Dear fears, what are you trying to tell me? ;)

Do you feel robotic in front of a camera? Does you voice suddenly go high-pitched during a presentation or interview? Every time you do something meaningful to you, are you worried about that your family/friends conclude that you are being a “weirdo”, again!? Or whenever you step into a new arena, do you think that your friends will misunderstand you and judge you, or even worse laugh at you when you fall?

You are not alone, we all feel like this here and there, as long as we are in human form.

We are told that: feel the fear but do it anyway. Get over your fears.

If we treat fears like threats, then of course fears will have the power to threaten us.

How about getting a little creative here? How about making an effort to get to know your fears instead? How about digging a little and going under your fears instead? Often fears point us to the areas which are in need of growth the most.

Ever tried to write a letter to you fears?

Dear fear, why am I afraid of you? What are you trying to tell me this time? What actions do I need to take to become a better person?

Get to know your personal fears. Don’t listen to “other people”. Their fears are different from yours. Listen to your own. Get to know them and do something about it.

You and I might have different forms of fears, but whichever the form is, it makes us sweat, panic and anxious.

I am here with you, shoulder by shoulder. I am afraid of public speaking. However, sooner or later, as a coach I will have to do it one day. Nevertheless I did my homework, check out this video recording (excuse my hair – it was a wet and windy day! and the recording angel – i decided not to edit)

Check here


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