What Lights You Up Is What Brings You Abundance

law of abundance, 精神光工人, manifesting abundance, 丰盛的祈祷

丰流 – 我们都希望在其持有, 感受灵感的电流, 慷慨与安全; 但有时我们渐行渐远.

这里有一些教训, 这是服务我很好现, but I learnt them the hard way in the past:

Δ When you feel that you cannot afford to take any time off is 当你需要回春最.

Δ When you are counting each second and stressing that you have less and less time to meet so-called deadlines is 当你需要走出去,做深呼吸或 100 the most.

Δ When your eyeballs are locked on a screen and you are frustrated why the numbers or stats are not wildly growing in line with your expectations is when you must detach and remind yourself that how connected you are with your creativity and your happiness is the most valuable and under-rated currency

The truth we often forget is: 做当下让你兴奋的事情是最快的方法 把丰盛的流量带回给你.

Maybe you are busy meeting the needs of others with no time to get back in touch with your real feelings.

Or you are at rock-bottom, 不知不觉中购买到人们认为你不值得被点亮.

但是,我要提醒你,有什么启发抵抗快乐, or turning down the beauty in your heart.

manifesting abundance, law of abundance, 光工作者, 丰冥想

“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~Howard Thurman

去, and leap into what lights you up, what makes your cells smile, 您的骨干强,目光柔和?


What lights you up?

A quick message for you – letting go of struggle + embrace your divine feminine energy into all aspects of your work.

要与你分享, 这是 真正重要的东西给我,点亮了我和我的包裹在温暖的嫩丰流…

Δ It is writing to you with a cup of hot chocolate with rum in hand, 而在我的肚子等着那一脚,照亮了这个冬天的一天.

Δ It is dancing and body movements that illuminate our body, through which we learn about our soul’s language better.

Δ It is to forgive everything and everyone who ever hurt me, 停止持有到的东西,显然不再为我服务, 然后失去自己在这个地方充满了轻松和摇头丸.

Δ It is letting go of worries, 焦虑, 纠缠模式, 不惜一切代价,让简单闪耀通过.

Δ It is the freedom to blog about topics my soul yearns to say, 并在频率感觉很好我的存在.

Δ It is doing business by inspiration not the rules – 除非灵感规则.

Δ It is giving myself permission to immerse into the ocean of esoteric studies and effortlessly apply them in daily life, 留下的人不知道: 你怎么做的 ?! 然后向他们保证,以开放的心脏 + 心神, 他们可以做 太.

Δ It is noting down every 同步和宇宙的浪漫 (大或小), 跳跃回到我的直觉 反复.

Δ It is hugging my loved ones, appreciating their essence and thanking them “是不是这样真棒,我们一起转世一遍, 但在这种形式是续航时间?”

Δ It is getting on the carousel, 无罪, 庆祝这一刻的生活像一个孩子…

光之工作者, 精神光工人, law of abundance, creating abundance


Signs that you are moving towards the abundance flow…

Stepping into abundance is not always easy, it demands us to understand ourselves, honour our desires and calling, and most importantly take action towards this direction.

Quite often that we fear we’ve made mistakes. Sometimes I am afraid too: “What if I am just filling a void instead of lifting myself up?” “Gosh, how much money does require!”…

Here is a simple guideline to help you discern.

If this is what you truly need and want, your heart will know. You will feel a big relief. You will feel empowered instead of empty inside.

给予自己的权限来体验一下点亮您是不是 “guilty pleasure”, 宁, it is 一个伟大的方式来检查与自己. 而往往你会得到回报…

例如, 甚至当我觉得我还不够好…

I wanted to attend a reception evening, 只是为了欢乐的纯粹, 乐趣和乐观对我未来的职业生涯. 但…其他与会者都更多的方式在他们的工作比我先进.

“不要去, 你只会使自己的傻瓜,” 因为在我的脑海一个声音说:, 另外一个在我的心脏低声, “你安全了, 去吧。”

后者赢了,我去, 很尴尬. Deep down though I was happy surrounded by useful information and positive vibes.

然后它来到抽奖时间 – 猜猜我是谁赢得了一瓶香槟? 🙂几个星期后, 我高兴和惊讶的脸是在工业杂志封面.

Or even when I had almost no money…

I came to the UK in 2001 with a big vision but mega funds. After I paid my University tuition fee and the first quarterly rent, I had about £1,200 left in my bank account.

At that time, all I wanted was a laptop so that I could get all my course work done in my room without travelling 30 minutes each way to the Uni computer centre.

In a breezy autumn day, I found an electronic shop and they were doing a deal on Acer: £1,000. I took it. Of course I worried about how on earth I could support myself with £200 for the rest of the year. So I did everything I could to find jobs.

It wasn’t easy but my reward was pretty cool:

Δ Through my student jobs (8 of them in total across three years), 我学到了一些街头英语, 不仅 “我姑姑有一个红色的伞” 再.

Δ The shop manager offered me free installment of Microsoft office on my laptop.

Δ The laptop helped me to stay in touch with my family and friends in China during Xmas breaks when everyone else in the block had gone home. It was less scary to stay in the ridiculously quiet and dark building by yourself for three weeks!

Δ When the laptop went wrong two years later, 其保修期外, when I called the company up, the friendly angel said: “I don’t know why but we will get it fixed for you anyway.”


当我决定全力投入到我的精神业务, 我是进入一个巨大的学习曲线. 巧合的是,我们还发现,我们想买房. 支付初始包干后, 我的现金流低.

有一些非常酷的课程,我想投入​​到, 我不知道该怎么办.

指南 nudged me: “要求加薪。” 他们引导我到互联网上的一些自由协商的材料.

天 1, 我看了所有的材料. 天 2, 我订了会议. 天 5, 我要求加薪,并把它 – 刚够支付课程.

My infant business has grown rapidly ever since.

The scares, 自我怀疑和有限的信念感到如此激烈和真实, 但…they are just not truth.

The truth? Life is a pleasure and we are here to enjoy it.

creating abundance, how to attract abundance, 相信你的直觉

您的 angles and guides work very hard to delivery abundance to you and reward you when you do take care of your needs.


签名, 一冶张直观的 & 富足指南,

PS. 奖金材料已添加到 创意思维的金钱急救箱. 这是一个令人困惑的世界, 许多信息听起来不错,但忽略了我们敏感和相关的本质. 或者我们可以尝试应用一个理论, 但潜意识阻止了我们.

所以当我创建这个工具包时, 我已经包括了引导冥想, mantras, 现实生活中的故事, 以及分步实用指南, 结合二十年的数字和精神背景经验. 我希望这个工具包能为您提供锚点,让您在一段对您来说真实的丰富关系中导航.

自封锁以来的去年, 我还花了一些安静的时间添加材料,帮助我们在这些不确定的时期感到平静. 这些新材料不收取额外费用.

我确实希望,如果您感到边缘化,里面的这些工具和资源会提升您, 如果您为自我价值而挣扎,请赋予您力量, 如果您现在准备升级,请鼓励您, 但在这个微妙的过程中需要更多实用的指导来告诉你真实的自我.

如果你觉得叫, 我希望你会喜欢它!

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