论创造责任 & 钱块


我们是神圣的, 做东西, 创建服务和设计产品对我们的精神而言是自然的, 就像呼吸.

然而, if we over think or suppress our creativity, our being suffers. 其结果, we might hit an “income wall” too.

You are designed to create, to launch, to express. The more you see and follow this nature, the easier for you to create Abundance using your passion.

话虽如此, whenever you make a new piece of work or decide to start a new product line, it’s always nerve-wracking. “Do I have what it takes?” “Is there really a market for this?” “Have I missed out anything important?” “Is this the best way to present my idea?” “Are the numbers adding up?”

It can be very challenging. And temporarily you might not even feel good.

But what feels worse?

Bury the unanswered calling.

Push away the vision that is pulling you.

Shut down the stories that should have been told.

Hold back the creations that should have been released to the world.

Artists and writers know this well. If they have a prolonged period of not showing up on their page, dance floor, or canvas, they will often become anxious or even depressed.

同样, if you leave your business, products and services unattended, you might feel disorientated and lost.

当然, anything that is worthwhile takes time, effort, trials and errors. It is easy to be put off by how much creating, launching or selling is involved.

然而, this doesn’t mean that creative business owners like yourself should let perfectionism or out-of-proportion self-criticism stop you from bringing you dream into reality.

朱莉娅卡梅隆, 艺术家的路的作者, once wrote “It is easier to write than not to.” This mindset has helped thousands of people recover from their writer’s block.

You can borrow this mindset for your creative business and release your Money block.

Break down difficult tasks into more manageable pieces and start small.
This is exceptionally important if you are doing something hard, challenging and energy-consuming – don’t make it even harder by letting self-doubt take the lead.

Put aside the pressure or burden, let your Divine Feminine guide you to the seeds of your truth, lead you to the sensual joy and flow, she will surprise you with plenty of ease and richness, and entice you to find the path of least resistance and express yourself through your work.

It is easier to make Money than not to.…”

Ease brings more grace and enhances your capacity to flourish. You will find the journey more enjoyable. And as a creative business owner, you will become more effective.

This is one of the mantras from my Money Love Playbook, 这是部分 钱急救包 that I’ve made for creative and spiritual entrepreneurs who are looking for practical and soulful solutions to release their money blocks. If you feel called to dive deeper, 看看这个.

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