A more updated version can be found here.
(photo credit: Andy Hoang Photography)
Because of my stubborn patterns, I don’t always find surrendering easy; but once I fully embrace the experience, I feel so much more peaceful and abundant, and a whole new exciting idea/strategy/way reveals itself, guaranteed!
Now we have a few days left in terms of mercury retrograde.
If you wondered what “mercury retrograde” means, it implies delay, re-examine, re-visit.
It can be a positive thing. And it’s a perfect timing to advance this surrendering lesson!
Surrender doesn’t mean to give up your dreams, but allowing a bigger force to guide you, show you the best options to manifest – ie, out of your own way.
This week, trust that you have done all the thorough work and now all is in nature’s order.
Trust that the Universe and the whole team of your guides are working together towards realising your dreams in physical form, which usually take a bit longer than your thoughts and will power.
Embrace the whole experience, and better, have fun with it. Here are 5 tips for you to make it enjoyable, plus a personal lesson to share.
1. Enjoy the power of doing nothing
Just because you are doing nothing, it doesn’t mean nothing is done. The Universe is not here to prove you wrong. The physical plane vibrates slower than the mental one. If you feel anxious and worried: quiet your mind and feel the pulse of the Universe as it joyfully nurtures your personal intention.
You don’t have to decide “how” your desires will manifest – that’s not your job. Sit back, relax, treat this like a first date with the Universe – allow the Universe to impress you.
2. Just dance
But no sad music is allowed please. Go with the upbeat songs. You will feel a lot better by letting your hair down and moving your body with the music. Music is a vibration. Choosing the right music can give healing and empowering effect. Pick up a dance that you never tried before: when our body moves a new way, our brain will also expand to a new awareness.
3. Give yourself the best
Declutter your house; surround yourself with people who inspire you to grow; eat the best fresh food that is prepared with cares and love; get yourself the best pillow and most comfortable nightware for a great sleep….the list goes on.
Why? Because you deserve it.
How come this is surrendering? Because by doing so, you invite your spirit back home. Spirit often goes away from us.
4. Open to sensory experiences
Sure, you are worried about how to pay the bills; frustrated about growing your list or selling your product; wondering if your next product launch will take off….
Surrendering is probably the last thing on your mind, but now it’s the most needed time to connect with the source again – feel the richness, with all your senses: the images, smells, textures, flowers/leafs, nature, museums/galleries, small children…
Switch on the “awareness” button. Notice the abundance which is available to you.
5. Hold the hand of your higher self
Every morning the first minute you wake up, talk to every single cell in your body, thank them for functioning well and keep you alive. Celebrate your life no matter what.
Visualise holding the hand of your higher self, the moment you wake up until you are asleep. Yes, I mean it, visualise your higher self taking your hand to prepare food, writing your web copy, getting on the public transport with you, going into a meeting or getting on the stage with you …
This is my favourite tool. Having been doing this exercise for awhile, my health improved tremendously and I can’t wait to start my day – every morning. I don’t take coffee and am not strictly a morning person.
I was not like this before at all…I got ill very easily.
I once was living on my credit card and it was getting close to the limit. I couldn’t work to pay off the debt because I was so sick. I had no idea what I could do.
If you want to read more, I’ve put together my personal experience of surrendering. (Tweet this)
A personal experience of surrendering

Some say that life starts when you reach 21.
My version, however, is that glandular fever started when I reached 21.
That was my first year after joining one of the Big Four accountancy firms. It was a cold winter. We were doing exams and work-related training at the same time.
Coming from a culture and upbringing that encourages people to ignore illness and just follow through on whatever you were doing, I took the exams while enduring a fever of 39 degrees.
Back then I thought it was the right decision, because the last thing I wanted to do was to defer my exam entry and fall behind my peer group. Luckily, I passed that exam by 2 marks.
Although my temperature went down to 38 degrees after the exams, it stayed like that for about six months.
I went to God knows how many Western doctors, and they all told me that there was nothing I could do. The answer was always the same: I needed to get enough rest.
What the ^*(&#(OI$?!
I was in debt back then and had exhausted my sick leave, and I couldn’t afford to not get paid. But I wasn’t well enough to get out of my flat. I was so stressed out that I tried various painkillers, but nothing worked.
One day I tried to visit the Chinese doctors nearby, with the hope that some magic herbs could cure me. However, it was a seriously windy day, and as soon as I struggled to get out of the door, I was nearly blown down. I had to temporarily give up leaving home.
That was during my first few months living in London, when I knew no one. I wasn’t able to apply for a visa for my folks to come over from China to see me, because my passport was still in the Home Office.
At the same time, I developed other symptoms such as severe stomach pains, sleeping disorder and my throat feeling like it was always on fire. As a result, I couldn’t eat much apart from soup.
My friend, who lived in another city, kindly posted herbal medicines to my door, in the hope that something would work. One week later, still nothing had worked.
I just wanted to get better so that I could go back to my normal life, despite the fact that I was such a workaholic back then and I had absolutely no social life.
Every day, I didn’t want to wake up. I wasn’t scared of my illness, but I was so afraid that there was no sign of me getting better at all. That I would just be stuck in my tiny studio flat without any improvement. I wished I didn’t have to wake up so that I didn’t have to face that possibility.
It lasted like that for about two months. Fortunately, one spring day I managed to get out to see the Chinese doctor nearby.
The doctor admitted that there was no quick fix. He gave me some herbs to help my immune system to recover, and told me that in my situation natural healing is the best way.
It was the same conclusion that I had heard two months before from various doctors. But this time I didn’t swear. Instead I was curious, “So what do you mean by natural healing?” I started to feel more hopeful.
“Do things when you are meant to do them”, he returned with a wise smile. “Get up when the sun is up, and go to bed when the sun goes to bed. Feed your tummy before it gets hungry. And stop worrying. Let the natural healing take over.”
Really? I was very disappointed. Just let nature take over? What kind of healing is that? I wasn’t impressed at all. It sounded so simple, so not clever.
But OK, I had no nothing to lose at that stage, so I decided to trust this advice and give it a go.
I started to pay attention to my body. What does she tell me? Is she hungry? Is she tired? Does she want some laughter? I gradually became very attentive to what my body was saying. I did whatever she asked me to do.
Then it wasn’t long before she started to return the favour to me.
I started to sleep in a regular pattern. I started to enjoy my soup.
I was able to go to the local park every day, although walking very slowly like an old lady. I don’t know whether it was because I enjoyed the slow walk so much that nothing was on my mind, or if it was because there was nothing on my mind that I enjoyed the walk!
I barely noticed any outside noise. Later on, I came to understand that that was a form of meditation.
After my walk in the morning, I would go back to my flat and cook the freshest food I could find from the local market. I was so slow that I needed a whole day to prepare two meals, because I had to rest very regularly.
Then, after dinner, I watched the movies I rented. They were so cheesy, but I didn’t care because they really made me laugh out loud. Before bed I would read a few lines of Tao De Ching, translated as The Way—ancient Chinese philosophy.
I began to have a really good relationship with my Self.
I still had unresolved challenges, however.
Air-conditioning in the supermarket could send me back to fever mode in no time, and I couldn’t get back onto the underground because my nose and throat got extremely sensitive with the dust.
I had to wrap up with at least three layers more than other people in the street. For that reason, I didn’t feel like a normal person.
I had to live on my credit card and it was getting very close to its limit.
My boyfriend then was half a world away from me.
I fell so far behind in my qualification compared to my peer group.
But that’s all OK.
Because I really enjoyed my own company!
And perhaps for the first time in my life, I found inner peace and I felt so… feminine. I started to have a better vision for myself, one in which I am already sufficient, and I don’t need to prove myself to anyone, achieve any high grades or get into any institution in order to feel happy.
I started to relax and became a calming and happy influence on others for the very first time in my life!
I finally realised that being confident and certain was not about winning a game, a medal or a competition, but knowing at the cellular level that I am adequate regardless of the consequences I might face from my own actions.
Now, looking back, I know that my experience is what they call surrendering, letting go. When you let go of any attachment, you begin to make room to look at things differently, to see the bigger picture.
And the bigger picture I saw was simply being alive, and to sincerely embrace every moment that you have.
It took me another full month to be able to get back to work. And to 100% recover, it took me another five years of self-care and learning alternative medicine and energy work (which, conveniently, provided me with a solid foundation for the healing work I now do for others).
Now I agree that my life indeed started at the age of 21.
My intention is not to put you off by telling you that it took me more than five years to learn my lesson! I just want to illustrate that everything has its own timing, no matter what you do.
In order to live with ease and grace, you must reflect constantly, listen to your body attentively (prior to my illness, my body wasn’t happy, but I completely ignored her) and look for the signs. Are you stressed? Are you pushing yourself too hard? If so, take one step back and correct your direction immediately so that you don’t have to learn the hard way all the time.
(Excerpt from my book Express the Master Within, how to unleash your power and remove your self-doubt in 9 weeks. All rights reserved)
Sending you all my love
Ps. Do you have any comments to share about your surrendering experience? We would love to hear from you.
Hi Yiye
Thanks for this post – I relate to a lot of what you wrote having recovered from ME myself after years of illness and no energy.
I love your image of holding hands with my Higher Self. I am at a place now where my full time job is taking up all of my time and energy and I am frustrated because I want to write for my blog and develop an online business. This I feel is my soul work. So your reminder to just surrender is timely for me, I believe that I have somethng to offer the world , now I need to trust that things will come about in their own time.
Hey Dear Susan, brave soul. Of course you have beautiful gifts and messages to share with people, and yes it’s coming. 🙂
Sending you lots of love and prayers
Oh I love that exercise – holding hands with your higher self. What a beautiful idea Yiye! I am SO trying that one out! xxx
Thank you Donna!! Our higher selves are the most reliable ones – hope you will enjoy this..
lots of love xxx
I am so grateful for your words and I love your story, Yiye!! You are such a wise soul! All my love to you!
thank you so much Alla!! I’m grateful to have beautiful souls like you in our community too!
all my love!
Thank you so much for writing this post Yiye! LOVE LOVE LOVED ‘Just because you are doing nothing, it doesn’t mean nothing is done’. It was EXACTLY what I needed to hear today.
Wishing you the best of the best health, body, mind and spirit.
Shine Goddess Shine!
thank you so much Nicole for dropping by and your kind wishes!!
all my love to you!
Great story and thank you for posting. It can sometimes be soooo hard to surrender and let the forces take over. I find myself rushing all over the place too often and all of a sudden a year has passed-whaaat?! I loved your five tips, the dancing one especially, I think I might be addicted to the wonderful ‘zumba’! it definitely makes me feel more alive and in tune with myself and my body.
Louise 🙂
hey Louise, thanks for connecting! I’m so happy to hear that Zumba uplifts you!!
all my love!
Thank you so much for sharing. This was just what I needed today. And I had no idea mercury was in retrograde! Explains so much about these last few weeks : ) Going to take a few breaths and then find some good dance music!
I’m glad it helped Amber!! enjoy dance & music. sending you lots of love and good vibes!
Wow t personal experience was inspiring. X
Thanks Sam – glad to know it’s useful!