创建这家商店的最深切的愿望是要治愈那些感觉边缘的人, empower those who struggle with self-worth, and entice those who are ready to uplevel, yet need more guidance and practical tools during this delicate process. 我为您制作了这些产品,以简化您通往最真实丰富的旅程. I hope that you’ll enjoy them to the max…

你有没有想过哪种原型最能表达你内心的自我? 与内心小孩联系的最佳方式是什么? 是什么激发了你最真实的使命?
你心里有一部分属于你内在的孩子, 谁深知创作自由和不受抑制的快乐.
了解你的内在小孩是尊重你内心生活的一大进步, 哪些规则你的愿景和创造力, 思想和情绪, 本能和直觉. 内在小孩的工作对于恢复完整至关重要.
本课程将帮助您找回快乐的精神. 通过治愈和培养内心富有创造力的孩子, 你会重新点燃内心的光芒,恢复健康的生活胃口.

You know that Money cannot guarantee your happiness, but worrying about money can almost guarantee your unhappiness.
Your Money relationship is just like any human relationships, the more you respect and nurture it, the more you’ll be nourished and loved back.
你与金钱的关系对你的财务直接影响, 情感和精神健康.
You love your vision, your calling, 你的梦想, yet you know that you deserve more abundance.
从图纸我 18+ 多年的经验直接用金钱和数字工作, 以及能源愈合超过 1000 创意灵魂, I’ve put my best Money tools together in this first aid kit for you.

我看到这个你,,en,你是一个先锋,,en,有一个很大的乐趣,,en,出租,,en,自己有意义的人生是你到底是谁一个独特的表达,,en,然而货单成为一个真正的冒险,当它无关,与别人想要你,,en,这是你的精神之旅的炼金术,,en,打电话的丰富性和恩典,,en,采取的飞跃......,,en,你不再苦涩的局促空间,但进入广阔的心脏,,en,神圣的存在,,en,谁住和你在地上的旅程呼吸冒险,,en,这是高级彰显课程,,en: you are a pioneer. 你来这里是为了断绝老并创建新的.
There is a great pleasure inletting yourself live a life that is a unique expression of who you really are.
允许自己去一个你从没去过的地方之前: 在写这本书, 美化你的创业, 调用丰, 油漆, 舞蹈, take a leap…
I’ve watched clients and students open themselves to intimacy with life, deepen their existing relationships, change course of work, reform identities, move inter-states or across timezone and continents.
Manifesting tells us that we are not choice-less.
Manifesting shows us that we do have inner-authority.
彰显变成一种冒险,当它无关,与别人想要你, 但你要为自己做什么?
Q: “Will I get instant access to the products?”
一: 是的! (除非您购买了该课程的现场版本, 在这种情况下, 第一封电子邮件将立即发送给您, 其余的将在整个课程中发送给您). 在极少数情况, 它可能需要长达 48 小时 – 看到下面的下一个问题.
Q: “Is my purchase secure?”
一: 是的! 通过贝宝安全支付, 如果你没有一个PayPal帐户, 您仍然可以使用首选的借记卡或信用卡. The currency listed above is in GBP. For approximate conversions please click 这里.
一旦你作出付款, 您的产品将被传递到您的收件箱 (同一个你输入使付款) 马上. 在极少数情况, 它可能需要长达 48 小时, if you don’t receive your products then, please write to yiye[在]yourlifeexpression[点]同, and I will be able to joyfully assist you.
Q: “Is my purchase refundable?”
一: Under English Law, 有 14 day cooling-off period. 然而, if you download the products within 14 days of buying it, you are automatically give your consent to waive that 14 day cooling-off period.
Q: “What exactly does the previous paragraph mean?”
一: Effectively this is saying that, due to the digital nature of these products, no refunds are issued once the product has been downloaded.
对于 1:1 会议/辅导, 由于亲切自然, 我的工作是专为个性化需求, 因此,不可退款.
Q: “Who created the products?”
一: 那里 – my name is Yiye Zhang. I don’t put anything that I don’t use personally in my shop – the methods & 在我店赠送的方式帮助我得到我今天.
This is my journey in a nutshell…
:: 一个治疗, 沟通 & 内心的直观指导.
:: Made in China and “shipped” to the UK at 17 对我自己来说很少英语.
:: 获得一等双学位的数学 & 物理学 20.
:: 作为一个合格的注册会计师在 23. (我已经处理, 平衡从那时起刨数十亿资金. 同时, I was also an ad-hoc career coach helping “disadvantaged” students land their dream jobs).
:: 通过建立我的第一个6位数的金融咨询业务 28.
:: 不久之后, 我跟着我的最深的电话,离开了企业的世界, in order to devote my time and energy to the group I’m committed to serve: 光之工作者. I did this switch within a month without prior industry connection! I just surrendered to my inner-master and allow all the support to come to my way.
:: Now I’ve personally mentored and guided hundreds of lightworkers and spiritual entrepreneurs to express their most authentic self through their work and life.
:: I’ve experienced chronic illness, PTSD, attempted rape and kidnap, 辱骂老板, breakups, building a life from the scratch in a foreign land…I know what it is like of going through touch times.
:: But I also know that, with faith and right tools, not only you can liberate your Soul, but you’ll also reach your true size.
您可以 read more about my journey here. 如果你想和我一起工作 1:1 请看我的 直观的灵魂会议页面.
Media love (online & paper, the West & the East)