Struggling? You Can Let Go…

let go of struggle

Sometimes it is not about what we do but how we do things that brings us happiness, joy and peace; or alternatively, anxiety, stress, or dissatisfaction, depending on how we direct our energy.

As human beings, of course sometimes we do struggle, such as when trying something new or under a difficult circumstance. However, we don’t need to create a story that we have no choice but suffering.

A lot of our suffering is self-perpetuated. When the mental exhaustion makes us skip self-care and turn us to restlessness, we are reinforcing a story that we are not worthy enough.

If this is not stopped promptly, we might even fall into a downward spiral.

So switch your gear. Tune in to a different channel.

Let go of “I can’t…””I have to…””I am not allowed…”If I don’t do this, I can’t survive…” this type of mentality and embrace more spontaneity. I hope the short video below (also made through spontaneity) will encourage you.

Do something different today. Or if you are doing the same thing, allow yourself to feel and approach it differently. Mundane is only mundane if we treat it as mundane.

Light yourself up.

With love,


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