3 当然方式住你的目的

企业家精神, 光之工作者, 音乐, 声能

“所有的宗教, 艺术和科学是同一棵树的树枝. 所有这些愿望被引向高尚人的生活, 从单纯的肉体存在的领域提升并引领个人走向自由.

- 艾尔伯特爱因斯坦

什么是你的人生目标? 答案是细分到个人, 当然. Some are meant to help the poor, some to invent cutting-edge products, and some to write more books that change the world.

然而, having been working with hundreds of people from all walks of life, 有 三个基本主题,你的人生目标.

3 基本途径住你的人生目标 + 回答你的灵魂的呼唤

1. Cultivate and share your gifts


Each of us was born with countless gifts, and you are not meant to hide them in the corner. Your gifts are not your skills.

Skills are acquired. 例如:

  • by working in data entry, you can develop your skills in excel;
  • by working in project management, 你可以练习的组织和优先;
  • by working in a multi-national team, you can learn about how to collaborate and bring a common goal to fruition.

你不仅仅是一个软件系统的方式做大, “把东西整理” 或 “会议在压力下时间紧迫”.

Your gifts are like raw jewels. They come naturally to you, yet you might still need years of devotion to bring out the best.

你被无数的礼物,只要你出生显示, 你可能甚至不通知.

Your gifts are the voice of your soul, 你的本质签名.Whenever you use your gifts, you feel immensely at ease, 你经常让别人的敬畏 - 他们无法弄清楚如何做的事情,只有你能做到的方式!

The problem is that many don’t value their gifts – because gifts come naturally. I have countless clients who came to me with confusion that their gifts come so easily that they feel like a fraud to charge for their services!

事实是,: 您的 礼品 绝对 具有价值 其他人. The more you use your gifts, 您越接近正朝着你的天才区这样的生活你的目的.

Your gifts are unique to you. 它是你的责任, 重新发现他们, 尊敬他们, cultivate them and share them.


“我们最深的恐惧不是我们不够. 我们最深的恐惧是, 我们是无可估量的强大. 这是我们的光, 不是我们的黑暗,多数吓唬我们. 我们扪心自问, 我是谁辉煌, 华丽, 天才, 极好? 其实, 你是谁 要? 你是上帝的孩子. 你打小​​不符合世界. 没有什么启发了这么萎缩,其他人也不会觉得你身边不安全. 我们都注定要光彩照人, 为孩子做. 我们生来就是要证明上帝的荣耀是在我们. 这不只是在我们一些; 它在每个人. 而当我们让自己的光芒闪耀, 我们不自觉地给别人做的权限相同. 因为我们从我们自己的恐惧中解放出来, 我们的存在自动解放别人。“

– 玛丽安·威廉姆森

你可以有这么多的礼物,如听, 创造, 教学, 学习, 跳舞, 绘画, 写作, 请讲, 有一个大心脏...名单是无止境.

不玩自己打倒只是想适应它. 分享你的礼物慷慨和辩解闪耀你的光芒 - 因为有你, 越来越多的人会给自己做同样的权限.


2. 是服务

您在这里作出的影响. 你来这里是为了让我们的华丽的星球为下一代更美好.

No matter where you are in life, 你可以为你的目的,这一分钟, 即使你还没有找到你想要的工作或开展的大企业还没有.

Back in the day, before I started my own purposeful & 心脏为基础的业务, I was buried with loads of tasks that didn’t really inspire me. I felt so miserable and frustrated.

亏得, 我意识到,这是由我来 调整我的工作,我的人生目标, even though I wasn’t able to live my “big dream” immediately.

I know that I have a gift of non-judgemental listening. I thought that instead of sighing all day long, I could brighten up the day by being a good listener for my colleagues and friends.

I proactively arranged lunch with colleagues, asked them about their day, listened to the challenges in their personal life and offered advice whenever I was able to.

It sounded like a very insignificant change, but it pushed me back onto my path – I started serving. And in turn, I felt my days were more meaningful and it helped me look forward to serve in an even more meaningful way later on.

如果你可以再补充一点点爱的世界比昨天, then my friend, you are already on your way to living your purpose.


3. Express your most authentic self

This is not just limited to the artists.


What do you believe in?

What lights you up?

What make you come back to life after a tiring day?

What make you lose track of time?

Currently, many cultures in our society do not encourage any of the above (but I’m positive as the world is improving), 其结果, 你内心的孩子是怕仅仅是她/他自己由于一些过去的创伤.

但是你 无法遁形你最真实的自己, 谁总是向往见证和自我表达. 越多,你抵制, 越会持续.

相对的, 只要你让你最真实的自我中走出来的“衣柜”, 您的满意生活将达到一个全新的水平, 虽然我明白多么大的勇气需要.

分享我的故事, 与科学 (数学 & 物理学) 学位和金融/制度背景, 多年来我一直在用我的更深层次的方面羞愧 - 直观, 女人的, 俏皮和艺术的自我.

按年龄 28, 我已经有我自己的成功的金融咨询业务. 从表面上看, 一切都近乎完美. 但在内心深处, 我是如此压抑和沮丧.

我转过身来,工作时间太长试图填补空白. 我在寻找缺少的环节去过很多地方.

但是,缺少的环节只是 - 这是我一直忽略了二十年纵横.

到底, 我只好承认我最真实的自己. 走出我的“衣柜”太伤脑筋 我永远不会忘记的日子,当我“出笼”, 我躲在厕所哭泣, “人们将如何看待我从现在开始?…”

但, 这是我成为这一天 真正的解放:

而不是质疑, “什么是我错了?“我一开始肯定: “这就是我。”

相反,判断和嘲笑我的直觉和创意礼品, 我的行为在他们身上 - 推出创纪录的时间我的梦想业务,事先没有产业连接.


我与你分享这让你知道,你并不孤单. 而且你应该待观察. 当你承认并欢迎你最真实的自己, 他/她会奖励你超出你的想象的最好的体验!

Starting from today, 问问自己:

+ 我怎样才能带来更多的我的创意我的工作和生活?

+ Where am I still withholding my true self?

+ Who do I want to hang out more with (and who do I need to hang out less with), so that I feel more courageous to be me?

Step by step, you will build a better connection with your true self. And this connection will bring more meaning to your life and make you blossom throughout your career, your business and your relationships.

你想学习如何表达你的最好的 & 最真实的自己? Book an Intuitive Soul Session.

如果您有更多问题, 你可以在这里找到我: yiye@yourlifeexpression.com



4 关于“的想法”3 当然方式住你的目的

  1. 亲爱的洗衣液, 感谢这篇有见地的文章! 这三个技巧对我深入探索我的人生目标非常有用. 你舒缓而鼓舞人心的声音正是我今天需要听到的!

  2. 如果每个人一开始会喜欢他或她的实际工作中,我们将所有的确实是真正的幸福. 但: 如果每个人会做顺其自然他们又名分享他们的礼物和真实的自我, 这个世界将是一个完全不同的地方.

    保持你的工作Yyie去! 你的写作是美丽的, 人们可以感觉到你的灵魂闪耀低谷.

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