“If I Were Loving Myself Fiercely…”

Sometimes life throws countless choices at me, and often these choices are not easy for my mind to make. And I still remember how frustrating it was for me during my early 20s, I got lost in the sea of other people’s energy, didn’t know how to honour myself, my inner voice was buried or hidden until I got serious ill…

Sin embargo, with some dedicated practice in recent years, the whole dynamic has changed and things keep getting simpler.

It all started with this question:

“If I were loving myself fiercely, I would…”

Before I asked myself this question, I’d rub my hands then put them on my heart.

“If I were loving myself fiercely, I would get up with the sun and go to bed with the moon.”

“If I were loving myself fiercely, I would take a long and nourishing break from this chaos without guilt.”

“If I were loving myself fiercely, I would say NO and really mean it.”

“If I were loving myself fiercely, I would say YES and give my all.”

“If I were loving myself fiercely, I would drop my guard as nobody else has the power to hurt me.”

“If I were loving myself fiercely, I would still pay attention to what my vibes tell me and trust it.”

“If I were loving myself fiercely, I would pause and assess if the person right in front is ready for me to share all my heart with.”

“If I were loving myself fiercely, I would invest in my Spirit and do what lights me up.”

“If I were loving myself fiercely, I would let go of any artificial pressure and simply be.”

“If I were loving myself fiercely, I would prioritise self-expression by writing, baile, drawing and anything which feels authentic and empowering.”

“If I were loving myself fiercely, I would respect my body and emotions.”

What would you do if you were loving yourself fiercely?

yiye zhang, la intuición en desarrollo, semillas estelares, vivir su propósito,

2 pensamientos sobre "“If I Were Loving Myself Fiercely…”

  1. Hermoso mensaje. Gracias, lo que realmente resonó conmigo. Sé que fue publicada a principios de diciembre, pero sólo he visto-que es una gran manera para que empiece el nuevo año! Acabo inmovilicé la frase “If I were loving myself fiercely, I would…” en mi escritorio.
    Gracias y feliz año nuevo!

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