Vivir una vida auténtica en un mundo loco

yiye zhang

“Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a ‘hot mess’ or having ‘too many issues’ are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.”
― Anthon St. Maarten

Atrévete a fluir

Vivir una vida auténtica es una vida muy gratificante, inspired and guided by your higher self.

It has nothing to do with how you are perceived or projected, or how perfect (imperfect) eres.

Se trata de vivir su verdad, nothing but your personal, whole truth. As you are committed to your original self as doctors are to diagnosis, compromiso con su autenticidad es su medicamento para la curación.

Su autenticidad es personal, privada y sin embargo completamente humano que es tan universal.

No se puede investigar sobre la autenticidad, think or talk yourself into authenticity.

Es algo que necesita ser sentida.

Es un centro de la sabiendo que ninguna circunstancia externa puede tomar distancia de usted.

Al igual que un océano no necesita demostrar su esplendor, una montaña no tiene que mostrar su fuerza, su autenticidad está arraigado en su ADN.

As you lean into your raw emotions at the present time, however you feel, déjalo fluir.

“Lo que fluye va mucho,” Lao Zi.

This is a concept that is hard for our brain to grasp.

Ámate a tí mismo, manifestación abundancia, la intuición en desarrollo, rasgos trabajadoras de la luz, semillas estelares, pregunte a su péndulo, reinos espirituales, trabajador de la luz en la tierra, Sonia Choquette

Tenía un cliente, un escritor de gran alcance y cautiva, con una mente activa. La mente le dijo que ella debe analizar lo que los temas que debía escribir sobre, when to publish the piece, y la forma de conectar con personas influyentes así y así en la blogosfera.

She used that approach a few times with “moderate successes”, segun ella.

“It all made sense. My plan should work. And the results should be way better!”

“It made sense to your brain, but how about the rest of your body? How does it make your heart feel?” I asked her.

After a long pause, “Miserable! Para ser completamente honesto, my heart feels restricted…”

Whatever we create, if the heart is left out of the process, it won’t be full, delicious or long-lasting. “Ask your heart how she wants to get involved.” I prompted.

“hmmmm, I guess much more spontaneous, intuitivo, more open and intimate.” Her voice lifted up but then went flat again, “but this feels too risky, too vulnerable. I don’t know if this way works. After all, my hard work before did yield some results, which I don’t want to abandon…”

El dilema que tenía es la que muchos de nosotros que quieren llevar una vida auténtica – personally, creatively and professionally – face.

Como estar de pie en el borde de un abismo, diving into the unknown, you could fly high and enjoy the rise, or you could end up falling into the dark should your wings be not nearly as strong as you thought.

The anxiety, fear and confusion is real.

But so is the quiet power of your heart. The calling will never go away. Al final de la día, you are here to do what you were born to do.

My client took a leap of the faith and wrote what truly mattered to her although she wasn’t sure if it was marketable or sensible.

It was hard to click the “publicar” botón, but she had already invested her soul into the piece, it was too late to bail out the last minute.

She asked for prayers and uplifting thoughts, and I joyfully sent mine with great admiration of her courage.

It turned out that her new writing not just mattered to her, but her audience too. In her own voice, escribió verdad de que sus compañeros eran demasiado miedo de hablar o demasiado ocupado para comercializar constantemente otras cosas. It was honest, it was refreshing, it was…pretty dang bold…

“People are sharing my work organically and voluntarily. Y me invitaron a ser parte de una Cumbre! Puedes creerlo?!” Ella me escribió tres semanas más tarde con gran entusiasmo.

Por supuesto que creo que, a pesar de que podría no ser necesariamente en esta forma particular (esta parte es siempre el trabajo de la divina, no de ella ni el mío), pero el resultado justo coincide con la forma en que su corazón quería sentir: espontáneo, intuitivo, más abierta e íntimo. 💗

Ella no hace nada inteligente, pero se animó y elevado a la audiencia. Ella era fácil identificarse.

Su mensaje sincero alimenta su comunidad. Su comunidad y luego le dio de comer con muchas oportunidades merecidos.

“Lo que fluye va mucho, lo que va vuelve de lejos.” Nuestro ancestro transmite la sabiduría hace miles de años.

Ese es el poder de autenticidad – you have that too.

How To Be Authentic In This Crazy World

Dance Into Your Authenticity

Tengo una confesión: Yo solía ser una pareja de baile tales exigente.

I constantly complained: he leads too softly, he pushes me too hard, he is not listening to my signals, le falta la musicalidad, he can’t even do the steps, he can’t improvise in the moment…blablabla, without taking a proper look at my attitude.

No es de extrañar por qué había desaparecido de la escena baile social por un tiempo. Basically, Yo estaba en mi peor pesadilla.

Until sometime last year, growing as a healer, I gained a new perspective in partner dancing.

Seguro, it is one of the most challenging “dialogues” with another human being. And over the years, que ha dado lugar a duda las cosas en mí.

pareja de baile puede ser fácilmente malinterpretado:

No se trata de llenar un vacío en ti que no podría cumplirse en otros lugares, it is not about getting techniques spot on, it is not about lashing out stress from a busy day, and it is definitely not about if you are dancing with a beginner or a pro…

But it is a conscious choice on mindfulness, on intention, on humanity.

Human journey can be fragile, because of the sorrow and pain, because of injustice and prejudice, we dance.

We dance on our own, for liberation, for joy and celebration, for witness and expression.

We dance in pairs, holding and being held by one another.

yiye zhang, danza, autenticidad
con Chirag, foto por Abbas Ali

Can we see the in person in front of us? Really see him/her and interact with their pure essence? Can we put our own insecurity aside for a moment and offer our light? Can we forget about “knowledge” for a second and simply share a breath with them?

That’s when we connect at a much deeper level. That’s where authenticity comes in. Like cracking an overdue code, I began to enjoy a dance with everyone – my humbling journey led me to true freedom.

con David, foto por Abbas Ali
con David, foto por Abbas Ali

Living with authenticity is like a dance.

A dance with self-love.

When your most authentic self emerges from confusion, heartbreak, darkness, or trauma, it seeks its root and guidance. And self-love is much required for the root and guidance.

El novio de mi amigo es un fotógrafo aficionado. She hasn’t felt about anyone the way she feels about him for a long time.

She enjoys him so much, and he is very fond of her too.

She supports him on his artistic devotion. She attends classes, checking the latest gadgets on amazon, running around – at times during unsocial hours – just to get one shot right out of hundreds.

She wanted the relationship to move faster, and she believed that if she showed him how much she is passionate about photography, he would see what a Soulmate she is.

So she went to even more classes, researched for more equipment, stayed up all night to catch the sunrise at the perfect moment. Her feeds were filled with more and more beautiful scenery pictures. Except…her relationship didn’t move faster and she was not nearly as happy she thought she would be.

She asked me what I would do in her situation.

“It is so sweet that you are doing all the wonderful things for your relationship, your boyfriend is really lucky to have you! But put that aside for a second, what do you really want to do? How is your pursuit in acting going lately?” Knowing her reasonably well, I was curious about her childhood passion.

Aquí está la cosa, we all know how “autenticidad” is spelt, we can say it easily, but it is not just a buzz word, but a way of living.

It is a bold acknowledgement of your bright light emerging out of this rather complex world.

It is not always straightforward to embody, especially when we are around people who we care about so much, it is easy to take their dream as ours.

Check in with yourself at least three times each day: “What do I really want?”

:: you can start with small things such as if you want soup or toast for breakfast, this will train you to be less and less likely to make decisions on autopilot.

:: if there is conflict and you are torn by choices, I highly encourage you to ask yourself this question: “If I were loving myself fiercely, what would I do?”

:: if you are frustrated because you don’t even know what you want, don’t despair, take your attention to the present moment, breathe deeply. You are exactly where you need to be, trust that the right insight will reveal itself soon…

You go…

Your Best Self Is Always Calling

Contrariamente a la creencia común, being your best self does not mean that you must be perfect, o peor, transcend your ego completely. Let’s save that for fantasy!

En lugar, what we are aiming for here is accuracy and self-compassion – be preciously who you are at the bone.

:: What genuinely lights you up?
:: How comfortable are you sitting with your raw emotion without judging it?
:: In what ways can you accept yourself better? All of you, both light and shadow
:: It’s human and healthy to have a ego while walking on planet Earth, and what can you do today to take care of your basic needs so that your ego is relatively balanced? That you are part of the solution not the problem?

It is within reach, and you can do it.

If you want a quick reminder about your best self, I made this video (with helpful resources) para usted.

The Calling, “¿Estás listo para su entrada?”

Vive la vida cuando le significan para conducir, decir adiós a una relación sin salida, alejarse de esa situación abusiva, decir que sí a un riesgo creativo con plena fe…

El viaje en sí mismo no es una línea recta, but you know it well when your best self is calling you to your most authentic path.

Cuando la parte antigua de nosotros salir de nuestras células, when our inner-voice whisper that the yearning could become reality, difícilmente podemos llegar a resistir.

Su mejor auto está siempre llamando: llamando a levantarse y crecer, a enroscarse y curar, para buscar y enseñar, para guiar e inspirar.

It reminds you of what you have forgotten and who you really are.

Que viven con el borde de su autenticidad, Ya no asustado por cualquiera “fracaso” o “éxito”, regrese a la inocencia de su verdadero yo.

Aquí es donde el poder, potencia, peace and passion all come in and working together together.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” – Carl Jung.

Descansando en el pasillo de su vida, su alma está llamando, “¿Estás listo para su entrada?”

¿Estás listo para su entrada?

Si usted está cansado de las viejas formas de “chuparla hasta”, “adormecer a cabo”, o “presionante todo lo que fuera su”, but looking for new ways to forge ahead: mas creativo, more hand-made, más satisfactorio (adentro hacia afuera), more natural and more…usted, Estoy aquí para ayudarle. He abierto algunas nuevas manchas disponible para intuitiva Soul Sessions.

yiye zhang, cómo desarrollar su intuición, confía en tus instintos, confiar en su intuición, confiando en su intuición, la forma de operar en el reino espiritual, conciencia espiritual, la espiritualidad y la práctica, listen to your intuition, escuchar a su intuición, manifestación abundancia, la intuición en desarrollo, rasgos trabajadoras de la luz, semillas estelares, pregunte a su péndulo, reinos espirituales, trabajador de la luz en la tierra, Sonia Choquette, five element acupuncture, five element acupuncture london

Con todo mi amor,


2 pensamientos sobre "Vivir una vida auténtica en un mundo loco

  1. Gracias hermosa Yiye! Esto es exactamente lo que necesitaba para leer hoy. Su escritura siempre toca un lugar muy dentro de mí, como si usted está hablando con mi alma.

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