Tony Foulds: Devotion And Quiet Service

I lived by this park during my first year in Uni. Little did I know that a very touching story happened here 75 years ago, and the story itself continues even today.

On 22 Feb, 1944, 10 young US airmen were flying over Sheffield, UK. Unfortunately one of the engines failed. To avoid hitting the residential area nearby, the crew aimed at Endcliffe Park for an emergency landing.

footage: BBC

However, there were children playing in the park at the time. To protect the innocent children, they diverted and crashed into the woods behind instead, at their own expense. All of the young airmen lost their lives.

Tony was one of those children and witnessed the plane crash right in front of him, at the tender age of 8.

Since 1969, he has devoted his time and effort tending the memorial dedicated to the crew. He said: “They saved my life. They are my family.”

footage: BBC

One day in January 2019, Dan Walker, a BBC presenter chatted with Tony while walking his dog.

Touched by the story, Dan immediately shared it on Twitter. It went viral. And the attention from the public subsequently led to a tribute flypass on 22 Feb 2019, the 75th anniversary of the crash.

Thousands came to Endcliffe Park to support Tony and salute the crew.

Tony met up with some family members of the men who saved his life.

Strangers turned into family. Tragedy turned into inspiration.

True (divine) masculinity is never toxic – for example, the selfless sacrifice, the protection those 10 young men gave to the children spoke for itself.

And the divine feminine that connects us can reside peacefully in both genders – Tony’s quiet service and tireless devotion is keeping the crew stay alive in spirit.

I don’t normally watch News, as it all seems to be doom and gloom. But I really like this one.


2 thoughts on “Tony Foulds: Devotion And Quiet Service

  1. Thank you for you inspiring words Yiye! You help me find peace in my life. I am continuously growing thanks to your healing words and pertinent advice. I love the way you speak to people. Especially how you break things down for simple minds to understand. I appreciate everything you do!

    1. I’m so happy that you are continuously growing Lance! It’s really an honour and pleasure to have connected with you 🙏🌸

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