Spirituality + Business = 5 Lessons I Learnt From This Equation

光工作者, spiritual light workers, 金融丰, 如何吸引更多的钱

This was me, about three years ago. 我说的是我的萌芽企业和我的梦想和渴望在视频拍摄会话. A few days ago prior to this, I got a nasty (and unsolicited) comment from someone. It wasn’t just anyone, but a person I respected and considered as a friend. I was younger and more fragile and I nearly cancelled this opportunity to share my vision with the world.

I won’t bore you with the details, but in a nutshell, 那个人认为,所有宣布的精神的人应该免费才有效, 和上帝保佑,如果你有一个网站和社交媒体发表您的看法. He (voluntarily) 洗完澡我自己的判断的雨.

我把我的好几天,以反映, 辨别什么是我的声音,什么是 theirs.

{ #1. You are not for everyone.}

That was my very first lesson: 最坏的攻击可能来自那些 “精神的人” around you. But it can be a good thing when this happens:

Δ You’ll get deeper insight on what kind of life you feel drawn to the most and go create it.

Δ You will learn to value yourself more. 你只能是你是谁. Don’t be stressed out by peer pressure. What’s true for 他们 isn’t necessarily true for you.

Δ You’ll get to define “友谊” on your own terms. 说实话, I had been kinda “slutty” on this before. “You are spiritual, oh I am spiritual too. 你 must 是朋友!” 尽可能每个人都有他/她自己的神圣性, 真正的友谊是一种幸福,它需要大量的时间来滋养. It taught me that my heart is only in for quality, 总算.

Δ You’ll know that, 从第一手经验, 仇敌只是仇敌. 它的一部分 “闪耀你的光” 大局观. 生命中有更重要的事情给你做,而不是纠缠于他们.

Δ Ultimately, you are not for everybody, the sooner you realise this, the sooner you’ll release harsh judgement towards yourself + help those who can genuinely benefit from working with you.

It’s up to you to live your spirituality on you own terms. 这是你的工作,创造一个有利的环境,分享你的礼物在感觉很好的一种方式 .

{ #2. Money and abundance is on your side, but only if allow.}

The old motto was: “I love my work sooooo much, I’ll do it for free.”

不要误会我的意思, 它有它自己的优点, 但限制太多. 作为一个企业家, 你必须能够支付账单,使您的企业财务健康. It’s hard to serve the world when you are broke.

I believe this is a better one, “I love my work so much, 我会得到妥善报酬,这样我可以做到这一点愉快和可持续。”

Money and abundance is on your side, but only if 允许.

When I began coaching, I had local coaches here suggesting I should charge a tiny amount for a hour or so to start with. Every single cell in my body felt wrong. 后来, I understood why. 一切是能源和能源出. When I do 1:1 工作, I craft and deliver a very big container for intense work – just my nature – charging a tiny amount was a mis-match to the work I give out.

I’m glad that I listened to my body. As soon as I honoured my work and my gifts, I attracted ideal clients who enjoy working with me and absolutely make most of our interaction together, in many cases even before the session started…

A lot of time, when we think that we have money problems, it’s actually has nothing to do with money, but our self-worth, our deep wounds, our understanding towards the spiritual realms and how laws work on the physical world through the higher dimensions…

Use money as a way to heal yourself over and over again – you deserve being seen and held. 钱 (or your money woes will help you see the truth underneath. Money is sacred. Charging your worth is good for your soul. 否则, you are doing a disservice for both you and your clients.

Are you getting by? Working so hard to make ends meet?

Do you keep giving but your clients still don’t seem to appreciate you enough or they feel entitled to so many unreasonable requests?

Let money be your guide and shift this whole dynamic.

{ #3. You cannot bypass the emotional stuff.}




钱块 – keep giving but feel guilty to receive.

可见性问题, dealing with haters like the above.

Dynamic of long family lineage of old old and old programming which doesn’t serve your happiness.

All your childhood 东东.

…这种情感 “东东” is real work too. Don’t be so harsh on yourself when you face them.

They’ll get amplified during your entrepreneurial journey, 而不是完全消除. But your entrepreneurial journey is just a mirror, not the cause. This is your opportunity to find out the cause then shine brighter.

Be your best cheerleader. Take yourself on an abundance date (or many) and keep doing your work.

Still in doubt? 只是笑一下, you’ll get through them. 我保证. Just don’t give up before you get there.

当你正在经历的情感障碍, it can feel like this:

Pushing through is very exhausting, but you don’t need to do it that way. 因为:

{ #4. Divine feminine energy will gift you grace.}

If you use your masculine side to fix your emotions, 事, such as the relationship with your clients and community, 不管怎么努力,你试试, sometimes, 只是不会发生你, or it seems like it is getting worse.

Here is the solution: instead of pushing through, you birth it through.

It doesn’t mean that you will sit there all day doing nothing, 但:

Δ Trust the process, there is a universal force growing in your business, it is called expansion.

Δ Honour your natural cycle and rhythms. There is time for masculine structure and “让自己在那里” – the being the sunshine for everyone; equally important is your “moon time”, your own feminine flow, your own needs, your emotional abundance and wellness.

Δ If the “birthing” causes a lot of pain, if you are overwhelmed by all the “contractions” that life throws at you, remember to breathe. Deep, and a lot. You’ll get through.

Δ Consistently up your capacity to receive. Especially if you feel guilty or wrong or ashamed to receive, it’s time to change. When one cannot receive love (whatever that form is), s/he is not that kind, towards the Self nor the giver.

divine feminine grace gives us the intelligence to shift our perception and trust All-That-Is, can you feel it? Embrace this energy into everything you do in your business, your business will LOVE you for that!

{ #5. Uplevel your consciousness and your business will (自然) flow.}


♥ I can’t believe how many things have changed: 我的列表大小, almost my entire website, my offering, 从一个房间到基于自由企业, increased ease and confidence, a full practice and creative life!

♥ I can’t believe how many things have changed: the joy of crafting a hand-made business based on who you are, 渴望表达自我,并渴望帮助别人谁具有相同的疼痛......

You want to create out of your heart. You want to make an impact in the world. You want clarity, grace and capacity to provide for your family.

I see who you are. 我是另一个你.

专注于你的大WHY, 作为你的成长经历, it will elevate your consciousness.

As your consciousness grows, you will inevitably make a bigger impact.

没有必要去追逐闪亮的物体, no need to overly compare yourself to others. Don’t let FOMO make decisions for you. 正如他们所说: “When the students are ready, the teacher will appear”. You’ll be guided to the right tools at the right time.



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Ecstatically yours,

一冶张, 金融直观, 专家钱

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