Q & La: Draw Your Best Answers From Within

intuition, negocio espiritual, ley de la atracción, ser positivo

Starting a business can be one of the most challenging projects that you will ever do. You need to constantly improve your mental strength, sharpen your spiritual awareness, not to mention all the practical aspects.

Sin embargo, when external resources cannot give you potent answers, such as how exactly to combine your passions into one brand, dealing with daily chicken or egg situations, where should you turn?

Bien, la investigación muestra que 80% of our brain is dedicated to the unconscious patterns, and only 20% to the conscious. While you can use the 20% to analyse all the pros and cons, you can also tap into the 80% and unleash the truth and gold from your heart-based enterprise, with more ease and speed.

Much easier said than done? OKAY, here are a few rich and juicy real life examples to help you navigate.


#1. How can I combine all my “hats” such as reiki healing vs blog coaching

“I just wanted to write and say that your article was inspirational, and maybe ask if you could guide me with something I have been pondering? I want to be able to help others in the area of blogging – I believe that a blog is an extension of the person who owns it and I would love to empower them to share their passions and hobbies with the world (with a little help from me in the beginning).
También, I’m a very Spiritual person – a Reiki Master and I love to write about healing and living a life filled with love and positivity.
I have a very simple issue – how do I combine my writing about healing with showing others how to set up and manage a blog?I would really appreciate your thoughts on this.
Con amor, respect and blessings – Mike”

Thanks so much for this brilliant question Mike.

Primeramente, I just love that you asked “How do I combine…” no “Can I combine…”

This is the first step to tap into your inner wisdom. Once you’ve given yourself permission to go after all your passions, it’s a powerful intention to start with.

I was once told by a colleague that she couldn’t pin down my exact niche.

I didn’t take offence. I laughed as I browsed my own blog – I write on varied topics from intuitive development to talking to your guides, from removing your self-doubt to money relationship, from femininity to business nitty-gritty, from mercury retrograde to unblocking creativity…

It all looks scattered on the surface, but this is just a disguise of stepping into who I am. I don’t restrict myself. I have been loyal to my curiosity and intuition.

And it has been really healthy for my business building, because this process helps me to become a mirror for readers to be true to themselves. I don’t have to shout in order to connect with potential clients, but encourage them to find their truth by simply being true to myself.

En breve, I build my business based on my essence. Connecting with my essence makes me feel expansive. Y como usted sabe, expansion means natural growth. Como resultado, ideal clients always find me regardless. And those are the clients I enjoy working with the most anyway.

I believe that your business/blog should be able to free you, not restrict you. As long as you are clear about what you write.

You asked how to combine your two passions. Pero en lugar, you probably want to know how to build your brand/business in alignment with your essence.

Modalities, such as different types of healing or vessels such as blogging, are wonderful, but it’s only because YOUR ESSENCE can make them wonderful.

The Answer?

Let your intuition lead you to your true essence. (Check out this intuition quiz if you haven’t already)

Your essence is your energetic signature sparkled from the source energy, your unique expression of the divine, the same origin that makes the stars and ocean. Even if you are not aware of it, it is there. It beams the light, the wisdom, the universal truth as well as your own beauty.

For various reasons, our society artificially put us into different boxes.

We feel obligated to introduce ourselves as a healer, or a writer, or a business coach, or a teacher, or what-so-ever is named. And that our businesses must have a clearly defined niche to be acceptable.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by your stories or what others expect (does my title make sense? will people “llegar” my offering), and miss out on the real gem – your essence.

Your essence is a part that you cannot improve upon, there are no flaws with your essence. Only the style.

Quieten your mind chatter, tap into your intuitive voice while playing with the following prompts:


:: 1 Quién es usted? What is your style (es decir,. how have you consistently lived your life) regardless of your stories?

Por ejemplo, mi estilo, despite my stories across two continents and half a dozen professions, es “out-of-box” and see the inter-connection underneath.

My intuition says that you have an innate ability to create and build structure, whether it is a new lifestyle, a new routine, a creative project or venture, you are very enthusiastic to be hands-on.

And you have a real gift to not only see the best in people but also to help them create practical steps to get there. ¿Es usted resuena? [Don’t let this overly influence you by the way, what’s your own answer?]

:: 2 Can you feel your essence?

Do you feel comfortable to lean on your essence? Do you have confidence that along with your blogging journey, people are more interested in the fact that you speak from your heart, but less so on the exact topic you are talking about at a certain point?

:: 3 What do you believe in?

Go and share what your believe openly on your own blog.

Share your passion for Reiki, for healing, for living a life full of inspiration.

Share your passion for blogging.

Share practical how-to advice on setting up a blog.

Address emotional barriers when it comes to creating a blog, such as the nerves just before you click “publicar”, the butterfly when you talk about your blog with your loved ones – “will they accept me and who I really am”?

Aquí está la cosa: even if you give people the exact steps, the screen shot, the step-by-step domain installation, how to choose tags or theme colour…They will still be held back by fears. And I’m pretty sure that Reiki healing can soothe some (if not all) of their anxiety, fears and worries – share the how-to steps with them.

Start with sharing your passions (no matter what they are), you’ll connect with your favorite people this way. Soon you’ll hear some saying: “Oh, sí, I really resonate with you. Can you please help me on…”

Whether sharing them on one domain, or two domains, is up to your own style. As long as you share your passions with no holding back!

The answer is probably simpler than you think.

:: 4 Borrow people from real life

Say a prayer, invoke and connect with your Guides and Angels, ask them to bring people into your life, who will deliver the exact messages that you need to hear to grow your business.

Be highly present with these people (es decir,, God-sent helpers), ask them questions such as:”What do you want in life right now? Where do you think you are stuck? Are there any ways I can help you?” Attentively listen and I’m sure that you’ll be so inspired and become more and more clear.

Do this as often as you can. It’s utterly fun, surprising and inspirational.

Enjoy playing with your business venture. Keep leaning back to your intuition.

Buena suerte & keep us posted!

#2. Shatter the chicken/egg myth

It has been guaranteed: I will hear this question once in a while: “What’s your advice on my chicken/egg situation?”, tal como

“I need experience in order to attract clients, but I need some clients to gain experience first.”

“I want to launch a live event that requires a deposit. But I need committed participants now in order to fund the deposit.”

Here is my very honest answer: Chicken/egg situation? There is no such thing! (otherwise we would not see neither chicken nor egg on this planet!)

As a deliberate creator, no matter how stuck you sentir, it is not a chicken/egg problem! That’s just a conundrum to confuse your mind even further.

So what can you do instead then?

Go deep with your intuition & see the truth underneath.

Ser brutalmente honesto con usted mismo, “Is this something that I really want right now. Or is something to distract me right now so that I can avoid my true desire?”

Don’t ever underestimate this simple validation, it can save you tons of frustration or even heart-break.

Potential clients signed up your discovery sessions, but half of them didn’t show up, because they “forgot” o “fell asleep”. You checked your instructions and you spelled out your policy crystal-clearly.

Instead of getting upset and dwelling into an old story: “Oh they always let me down” o “urrg, I will never have ideal clients”, ask yourself this question, do you really want to offer what you are offering, in precisely this way, en absoluto?

[spoiler: the answer is probably NO]. Then give yourself the permission to do it in a way that will genuinely uplift you.

Although it is not always easy to see your deep truth:

We are wired to feel helpless whenever we sentir stuck in a pattern. Spending most of our time being frustrated does not help us to see the truth, which is understandable. But I want to assure you that the real solution is probably only just around the corner. The first step is to make yourself available to see it.

I once had a very caring and talented client, who was taking a lot of pro-bono clients at the time. She always felt depleted, but she firstly didn’t trust her body intelligence.

So keen to grow her new business, she believed that the next step was to get even more pro-bono clients who might later on “magically” turn themselves into paying clients.

But at that point whenever she signed up a pro-bono client, they just flaked out last minute. Understandably she was extremely annoyed and confused.

The situation looked complicated on the surface but it was not, when you tune into it: it was simply an energetic leakage.

So I suggested, “How do you feel about starting to charge and working with less people? Or take a few weeks off completely and just focus on yourself for a change, having been working 8 months non-stop?”

After a long silence, she said, “It felt good to hear this. En el fondo, this is what I want, although I don’t believe that I’m already in this place to charge my work for real.”

“Bien, you are called to become a true professional now. If you are not ready, your body would not have given you all those signs. So trust yourself and behave like a professional, and people will respond accordingly.”

It was a big step-up. She was frightened at first, but she was even more scared to always feel depleted. Así que ella le dio un ir.

El resultado? She got paid and she was a lot happier.

That is how seeing clearly with your intuitive insights can bring you a beautiful breakthrough quickly.

But occasionally even when you see your deep truth, it is not always so easy to honour it:

I had bazillions of projects that I wanted to take on last year. They all sounded exciting and felt liberating. I budgeted resources and allocated time in order to bring them into fruition.

Then funny thing happened: I just could not move forward. (My feet literally hurt, talking about body intelligence again).

The little hunch in my heart told me: “Stop pushing yourself. You want more healing space right now. Grant yourself more time and relaxation.”

Al principio, I ignored this voice, “What are you on about?” Luché, luchado y peleado. I never felt that exhausted before, mainly due to my internal conflicts.

I judged myself, I thought that I was being lazy, I stayed up late to “get things done”. But I couldn’t focus, communication with team members often fell apart and things just didn’t get done.

Clearly I wasn’t in the flow, and I missed being in the flow – that was how I birthed this business from the first place.

I sighed. Putting this massive A4 notebook full of my plans into my drawer, I browsed into my PC drive: hundreds of business courses I bought in the past didn’t seem to be able to “save me” either. “What’s wrong with everything!”

“Stop trying to get ahead yourself, you have more healing to do.” This voice popped back again.

“What about my business growth? What about my community? What about my purpose?” As my mind went so chaotic, waves of un-witnessed emotions started rising up – so overwhelming that it challenged my daily reality. Apparently this was called “dark nights of the soul”. I must admit that it was one of the hardest times emotionally in my adult life.

“Why on earth do I have to go through PTSD?” It was beyond my intellect. I gave up trying to “figure it all out”, which in turn gave my Spirit some space to step in, “Because you are strong enough to release something old now…”

Afortunadamente, there was always a silver lining. Gradualmente, I began to understand my intuitive voice. I started noticing my “cosas”, accept them as they are, and heal my subconscious wounds, one after another.

The healing was so beautiful (I wish that I surrendered earlier), along with many many unexpected miracles such as a much more improved, conscious and healthier relationship with my family – how can you put a price/growth rate on that?!

During that phase, I deliberately paused my services. It felt right at the time. I took this big window opportunity to unlearn everything that I learnt from gurus (gurus are great, just that…it’s them, no me).

I had always been running my business in an authentic way, but I didn’t know that there are so many layers of authenticity.

From scary to exhilarating, I watched myself with amazement to shed away voices, phrases, methods that no longer serve my true Self.

El resto? As you’ve guessed, I leaped back into the flow.

My business grew from an even more organic place, and it kept getting simpler and more original.

My soul always knew what I needed, and I was NOT as stuck as I thought. There was actually nothing wrong. It was just a beautiful lesson for me to honour this truth: necesita lo que usted necesita.

Por otra parte, if the answer of “Is this something I realmente want now” is YES.

I invite you to rewind your memory. For all those wonderful things that you have created to date, despite any external influences, you managed to reach an agreement within, then boom, you suddenly attracted all kinds of support you needed, and it happened like magic, derecho?

Go all the way in! 100%!

Por ejemplo, you really want to gather the deposit so that you can launch your next live event?

Then list every possible way that you can fund your venture.

:: sell your existing offering

:: make a few new bite-sized offerings & offer them TODAY

:: tell your colleagues and friends about them

:: ask for referrals

:: invite your past clients to recommend your work

:: do some introductory talks/webinars/blog tour/discovery sessions/whatever marketing method that you enjoy

:: ir 100% to fund your project, get a short-contract if necessary….

Seguro, you will experience resistance along the way, but if this is something you truly want to do, the rewards are way sweeter and you voluntad subside your fears – it’s like riding the waves in the ocean.

El propietario de ella. When this is your true desire, when you give your 100%, it’s impossible to fail.

You don’t need 100s more clients to get more experience, nor to become perfectly experienced to do your next project. Stop stressing out about what you do not have right now. The next step will show up at the right time.

You just need to collaborate with your intuition further, start wherever you are. Ours is an abundant world, whatever you truly need will right be there meeting you half way. [want more tips, get them here]

Así, to shatter the myth:

If you really want it, then go all the way in.

Sino, deep down you have another plan, don’t be afraid to follow your curiosity. Allow your spirit to shower you with bundle of love and insights.

Lo ves, we all have this graceful wisdom lying within us.

The questions are:

:: 1 Do you give yourself the time and space for your intuition.

:: 2 When you receive an insight, will you allow yourself to follow it? No? Do you need to trust yourself more? Entonces watch this short video to help you build confidence each time you feel stuck.

I truly hope that this article has served you.

To your intuition.

Todo mi amor,

ley de la atracción, entrenador de negocios


Intuitive Guide + Abundance Mentor.

I help you decode the mysteries of your soul + bring abundance to your daily reality.

Es my journey, and this is how we can co-create for you.

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