Write Like A Devoted Half-ass…

Once in a while, 我得到这样的电子邮件: “一冶喜, 英语不是我的第一语言不是. Can you give me some advice to make it work?” 已经四年运行此网站 (万岁!), I want to share some of my blogging processes, in case it helps you.

Here we go, facts:

1. 我求人

我聘请了我的第一次电子书一个惊人的编辑器 Express中的主. My husband graciously and generously checked every single blog post in my early days for grammatic purposes, 这是交给我的助理,然后.

因为我越来越舒服, 现在我问谷歌的帮助,只要不确定. (有时, I might still ask hubby, friends or strangers:”Do you Britons use so and so to explain xyz?”)

获得更多的经验,肯定帮我发布文章和通讯,方案和课程,在那里 – I must admit previously the process was daunting and constipation-felt when everything was only half ready.

Grammar can hold back your publishing speed, so do ask for assistance and support whenever necessary, 不要使它更难为自己.


2. Often speed has nothing to do with your grammar proficiency


不要太在意你现在拥有多么少的词汇或eccentic grammatic风格.


Please do not just nod then go back to your perfectionist self and rarely press your wordpress “出版” 钮. 去做 什么样点亮您, 从那个地方写, 你会明白我的意思.

3. 写这样一个虔诚的半屁股

词有震动. 振型你的世界. 写下来的话简直声称你的空间, 在纸上,并在世界上. 语言是美丽的,可以是复杂的, 但最终,他们只是美丽和复杂的工具.


Your purpose is to become a devoted half-ass ie. take the pressure off yourself.

分手今天perfectionsim, 该遗址的潜力, 现实, 修成正果, 喜悦…basically, 一切! Be a half-ass – there is nothing shameful about overcoming resistance and producing work consistently – let God take care of the quality.

Let your enthusiasm be your best guide – that is your devotion.

4. Read as often as possible

It will help. A lot.

5. Write as often as possible

It will help. Much and much more.


Happy writing – to all the devoted half-asses out there! We are all in this together.


吸引力法则, intuition, 金钱教练

2 关于“的想法”Write Like A Devoted Half-ass…

  1. 您共享的提示是这样的帮助和真实, 和我的作为非母语的经验是相同的. 特别 4 & 5! 我已经学到了很多有关语法几年激烈的博客比在学校里我的英语课, 只是沉浸在书面文字所有的时间.

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