Ten signs that you are unconsciously blocking the abundance flow

In my private mentoring, money is a topic that keeps coming up and up. “How can I get off the cash roller-coaster?” “Why does there never seems to be enough money coming around?” “Why is doing business so draining?”… I can certainly feel the pain that my clients and students are going through.

In order to change course, firstly, be really honest with yourself and see where you are unconsciously blocking the money flow into your precious business & life.

And here are 10 things you do that continuously block your money flow.

1. You always offer discounts, without doing so you feel guilty and uncomfortable.

Consequence –> gradually it becomes a habit to damage your self-worth and you feel resentful towards your work.

2. You feel difficult about saying “No” to bartering or some “small help” which leads to  serious time wasting. You keep telling yourself:”Oh, I will just do it one more time”.

Consequence –> you are broadcasting such a low boundary to your surroundings. People will pick that up and across the line.

3. You haven’t increased your price in the past 24 months (or at least reviewed your pricing from your heart: “is my product/service under priced?”. Or you haven’t negotiated your salary in the past 12 months despite the fact that everyone has been saying that, “You are doing a great job”. And when you hear excuses such as “Budgets are tight”, you don’t question if it is indeed true, or invest in yourself to learn how to negotiate a raise strategically.

Consequence –> you start wanting to settle for less in other areas of your life, eg, relationship/friendship, creativity…

How you do one thing is how you do everything. Tweet this

4. You tried to increase your price in the past, however due to this tightening and sick feeling in your stomach,  you backed out.

Consequence –> You’ve been working hard on your uplevelling, but you got stuck at the pricing point, you might end up over-delivering and exhausting yourself anyway (ie, back to where you were).

5. You have taken many marketing or business building courses that you found on the internet. You have studied all the information on where to get clients, how to build your list, how to do a launch. But you spend more time worrying about small details than actually taking action.

Consequence –> Effectively, you are telling the Universe this: “I am a King/Queen of information, please bring me more and more information to confuse me and allow me to procrastinate so that I won’t have enough time to do the actual work.”

6. You feel uncomfortable when receiving a genuine compliment or a generous gesture.

Consequence –> You are telling yourself, your spouse, your friends/colleagues, your clients and the entire Universe that you don’t matter. Ooops, the Universe doesn’t really have the right to tell you what’s correct/incorrect, it will just amplify your existing thoughts, my dear.

7. You haven’t got a separate business bank account yet. You are not sure how to save tax or do your bookkeeping, or at least haven’t hired anyone to do it on your behalf yet. You have NOT paid yourself salary yet.

Consequence –> You are confusing/ignoring the foundation for your business. Plus you are telling the Universe out loud that you are not worthy of having your basic needs met.

8. When prospects ask you how much your charge, you couldn’t bring the “investment/cost” up, deep down you feel it is un-spiritual to talk about money.

Consequence –> You’ll make your potential clients feel uneasy too. It is difficult for others to value your product/service more than you value them yourself.

9. You compare your pricing with your colleagues in your industry, and when you find out that they charge more than you, it feels like a relief.

Consequence –> It is difficult to become an expert/leader in your field miraculously if you act as the average dude/gal who follows what everyone else does every day.

10. You can’t remember when was the last time you laughed out loud, like the world doesn’t matter.

Consequence –> Not laughing enough blocks yourself to a higher vibrational state of being.

Or you are not having enough sex as you want to. [please note: I emphasis on “…as you want to”. I am not saying that you must have lots of sex in order to be abundant] [And to make it clear without sounding creepy, if you are single, self-pleasure counts too]

Consequence –> You are blocking this sacred, natural giving/receiving exchange, and utterly creative energy.

I just realised that there are 11 signs (not 10 as I originally planned to write), that’s why I put the last two points together. You really don’t have to mix those two activities at the same time. But if you do, I think you’ll be fine.

Alright, I appreciate that it takes courage to be brutally honest with yourself (if this makes you feel any better, I’ve been all there before myself). Well done on having a wonderful start!

The good news is that once you are honest with your patterns, you can then change them.

I invite you to inject more self-worth and self-love into your life and business.

Visit your bank and set up a business account if you haven’t done so.

Start paying yourself salary TODAY (the actual amount is secondary, the key is making paying yourself a priority every month, even if it is a small amount, even if you have to borrow from your personal fund to pay yourself and return it later on)

Say no to barterting/discounts, or any kind of requests that do not lighten you up, in a loving and graceful way. 

Ask for payrise / raise your rate unapologetically.

Start accepting compliments and do everything else that you can show the Universe that YOU MATTER. 

Instant Upgrade:

If you want instant access to get my advanced training materials to simplify your path to abundance, visit my Abundance Shop today!

Money Love Playbook, manifesting, law of attraction, happinesscreating prosperity_2

52 thoughts on “Ten signs that you are unconsciously blocking the abundance flow

  1. Thank you for this post, Yiye! Great insights. I’m glad that I’ve conquered most of these, but really need to work on accepting complements with grace and an open heart! I usually feel shy and constricted. LOL I can definitely see how that pushes money and other prosperity away. I guess too much humility isn’t a good thing, after all. 🙂

    Am really enjoying your course so much; thank you! Oh, and I’m going to start attending laughter yoga regularly again now that I’ve read your post! 🙂 Can’t have too much laughter!


    1. So glad to hear that you are enjoyingthe zrticle and course Kim!
      Love that you start implementing immediately!
      Thznk your shwoing up with your beautiful, wise and warm Self, reLly appreciated, hope that you can take this compliment 🙂

  2. Thank you for this list! I normally wouldn’t even see some of them as “money blocks”, but they affect our income so much… for example, I’m the perpetual student, and don’t implement nearly enough! I want to be sure I’m “doing everything right”, so I put off launching products, special offers etc. that could bring in some money!

    And well, laughing… I would never connect that to money, but it’s true I don’t have those recommended “2 minutes per day”. I should watch more comedy 🙂

    P.S. I’m really enjoying your free money course!

    1. Hey Nela, thanks for your thoughtful comment, and glad to know that you are enjoying the eCourse!
      Isn’t it interesting that no matter what we are working on (be it Money, Job, Career, Relationship, Food), it always leads back to ourselves – self-worth, self-love, having fun while incarnating on hearth?

      Here are my signature steps if you want to change your reality quickly:
      1. watch some comedy /listen to inspirational audio, to raise your vibration
      2. then smell money, look at money, think what if Money is your new boyfriend and imagine you are hugged by this energy. The more you do this, the less “perfectionism” you’ll become…
      3. Do the practical steps (ie, launch)
      4. Heal any emotional discomfort
      5. take more aligned actions…

  3. Great post, Yiye! I really appreciate your candor and authenticity. I have been doing pretty well with valuing my services – except in the area of teens/college students. I have been attracting lots of young people (19-24ish) lately who are on extremely tight school budgets who don’t have any financial support from family. I have been talked down to the lowest of low ends of a sliding scale more times than I care to admit. Ideally, I would love to have a grant or scholarship fund for these students, so that I can still serve them AND get paid. In the meantime, it is a work in progress 🙂

    1. Hey Cynthia, firstly, wow you have such a big heart!
      Yes, listen to your intuition, there are so many ways that you can attract Money to support your life purpose. Grand, scholarship, perhaps network with schools, government agencies, uni, local council…
      Let us know how you are getting on!

  4. You have hit on one of the biggest challenges that we all face if we are honest with ourselves. We second guess and question our own value. Thank you for bringing the issue to our consciousness! Self-value is a topic we rarely talk about, but one that affects everything we do.

    1. Thank you Peppy, it is so true that self-value indeed impact on all areas of our lives.

      Wish you a beautiful day!

  5. As I like to say, “Money is just a tool that allow you to do the things you want to do.” For some reason women in particular have a difficult time asking for the money, pricing, and showing money the attention that it deserves.

    When working with my clients we always have to touch on money flow and what’s blocking the flow that they desire. I truly believe that a good 90%, if not more, of the blockage has to do with mindset.

    Great areas you’ve given to look at for individuals.

    Felicia Streeter, MBA
    Transformation Strategist – Profit & Growth – Money, Mindset, Meaning

    1. “Money is just a tool that allow you to do the things you want to do.” quote for the day! thanks Felicia 🙂


  6. I love the comments and the consequences of having these blockages. Another resounding issue to the family dynamic on this is the impact our blocks have on our children and how we are teaching them to respond to money.

    1. Oh that’s so true Renae, family dynamic, social conditionning, past live experiences…all have great impact on our day to day decision making!

      I love that you are conscious about it so that you can be a great role model for the next generation!


    1. Thanks for connecting Darvi, glad to know that you see a different in the cashflow reality, may more and more Abundance comes to your way!


  7. Great post! I especially relate to the point about laughing out loud. Yes, I’m all about matching your energy and vibration, to what you want to attract 🙂

  8. Great job on this article. I am very guilty of #5 and I am working on things to change that such as this list building challenge. Thanks for showing us how we are blocking. Blessings.

    1. Kimberley – I’m sending you prayers and use this mindset/affirmation:”I act on inspiration immediately”. Start from taking small action and watch the changes unfolding for you!

  9. #2 is a big pitfall. It’s so easy to help people “quickly” that “quickly” begins to take up a lot of time.

    1. so true…when I started I used to give away services worth $2-3k per month, until I burned out badly.

  10. Wonderful Yiye! As a LOA coach, I am all about creating from inside out. I totally believe in feeling abundant first in order to allow more. I love the idea of paying yourself first, this way, you’re sending a signal to the Universe that you are totally deserving of abundance. Thank you!

    Ruzica Kozul
    LOA Life Coach

    Grab your free report:
    ~Unshakable Happiness You Want & Deserve~

  11. Yiye,

    This is so timely. I loved #5. Taking more and more classes (or buying more books) and not putting it into action.

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. You are so welcome Jane.

      Like what I said to Kimberley, I’m sending you prayers too, and use this mindset/affirmation:”I act on inspiration immediately”. Start from taking small action and watch the changes unfolding for you!

  12. Fantastic tips, will definitely put some of this into action! Thank you for sharing this. x

  13. You have totally nailed it. I love your attitude towards money and would love to connect with you and do a Google Air interview with you if you are interested. I work with teachers who are starting their own online tutoring business and one of the topics that we focus on is our mindset about money. Are you interested?

    1. Thanks for connecting Joanne – sure, please send me an email yiye[at]yourlifeexpression[dot]com. And we can take it from there!

    1. yes, firstly awareness, then do whatever it takes to dissolve the blocks, then take aligned actions. Of course results will follow! 🙂

  14. Great info here! I think that especially raising prices is a tough thing for many of us. I know it certainly brings up guilt for me whenever I go through the process. But, overtime I have learned to let that go more and more. Thank you for the wonderful reminder.

  15. I have only recently discovered you and I am loving your content. The whole concept around discounts and dropping my prices before I launch something are two I struggle with all the time so thank you for the reminder!

    I’m off to write my email about the increase in pricing for my training program. Reading this has been very timely and confirming.

  16. Great post and this is definitely a work in progress for me. At least I don’t cry when I raise my prices any more : ). Big hugs, Karina

  17. Thank you so much for those insights!

    They are so true and in fact, I know them and still don’t change some of my patterns. So thank you for putting it all together and I love love love “How you do one thing i how you do everything.”

    Sending you good vibes, Anja

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