups and downs. If this is the case, I just want to assure you that you are not on your own. It’s normal. And you will be ok. In fact, you will be more than ok.

For those who are so deep in this up-leveling process, I’ve dedicated an entire audio class on this topic. That is within my e-course “Create your true desires with speed and grace. If you feel called, check it out.

Other than that, just be really gentle with yourself during your leaping and up-leveling journey. Sometimes, things might go wrong on the surface, but really, it is the universe helping you to create space and welcome the new. That means your new business model, your new branding, your new clients, your new pricing structure, your new offering, etc. etc. etc.

If the change is too much for you right now, make sure you take a rest, but please don’t give up. Don’t lose faith ever. I promise you, you will get through.

I have been asked this question so many times: How to change your life? How to take your new business to the next level? Keep upgrading your life, and become that person who can handle and keep all the wonderful things first.


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