You Can Find These 3 Hidden Treasures in Mercury Retrograde

Taoism spiritual teacher
sky background overlay money can support my life purpose

How can you create abundance during this mercury retrograde?

Firstly, a little bit of background here:

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.

A year in Mercury is just 88 days long. Mercury turns retrograde more frequently (3-4 times a year), than any other planet in the solar system.

Mercury is named after the Roman messenger of the Gods. It relates to travel and communication. Most Mercurian craters are named after famous writers – you wonder why? 😛

Because the magnet between the Earth and the Sun is being significantly affected, many people experience a lot of creativity and communication funkiness.

In the past Mercury Retrograde has caused “trouble”, for example, communication breakdowns, files getting lost, technology wonkiness…

Traditional advice about Mercury Retrograde includes: don’t skype/call/travel, don’t sign a contract, don’t launch your programme, hide in your bed…Sound familiar? They are all good pieces of advice. However, Mercury Retrograde lasts for 3-4 weeks (and even longer, technically speaking), and you don’t want to live your life on tip-toes all the time, do you?

The good news is: you can still have a fabulous time for your creativity and business growth during Mercury Retrograde.

Here are 3 practical guidelines to help you find the hidden treasures.


Pick one of the following areas (use your intuition and feel which one you are called to the most this time), and choose to see how miracles reveal themselves.

Treasure #1. Identify your ancestral patterns and release deep fears.

During Mercury Retrograde, you might experience more emotional confusion than usual. Quite often, it is an invitation to look deep within. Go an extra layer and really understand patterns which subconsciously hold you back.

I had a beautiful former client, who was keen on leaving her soul-sucking corporate job and making sufficient funds to support her new business. She knew that she had gifts in speaking in front of a large audience as well as guiding people 1:1 intimately. When she ran her empowered feminine energy, everything came to her with spectacular ease.

However, because she was still new in this sphere of work, she struggled to connect with her empowered feminine energy consistently. Instead, the old programming and stories of “women are not useful, powerful, beautiful or even appropriate to exist” from her ancestral lineage often “pop up” and write off her connection with her most authentic self. Those stories were “handed over” to her when she grew up, and became part of the so-called “personality”.

This pattern was particularly potent and obvious during Mercury Retrograde. She experienced a lot of ups and downs, it was like one day she attracted a seemingly perfect opportunity to grow her business; then bam!, within a short time frame, fundamental flaws were discovered within those opportunities, which left her feel depleted and powerless.

The whole experience was an emotional roller-coaster and a handful to deal with at the beginning. Nevertheless, once she committed herself to look deep into her patterns and separated herself from her family old programming, her truest nature revealed itself and the real healing began.

You are the latest recipient of your bloodline patterns. Sometimes it is hard to tell what fear actually belongs to you and which are “passed on” to you from your ancestors.

I used to be really confused between my organic fears and those imposed fears too. I feel my ancestors’ pains in my stomach, through my throat and around my hip. Sometimes, I even have flashbacks to memories that are not my direct experience.

It might not be easy to see our truth during all the mist, but it is not impossible.

You just need a quiet time (luckily Mercury Retrograde will naturally provide you this) and a still mind, to use your intuition, discernment and courageous heart to release the fears that are not yours.

This way you are also contributing to heal your entire lineage. How meaningful is that?


Treasure #2. Learn how to give yourself credit properly.

You might find that old memories and flashbacks come up at an exceptional rate during the Mercury Retrograde, trauma, entangled feelings with your ex, money drama, friendships that you thought you’d let go in the past…

Many people worry that their lives have gone backwards. Don’t panic, take this as an opportunity to do more soul cleansing.

In order to live a fulfilling divine live, you need both your Masculine Self and Feminine Self to appreciate, respect and support each other.

If you feel that you’ve been haunted by some old feelings, chances are your Masculine Self and Feminine Self need to re-marry each other.

When we grew up, if our Feminine playful self was judged, suppressed, hurt or even threatened, then later on, we’d either feel numb, or this wounded part would try to get our attention in various ways, usually at the subconscious level.

For instance, many people have worked so hard in their life but only end up spending all the hard earned money on addictions.

If we don’t pay sufficient attention to our wounded self, then we will still feel empty no matter how successful we are from the outside.

While healing is a big journey and often is not a straight line, self-compassion and self-acknowledge can always put us in the right direction.

Quite often we focus too much on things that went wrong, but completely overlook how many beautiful experiences you’ve already created to date.

Today, I encourage you to list 50 things that you’re proud of. You might struggle to come up with 50 – it is human nature to limit ourselves. But, really, keep stretching yourself and make sure you acknowledge everything you’ve learnt.

Especially don’t forget to count on the non-tangible and “soft” victories. 

For example, have you learnt to handle criticism better than before especially without taking it personally?

Are you becoming better and better at trusting your inner-voice and following your intuition?

Have you noticed that how much wiser you have become and how much inner-strength you’ve grown?

Those soft skills are priceless.

By the end of your 50 items, don’t be surprised to see how much you’ve grown both technically as an entrepreneur, and spiritually as a divine being.

Your turn…

Treasure #3. It’s a time to get more intimate with your money matters.

Do you know that Mercury Retrograde is a perfect time to get intimate with your money matters?

Mercury Retrograde periods can be times of heightened inner-awareness. It is actually a perfect phase to go inward and tidy up the loose ends in your process and system. 

Here are some ideas:

Look into the core activities in your work. 

List everything that you’ve been doing, review them and see which items can be batched/grouped; which items can be delegated or even eliminated. You will be amazed how your productivity soars.

Also, as a creative person, you might have many unfinished projects. Take an honest look, which projects are essential now? and which ones are the best to pause and wait for a better timing?

It is a wonderful time to research, investigate, and see the bigger picture.

Don’t be afraid of the nitty gritty

:: Schedule an Abundance Date in your diary. You can create a new offering/income stream in your business; you can plan your next vacation that you’ve been thinking about for months or even years; you can review your budget and increase your saving/investment. Or you can even just simply be in the nature and give yourself the time and space that you really need. Whatever is calling you deeply right now, honour that!

:: There is so much hate and confusing messages about money in our modern society, and to get detangled from that, I often start my Abundance Date by expressing gratitude towards money. For example, think about all the goods and services that you really need and have enjoyed; and money has helped you to bring them into your life. Try this and see what shift it can bring to you.

:: Get to know the practical stuff. When is your Company year end? When is your tax due? Perhaps it is a good time to talk to your accountant? Check in how you are doing this year so far and make sensible adjustments to your goal for this year.

If you need further help, you can check out the Money First Aid Kit I made for creative entrepreneurs.

With love,


law of attraction

10 thoughts on “You Can Find These 3 Hidden Treasures in Mercury Retrograde

  1. I love this article, so so empowering.

    Thanks for the loving suggestions.

    Blessed be,

  2. I am in complete hibernation mode this Mercury Retrograde, and I’m allowing myself this withdrawal. I feel I need it to preserve my energy and prevent myself from “scattering”.

    It’s very interesting, that we sometimes feel our ancestor’s fears. My mom was a worrier, in fact one of my main conflicts with her revolved around the fact that whenever I told her about something I planned on doing, she’d say something like: “Don’t think that it’ll be so easy” (“Mom, I didn’t say it would be easy, I just said I’d do it”) or: “I’d think twice about that” (“Yes thanks, I actually HAVE thought it out and I still want to do it”). It’s quite possible that I’m feeling some of those, and while it’s not like me to worry, there are instances when my mood unexpectedly swings to the morose, quite unlike my usual optimistic self. I’ll watch out for that! Thank you so much.

    Lots of love,

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience Sibylle. Sounded like that you can use this hibernation to understand and discern, and even separate from others’ energy this time. Sending you love and good vibes!

  3. Hi, 🙂
    Thanks for bringing clarity about the mercury retrograde event. I never knew what it was about other then the believe that those times are about being slowed down… and I realise I even used that mercury retrogarde thing as an excuse… And the money connection, I am all inspired to take some time to look at my situation! 🙂

  4. I always love your fresh and inspirational ideas, they resonate so much with me. I really appreciate the nudge to step into my masculine energies and create solid structures – this is exactly what I need to do. And dating abundance – what a brilliant approach to wealth! I’m planning a lunch date later in the week 🙂

    1. Thanks Emma, have fun with the masculine structures and your upcoming lunch date! Even better, take photos and share your #AbundanceDate on social media!

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