Five Element Acupuncture For Sensitive Souls

You are an empath, you have a beautiful gift of sensitivity. But at the same time it can be too much for your body – your emotions and your nervous system.

Sensitivity does not have to be your burden. With the assistance of Five Element Acupuncture, you can have the freedom and confidence to enjoy your gift and relax into your true being in this chaotic world.

[***感谢您访问, 请注意,我不再采取新的针灸客户谁住在我的本地区域以外. 然而, 我很高兴地宣布,我已经添加了 5 元素教材到我的电子课程: 彰显先进 (你可以检查出来这里). 这是一个家庭学习课程, 你可以通过互联网覆盖全球访问它的任何地方. 在 彰显高级课程, 我会告诉你如何在日常现实对齐,感觉个人和滋养你一个平衡的和真实的生活.]

If this is the first time you have heard about Five Element Acupuncture, it is the mother of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), and grandmother of the lately popular EFT (情感自由技术).

植根于中国古代, this Spirit based medicine has been used for over 2500 岁月, and according to which, 我们是由五个要素: 水水, 木材木, Fire 火, Earth 土, and Metal 金.

These five elements are found in nature and within our body. Just like the seasons in nature, these elements are your creative and defining energies and ideally should all be working together in harmony.

然而, in the reality of our modern life, elements are out of balance within your body, known as your causative factor, which is the karmic lesson carried from your previous lifetimes.

The imbalance can show up in various forms:

PMS, IBS, sore throat, hay fever, stress, loss of joy, lack of hope, intimacy problem, commitment issue…你的想法.

By treating your causative factor, this ancient medical system enables you to heal yourself as far as nature will allow. 有效, you are coming back to who you are at the core.

“Great healers get straight to the point. They waste no time.” – Huang Di Nei Jing

Our goal and intention is to put you back to where you belong, where your Soul is calling you, the sweet spot in which you feel 对准, peace and ease.

一冶张魔术磁铁, 直观教练, 精神指南, 帮助光工作者成为心脏型企业家

How I do acupuncture differently

Look at the symptoms, find the set formula, put some needles in, then leave you all by yourself in the room?

别, 别, 别, I do work this way.

对我来说,, you are magical. I am here to mine the gold.

“Acupuncture has to move the patient’s spirit to be successful – it is not merely mechanical.” – Huang Di Nei Jing

Instead of treating symptoms, which do not always tie in with the cause, I look into the underlying reason for your dis-ease.

看, you are a unique being. You are divine. You are incredible.

The Source/Consciousness/All-That-Is has manifested itself through you, in this particular physical body. You are sacred, and the treatment you receive will be highly tailored to your individual needs – 物理, 情感和精神.

批量Yiye was able to create a safe space for me to open up and share myself. I could feel her compassion, 在整个会议期间真正的关心和非评判的态度. 最后,事情正在转变为更好. 相反,击败了自己的, I'm able to accept myself.

- 达莉亚Boudih, 摩洛哥

The Five Elements is one of the most magical healing systems that I’ve experienced.

I wanted to make my cycle less painful and moody, but more enjoyable. I was not being helped by GP, so my Spirit Guides brought Gerad Kite 进入我的生活. A few short months later, not only did the physical discomfort disappear, to my amazement, my emotional body had also recovered from PTSD, and now I am blessed by my sensitivity instead of overwhelmed by it.

Intrigued and being called to serve, I began my professional journey being trained by Gerad and mentored by his team. Today I am inspired to help more people.

章一拽, 精神指南, 直观的商业顾问

您的健康的愿望 + 我打算纯 + your body intelligence aided by treatment = miracles

Click Here To Book Me Now

您的投资: 初始会话£95



Everyone has a unique healing rhythm. 然而, this is the recommended treatment plan: 你开始每周一次的治疗方法 3-4 周. We ensure that you are on the right track. Then you will be moving forward to fortnightly treatments for a couple of months and so on, until your system is solid enough so you can have treatments in every 2-3 months for preventative purposes as you wish. 上医治未病 /“The best healing prevents illness” – Nei Jing

My treatment room is based in Mayfair, Central London.

The initial session includes a thorough clearing and the whole session can last up to 90 分钟; 60 minutes for follow ups.

一旦您要求您的斑点, 你会在听到我的 48 小时为下一步.

For your first treatment, payment is made in advance online (secured payment via PayPal – 如果你没有一个PayPal帐户, 您可以登录作为嘉宾,并使用您的借记卡/信用卡完成预订, alternatively bank transfers/Stripes are also joyfully accepted.)

For follow ups, cash/card payments are acceptable during your visit.

In the event of rescheduling or cancellation, 48 小时通知要求. 否则, fees will be charged in full. If you are not able to visit my treatment room due to any unforeseeable physical reasons, you can transfer your session into a phone consultation and distant healing.

任何问题? Email me on

A little bit about Yiye

Of course you need to know who you are working with! This is my journey in a nutshell…

:: 一个治疗, 沟通 & 金融通灵由心脏.

:: Made in China and “shipped” to the UK at 17 对我自己来说很少英语.

:: 获得一等双学位的数学 & 物理学 20.

:: 作为一个合格的注册会计师在 23. (我已经处理, 平衡从那时起刨数十亿资金. 同时, I was also an ad-hoc career coach helping “disadvantaged” students land their dream jobs).

:: 通过建立我的第一个6位数的金融咨询业务 28.

:: 不久之后, 我跟着我的最深的电话,离开了企业的世界, in order to devote my time and energy to the group I’m committed to serve: 光之工作者. I did this switch within a month without prior industry connection! I just surrendered to my inner-master and allow all the support to come to my way.

:: Now I’ve personally mentored and guided hundreds of lightworkers and spiritual entrepreneurs to express their most authentic self through their work and life.

:: I’ve experienced chronic illness, PTSD, attempted rape and kidnap, 辱骂老板, breakups, building a life from the scratch in a foreign land…I know what it is like of going through touch times.

:: But I also know that, with faith and right tools, not only you can liberate your Soul, but you’ll also reach your true size.

您可以 read more about my journey here. If you want my private-mentoring, you can find all information here.

Media love (online & paper, the West & the East)

intuition, 幸福, 要乐观, 吸引力法则, 秘密, 精神指南, 光之工作者

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