
I talk about sensuality often, and I get misunderstood a lot of the time. People automatically assume I mean “sexuality” instead. 

To me sensuality is never a physical act but a state of mind, a way of living, a medium of fine-tuning into this world and people in it. It requires integrity and authenticity to self, also a spiritual intimacy and connection to the Universe. 

When you see a tree, can you feel the life within it? Can you sense its own character right now which is never the same at a different time? 

When you are around people, do you dare to look straight into their eyes? Can you bypass their mask and ego but see their “soul”? – vulnerable yet beautiful. And even if they are temporarily hurting you, will you be able to tame your judgements and appreciate their own growth in their individual path? 

And when you look at yourself in the mirror, do you criticise everything you see, or do you have the softness and courage to forgive all your shortcomings and just say “I love you”?


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yiye zhang, intuitive coach, express the master within, how to remove your self-doubt in 9 weeks

3 thoughts on “Sensuality

  1. Beautiful post Yiye, I will be more mindful of “opening my heart to the the world” =)
    Much love, S xx

  2. How simple, true and beautiful the spirit of this post is Yiye… I think we all need to be reminded of this daily. x

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