This course will help you reclaim your joyful spirit.
Through healing and nurturing the creative child within, you’ll rekindle your inner light and renew a healthy appetite for life.
Have you ever wondered about what inspires your most authentic calling? What are the best ways to connect with your inner child? And which archetype speaks to your essential self the most?
Have you also wondered why you get triggered by certain patterns or behaviours? Why does your creativity flow sometimes but other times it feels difficult or frustrating? And how can you turn all of that around?
Well, when we seek answers, instinctively we know that reasoning alone is not the full picture. What’s happening inside also has a big impact.
However, paying attention to our inner world, or having a friendly relationship with ourselves is not openly taught or discussed. Frequently we feel diminished or are not good enough, even when we are very capable.
And when you do turn inwards, you face resistance and difficulties from time to time: you are not sure where to get started, or it can feel like one step forward and two steps back. There is a lot of information, perhaps too much information scattered around. Without well-structured guidance, you are not sure if you are heading towards the right direction.
Dear creative soul, you are certainly not alone. Reconnecting with your inner child is a theme that comes up again and again during my private coaching.
Understanding your inner child is a big step forward to honour your inner life, which rules your visions and creativity, thoughts and emotions, instincts and intuition. Inner child work is essential in returning to your wholeness.
Inner child work is essential in returning to your wholeness.
Your inner child is an important and precious aspect of your inner self and emotional world. There is a part in your heart which belongs to your inner child, who knows intimately about creative freedom and untamed joy.
This precious part in you deserves to feel guided and nurtured, seen and supported. I want to see you reconnecting with your creative spark.
That’s why I’ve created this course to share the essential tools and tested methods with you. In this dedicated program, you’ll learn how to witness, to support and to heal your inner child – the part of you that holds the key to your creative joy.
When you are in touch with your inner child,
it’s a healthy sign – keeping you full of zest for life.
The seed of your openness and creativity flourishes in a friendly, nurturing and non-judgemental space. And this Inner Child Course will guide you to cultivate such a place.

Immediate Access
Bonus: you can also get additional support when this course next runs live.
Total Value £90+.
Join today, you’ll get it for only £30.
After taking the Inner Child Course, you will become:
- More confident when communicating your needs
- More inspired with your creativity
- Less anxious or distracted
- Less likely to be triggered by difficult topics
You will have:
- Greater emotional stability and resilience
- Better self-understanding and self-compassion
- Deeper joy, connection and satisfaction
- A fresher and more upbeat outlook
- Potential resurgence of intuition or your intrinsic talents
Some people may think that inner child work is silly, however, the paradox is that when you address your unmet needs and grow from past injuries, you’ll become more resilient and resourceful, which are signs of adulting.
There is a saying “young at heart” in English. In Taoism, the name of the Grand Master Lao Zi is translated as “Sage child”. The coexistence of elder and child, carrying the wisdom of the old and looking forward with the innocence of youth, is universal in many spiritual traditions all over the world.
In order to be brave, be courageous, look forward with confidence, pursue your creative calling, you can’t leave your inner child behind. With the feeling of being heard and seen, of adequacy, that you matter and belong, you can reclaim the enthusiasm, the wide openness, the hope, and the upbeat vibes.
This unique course offers a safe and supportive space for you to explore your inner world, gain insights into your unique strengths and challenges, and learn practical tools for lifelong growth and transformation.
Take a closer look at the course content:
Within you there is a soulful child. We’ll begin this course by exploring the 4 inner child archetypes, their influence on our adult lives, and the unique gifts as well as challenges each archetype can bring.
Through an engaging quiz, you’ll find out your own inner child archetype, which serves as a guide to help you understand the unwritten scripts your inner child is bounded to.
You’ll receive tips to help you change your perspectives and tune into your needs. This deeper self-awareness will help you transform stubborn patterns and set intention for this course.
Towards the end of this class, you’ll also explore 7 simple ways to see the world through the eyes of your inner child, and in turn, create a bond with them immediately.
Even as we become adults, there is a part in our heart which belongs to our inner-child.
In this class, we will focus on making your inner child feel heard and understood. Through an in-depth guided meditation, you will be able to explore ways to understand your inner child better, communicate with your inner child in a “language” that earns their trust, and give them the unconditional love that they deserve – often the best medicine for your inner child.
I’ll also share some effective prompts and practical plays with you, which will encourage you to dream and explore, to relax and feel, to wonder and ponder…and how to fit them in your life practically even if you have a busy schedule.
As you are giving a voice to your inner child, you’ll free up more creative energy. Your natural curiosity and playfulness will re-emerge. You may re-discover some intrinsic and/or hidden talents – that’s the gift, the child within can give to you, happily and eagerly.
Inner child healing in a way is ancestral healing.
In this class, you’ll be given tools to gain insights on the strengths from your ancestral lineage. You’ll learn how to use your intuition to honour and reconnect with your ancestral gifts.
You’ll also be able to recognise your ancestral shadows, become more aware of your own emotional patterns and triggers.
More importantly, you’ll learn how to use gentle yet effective exercises to let go of toxic shame, harsh inner-critic and re-write your inner script, which will allow you to enjoy your authenticity and embrace your true desires without fear of judgement.
As your inner life becomes more balanced, you will also find increased ability to find everyday joy.
Societal pressure can create a disconnection between achievements and true satisfaction. The narrow definition of success pushes people to seek happiness and worthiness from the wrong places.
Reclaiming your inherent worthiness is a transformative act. In this class, we will unravel the façade and embrace the depth of self-worth. Through a soothing yet powerful meditation journey, you will be guided to awaken and rediscover your innate self-worth (which is different from competence).
We will explore the concept of the “Original Child” in Taoism, the undifferentiated unity between the self and cosmos. In this state of being, there is no performative pressure, no anxiety to achieve, nothing you need to force, to control, or push. No tensions. No battles or fights. No social images to measure up to. You just need to remember and be…
We’ll also cover practical tips on how to protect your Original Child state and restore your innocence in today’s competitive world.
You were made of stars. Even if social conditioning has made you forget about that at times, once you re-establish the connection with your innate worth, you’ll be able to cultivate your most authentic identity.
Tender and pure, the child within holds the key to expressing your truest self. When feeling safe and well, your inner child is open and vibrant.
From toddler to child to teenager then adult, the constant changes in life can bring us challenges. The confusing transitions can be difficult for your inner selves to navigate, especially if you have heightened awareness but you didn’t understand it properly at the time.
Authority figures can sometimes inadvertently contribute to childhood wounds such as unrealistic expectations.
In this class, I’ll share this mantra meditation (with breathwork), through which you’ll find a safe, restful place in your subtle energy body. Through guided visualisation, you can identify and release the outworn influences from the authority figures. As you raise your vibration and transform your being energetically, your everyday reality will also respond to the change.
As you rediscover your inner autonomy and personal power, you’ll learn a specific communication technique to become more assertive without alienating people. You’ll also dive into three easy-to-use tools for self-soothing.
We’ll now explore how to recharge in this overstimulated world and engage in activities that spark your imagination, how to please your own soul, reconnect with your creative calling and fill up your emotional well.
In this class, you’ll receive step-by-step guidance and learn how to use Emotional Freedom Technique to manage and reduce distress.
As you are integrating everything you’ve learnt in this course so far, it lays a strong foundation for rekindling your inner light and reclaiming your joyful spirit.
The following feelings will gradually become your second nature: being heard, being respected, being understood, being part of something bigger…You can take this opportunity to reflect and celebrate your progress.
As your inner child is being witnessed and taken care of, your wild and imaginative spirit will shine through – people can feel that. You’ll walk away with practical pointers to continue your inner child journey beyond this course.
I’ve designed this course to be bite-sized, playful to explore, and easily digestible. It’s extremely accessible and practical to integrate into your daily living.
Through a series of inspiring and alchemical journeys, you’ll tap into your innate passion, resilience and joy. By applying these gentle and transformative tools you can reconnect with your most creative & vibrant self.
Although we often feel burdened or stressed out by the velocity of modern life, within each of us there is a carefree aspect: the twinkle in your eyes, the smile on your face…. My intention in creating this course is to help you rediscover and value that carefree aspect inside.
This course is ideal for you, if you are seeking a deeper connection with your creativity, looking for transformational tools to overcome challenges such as self-doubt and bring your artistic vision to life; or if you are looking for reliable resources to help you recover from burnout, gain a fresh perspective, explore and rediscover your previously put-aside passions.
If you’ve enjoyed my newsletter, articles or meditations in the past, chances are you’ll find great value in this course too.

Immediate Access
Bonus: you’ll also get additional support when this course next runs live.
Total Value £90+.
Join today, you’ll get it for only £30.
Beautifully simplistic with powerful messages, you have a gentle voice which is captivating!

Karen Devine
“You speak my language and the direct place I’m in, validating and inspiring! Thank you!”
Julianna Gregory
“I now love stepping into my higher vibration, it’s increased my clarity and awareness. I now go about my day with a new sense of direction and can feel all the benefits from implementing these wonderful tools. Thanks Yiye!”

Angela Linda Green
“Since I have been paying more attention to my inner child with the help of your beautiful meditations, some of my creative blocks are going away. I’m very happy that I now have confidence to pick up a project that I’ve always wanted to do. Thank you and thank you!”
Rachel Walter

“Thank you so much for your thorough, insightful and timely messages. You never cease to amaze me with your kind and open-hearted approach and the depth of your advice.”

Julia Elmore
“I really enjoy the fresh energy this course gives to me!”
Barbara W
“I’m so grateful that you’ve woken the artist in me…!”

Anja Kitchener
“… Those phrases are especially powerful. Exactly what my inner child needs to hear. Your kindness and wisdom is much appreciated.”
Eileen Pang, Malaysia
“Thanks a lot of putting so much love and energy into your meditations and course materials. Coming from a strict upbringing, your encouraging words have given me a lot of inspiration!”
Olivia T
“It resonated deeply with my inner voice, providing the guidance I needed to move beyond my fears and rediscover aspects of myself I had long neglected. One significant breakthrough for me was in the realm of writing. Several years ago, I used to write prolifically, but a moment of heavy criticism from someone I deeply respected shattered my confidence. Through the course, I’ve finally found the courage to embrace the joy of writing once more. It’s a liberating experience, and I credit this course for helping me overcome this self-imposed barrier.
Thank you for creating a space that is encouraging and accepting. Your guidance has been instrumental in my journey.
Emma R
You have such delightful energy. The combination of your background and skillsets can really bring powerful help to creative entrepreneurs.

Immediate Access
(Total value: £90). Today you can get it for only £30.
Bonus: Paying the early bird price today, you can also get additional support when this course next runs live.