How to Make Taking-action Fun

remove negative energy, healing your emotional self, lightworkers, trust your instincts

Many spiritual entrepreneurs have “taking-action” blocks. I get it, ‘cos it can be dull and long-winded.

The good news is that you can totally turn it around. Here are my top three tips.

1. Ditch your “to-do” list, try your dearest “I desire” list.

Is this you? When you cross off two items on your to-do list, you are not feeling better but even more overwhelmed because miraculously five more items appeared on the list.

Well, it’s time to change your energy. You are a creative, spiritual being, and your feelings and emotions towards your “doing” also need to be honoured.


This is an experiment for you to try – ditch your “to-do” list.

Write this instead, 

“In the world of my business, I desire to ____________. [Fill in the blank]

For example,

Write a love letter to my community to let them know that they are not alone in the process of ________.

[Instead of “I must send out my newsletter by Monday 3 pm. I must aim for the open/click rate to be x%”]

Share my message from my heart of hearts that losing weight is easy/finding your ideal clients is not hard/living your dream is absolutely possible…Let me firstly connect with the essence of what I want to, and ask for support from the divine, because it’s so much more fun when I invite the Universe on my side, not just bury my head in the sand.

[Instead of “I must post at least X times on each social media account, blog at least Y times each week, otherwise I am a failure…]


See the difference?

Allow yourself to experience joy while you building your dream. Keep revisiting your intention.  Your actions will be much more effective when your intention is clear.

2. Instead of feeling uncomfortable selling, become a go-to problem-solver.

Think about the biggest problem that your community members have in their life.

Can you take a moment, acknowledge their pains, see the world through their eyes and feel their heart?

For example, can you appreciate them being stuck, wanting to step up but being held back by the self-talk “haven’t got what it takes”/”What if I screw people up big time”…

If you can do that, you can make your sales copy feel like a love letter.

This way, you’ll take away the pressure of “selling” or “converting”, you’ll focus on being a compassionate problem-solver, a go-to expert and a professional who is constantly working on her/his excellence.

This way, you’ll have no problem to build up your practice, naturally.

3. What’s the most unfussy way to make it happen?

Whatever you offer to the world, in essence, you are sharing your gifts.

Ask yourself this question: “What’s the most unfussy way for me to share my gifts today?” Or “How can I do it that will make me feel incredibly at ease?”

Go from that place…Ease triggers synchronicity, you never know what the next moment can bring to you.

I’ve had a client recently who dropped stressful launch plans the last minute, and instead, opted for “high-touch, low-tech” invitation based launch party – it felt easy and it worked…

So, what’s your most unfussy way to share your gift with the world?

To abundance,

yiye zhang, financial intuitive, money expert

Intuitive & Abundance Guide

I decode the mysteries of your soul and simplify your path to abundance.

Photo credits: Christiano Betta, Ellen von Unwerth,

6 thoughts on “How to Make Taking-action Fun

  1. Lovely, lovely, lovely, and so appropriate for me right now, as I’ve just moved into the overwhelm stage of actually tackling the re-design of my website. I’ll take a deep breath and look for the unfussy way now! Thanks, Yiye <3

    1. True – our website is like our internet home, “renovation” can take a lot of us. May your Angels and Guides continuously dropping you simple & bold & unfussy ideas!!

  2. How funny Yiye, I am right in the progress of ditching my huge to-do-lists (yay!) because of the reasons you mentioned. I felt so much pressure all the time of being behind or having no space. I made a paper with focus topics, things which are at the moment important to me and let me make progress in directions of my dreams and the being I truly am. I want to open the space to be more connected again and do what serves my well-being on the particular day.

  3. What a great article and great tips! I was actually decoding one of my dreams today, and this same topic was the theme of the dream. Talk about synchronicity! Thank you so much for sharing this. It shouldn’t be difficult to align with your purpose and your business in easier ways, and this is a great help. Live well & keep creating!

    Renee B.

    1. Hey Renee! So happy to hear about decoding your dreams and purpose! Wish you more and more breakthroughs to come 🙂

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