
多年前, 11.75 要具体, 我抵达伦敦. 毕业新鲜, 只是害羞 20, 即将开始我的第一次 “proper job”, I was immensely nervous.

和一点点无知 – I needed to find shelter but how did the rental market work here? Why was everything (尤其是租金) twice or three times more expensive than the north?

我不知道任何人在这里, nor did I have many possessions then, 很好, except from my close-to-maxed out credit card.

I went to see landlord after landlord, and only found out that there were very few places I could afford, which all involved house-sharing with others.

这是不理想给我有多内向. 但我认为这是所有我有足够的. When I was just about to sign a contract to live in one of the houses, 我看到可供出租工作室旁边.

小, yet it beamed an aura of independence, 你知道, it felt so grown up.

我花了一点偷看价格: 圣, S…绝对是一个舒展! 但我喜欢这个工作室! Due to the imbalanced supply and demand, it could be gone in minutes. 我不得不做出匆忙决定.

“什么会你最繁华的自我做?” A seductive female voice came out of a radio in the shop nearby.

After the initial reaction of “什么是俗气的问题!”, that voice really got me into thinking on the spot. 我想得越多, 更我的灵感.

Even to this day I still remember the goosebumps I got, “别, 我不只是要一个庇护所. 我最繁华自己想要一个家. 我想有个家! I want the freedom to chill and relax on my own after a long day…”

As I heard myself, I committed to that studio.

备案, I did have to take out another credit card to be able to pay for the deposit, 但很快我得到了加薪和奖金,以支付额外租金.

九个月后, 我搬到了一个稍微大一点的单间; then another year later, to a much more spacious n chic one bed apartment where I stayed until Andrew asked me to marry him.

I had many mature friends who teased me: “你? 你自己? 生活在这样一个 (相对) big place in crowded London? How much money could you have saved from rent after these years, so silly.”

我对他们微笑 “可能是”, but I knew my truth well, “也许傻, 但有多少20岁可以有一辈子? And how much freedom I would have sacrificed otherwise? Plus my salary kept going up anyway – 当我在家理智, I always do a good job at work.”

当你的目标是让更多的, 有如此多的内容更丰富提供给您不仅仅是节省更多…





And I definitely don’t imply that you must live by yourself in your 20s (或在任何年龄!).

故事的优点是简单: 不要让你现有的情况下您定义, get back in touch with what lights you up and make decisions from that place.

没有什么比你的邀请最繁华的自我,你轻推到你是为了拿更多的方向赋予权力 (即, the place in life that your soul feels like it belongs).

根据钱不要做出决定, 但让钱为你的梦想.

Once you make a commitment with your Self. 钱不来支持你. 钱希望你成功. Money wants you to make things happen. Money wants to assist you to manifest whatever feels important to you: 无论是自由, 宝贵时光, 和平…无论事项给您最.

当你想到钱, 有可能心存感激之情与爱的仓促, not fear, 焦虑或怨恨.

钱既不是你的主人也不是仆人 (I know that those two extremes are the notions of our society but really it isn’t fun nor empowering!)

代替, 钱可以 亲爱的朋友, 一个虔诚的爱人, 欢乐的指导和治疗师为你, 谁爱和崇拜你, 谁见证你最美, 自信和繁荣的内部自我.

This is an excerpt of my 钱急救包. 好奇这个新的解放办法的办法赚钱? 看看这里 continually improve your relationship with abundance – 经济, 情感和精神.

的iPad - 黑色 - 肖像 - 模拟钱急救箱没有背景

你的钱的习惯,直接影响你的幸福,你的自由度. 我想你授权: 钱是可以学习和重塑技能, 无论多大的自我怀疑遇到现在.

人们经常说,我有一个有趣的背景, 从东到西, 从注册会计师以深情的心灵, 从物理学 & 数学的研究生创造性的作家, 领先FTSE100项目引导上升, 精神, 网上创业.

But the truth is that I don’t experience much separation between the right-brain/left-brain, 直觉/逻辑, 深愈合/战略规划. 我坚信,, 为了使你的信息清晰听到这个拥挤的网络世界, 你必须融合双方.

我不是天生装. 事实上, 当我第一次来到英国时的年龄 17 我自己, 我有不足 1,000 支付我的大学学费和笔记本电脑后,英镑离开.

I had to find a job quickly and my wage was £4.20 per hour. 我花了 20+ 总兼职整个统一养活自己. 渐渐地,我学会了如何浏览我的方式在异乡, 住我的价值, 充电我的价值, 并作出晶圆厂的生活,同时使产生真正的影响.

如果你正在寻找使一个俏皮更多的钱, 有趣的还没有废话的方法, 我的风格可能你的精神进化过程中为您提供帮助. 我热爱,帮助您在您的业务和赚钱的经验带来更多囫囵.

Here are what your SoulFam said:

“我见过很多 “金钱表现” 和金钱阻塞课程/产品,没有真正的内容, 只有 “想想它,它会” 修辞类型. Yours is practical and spirit driven.”

“…a beautiful blend of practical, 旨在帮助您治愈你的关系与金钱和吸引更多的它融入你的生活的心理和精神锻炼. I’ve read through several programmes that aim to increase abundance, but many of Yiye’s exercises were completely new to me…”

“Thank you for your training materials – they’ve really made a difference. My alchemy box is working its magic already.”

“…I went from feeling really discouraged by my money stories and patterns to feeling a deep sense of being so safe and cared for by the Universe.”

“I believe this (a guest post being featured on a big blog site) came as a result of the subliminal audio that I’ve been listening to twice a day. So thank you!”

“…I was hoping to receive $50k, but it turned out to be $205k, I knew it was time spent with you and your subliminal audio which made a huge difference…”

“Thank you for your vibes and sharing your truths! I’ve already had tons of new insights as well as ideas how I’ll be going forward to fulfill my dreams and desires.”

爱 & 繁荣
FREE: 获得直觉和神圣的女性繁荣顶级技巧