Re-publishing policy:

I believe in affinity, if you enjoy any of my articles on this website, no dude en utilizar, cuota, o volver a publicar, in your book, on your site, during your workshop, or in whichever ways that you are helping your community. No hay necesidad de pedir permiso, pero sí es necesario para acreditar mi trabajo y esta URL del sitio web.

Advice policy:

I value my community. En el pasado, Dirijo una “You Asked, I listened” Q & A segment on my blog. Gracias a esas preguntas impresionantes enviados por usted, este Q & Un segmento cubre una amplia gama de temas. Puede leer mi previous advice articles here.

Adicionalmente, para ayudarle a crecer continuamente personalmente, espiritual y profesionalmente, Puedo alojar Salon Divino serie, donde voy a responder a sus preguntas candentes y compartir mis últimos consejos sobre Dinero / Abundancia, Espiritualidad / Intuición & Femenino Divino Poder. Más detalles están llegando – stay tuned!

Guest post policy:

I adore generosity. I publish high-quality guest posts at times. If you have something original and incredibly useful, such as practical tips, an inspiring story, a heart-felt message, or a beautiful creation that you want to share with us, you are welcome to email me Si hay un buen ajuste, your article will be published and joyfully shared with our community (including your bio and URL). Here are a couple of examples for you: 1 & 2. A good collaboration is always soul-nurturing.

Ads-free & if you want to offer support:

Trust is everything. That’s why I’m keeping this space ads-free (with exception of occasional affiliate partnership for products/services that I personally used and loved and I believe that it will also bring you awesome results – which will be fully and clearly disclosed). It is not just me who created this community – you and I co-created this cool space. If you find value here and would like to support me [thank you thank you and thank you!], there are so many ways, tal como:

+ share your favourite blog posts on your favourite social media channels;

+ forward my email to a dear friend who is in need hearing some encouraging and helpful words;

+ y por supuesto, if you are in a place to be guided and supported right now, you can find more of me right here y aquí, so that we can put you right back to your soul’s real path.

…muchas gracias, big heart!


Thank you for reading & have a good day!

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