What’s yours cannot pass you by

I want to provide you with comfort, faith and cosmic assurance.

I want to remind you of something that you already know deep down: what’s yours cannot pass you by…

A person who you thought is everything you’ve ever wanted, suddenly withdraws from your life;

A potential client who said that your service is exactly what s/he is looking for somehow decided not to go ahead without letting you know why;

A book deal crushed, an interview being cancelled, your work got lost…

Pretty painful on the surface.

Remember that everything has its own appropriateness.

If there is something that I wish I had learnt and was taught properly when I was younger, it is to trust more.

Dreamers need patience more than anything.

Today I just want to assure you that “what’s yours cannot pass you by”.

Keep it going, but do relax into the process too…

At the core of your being, you know that these experiences just prepare you for the real deal.

Let go of the old.

Yes, you’ll have some self-talk: it went wrong before, I can’t bare another failure, I don’t deserve success, I am tired/exahusted of rejection etc…

This self-talk is potent to a certain degree, but you know what is more powerful?

Your big beautiful soul purpose.

Where there are lessons, there is purpose right underneath.

I want to remind you of what you already knew: what’s yours cannot pass you by.

Many of you already read this post (what it was like for me during my 9-9 over two years ago). For a period, my mind was so narrow, my heart was heavy and as a decisive person I even asked Andrew what type of shoes I should wear for a party…I thought that I was so lost that I could not enjoy the ordinary life, not to mention having the guts and hope to create the extraordinary.

Fast forward to now, I’m writing to you on a perfectly spontaneous afternoon. My life today is pretty extraordinary. 

I’m nothing special. You don’t have to be the special one to live your dream either.

What’s yours cannot pass you by.

signature, yiye zhang


4 thoughts on “What’s yours cannot pass you by

  1. Thank you for this beautiful and encouraging message! I desperately needed to read this. But, everything was great until the end. You can’t write this beautiful message and end with “I’m nothing special”! You ARE special! We all are! 🙂

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