Ultimate Resources To Sustain Your Creative Business

孩子般的, 丰富, 幸福, 吸引力法则, 企业家精神, 圣诞节

Here we go: 年资源品我的目的 – the inner, the techie and everything in between, for you to sustain your hand-crafted creative business. 这包括许多常见问题.

Happy exploring and implementing!

1. Your Creative Guarantee


不用说,作为一个充满创造力的企业家, new invention and innovation comes from your creativity.


The following has happened to me as a writer. I’m pretty sure the underlying pains can be felt by painters, dancers, singers, photographers…all types.

At times due to self-imposed-whatever-reasons:

“让我做一全面推广, 这样我可以更好地利用内容。“

“让我先返回几条消息, be a reliable person in my network. 然后,我将有一个清醒的头脑来写。“

“我只是记下了几个想法在我的岗位,它, or save them as a draft. 一天, one day, 我会组织他们正确并点击“发布”。“

没了, that day didn’t come. 你的头脑仍然不是“足够清晰”. 而且总是有更多的推广工作要做?

Other times, 我们以“写”的方式太认真这几乎可怕.

“只有X方式做____? That’s not life-changing enough for your readers. Go and write more!”

Hands up if this happened to you recently?

This little truth, 然而, can always pull us back on track, fortunately.

The greatest joy lies within the act of creating itself.

kid_daring (尼古拉斯·圣地亚哥)

You cannot guarantee fame, stats or conversion. But you can guarantee YOUR right to create, 这里是 3 最终的基础,使你的创造力盈利以醒目简洁.

简而言之, don’t make it so hard to create; 和 don’t ruin your love for creativity.

2. 你的情绪 & Spiritual Wealth

You cannot serve the world when you are not centred yourself.

You cannot uplift your community when your own energy is shaky.

You cannot fulfill your purpose while constantly absorbing other peoples’ fears unconsciously.


看看我的文章对微小佛 how to stop taking other people’s fear and live freely.

In addition to the 3 tips in the article above, here are a few daily rituals you should consider:

:: 原谅那些谁强加恐惧你 - 他们是不是故意这样做 (我们可能都已经这样做了一定程度的). 和 forgive yourself that you allowed yourself to absorb those negative vibes.

:: Invoke 天使长米迦勒 抖落“的错误认识”阻止你的生活你的真理.

:: 设想 white light surrounding you when you are in a crowded place, with your 守护天使 on your shoulder to protect you.

:: 设想一个充满光立方在你的能量场的边缘, 这是你的能量泡沫, 每当你觉得人们正在推动的泡沫 (deliberately or not), use your intention to push the vibes back outside of your cube (this is a quick & fun demonstration for you). 你总是要邀请其他人的选项 (例如:, 亲人), 但糟糕的共鸣不必跨过你,除非你让他们的权力.

:: Don’t ever say “yes”, when you mean “no”. 否则, gradually you are shutting down your third chakra – which governs the personal sovereign, 当你放弃你的力量路程,像海绵一样吸收这. 如果你觉得这是多么大的转变管理, then at least aim to say “yes” very slowly.


:: 不断提高你的振动. 这里有两个非常简单的方法: 欢笑和祈祷. 你能做些什么来保持自己逗乐笑? 甚至当事情都不会用自己的方式, 你有耐心,只是祈祷? 祈祷是不弱, 这是一个神圣的行为,以达到自己的真实大小.

:: 停止抱着你“通灵斌” for others to “vomit” 你. Just stop.

3. Money Nuts and Bolts

当然,我们将讨论钱的方面. 如果你还没有, 让我的免费电子课程 Intuitive Money: Turn Your Purpose Into Prosperity.

3.1 It’s all in your attitude


:: 一个充满爱的生活伴侣如果钱是给你?

:: 如果钱是爱你的是什么, 如果资金要支持你的梦想是什么, 你会判断资金不足的社会强加的耻辱就可以了?

:: 如果你没有得到报酬之间作出选择什么,你爱?

:: 如果钱是在这里为你, 步步, 要成为一个更好的人?

The love of money is NOT the root of many problems, loving money is NOT obsessing over money or being purely motivated by it.

它更多的是享受生活, 增值世界,不怕从中获得支持, 包括金钱. 不胜感激,珍惜它.

How about this fresh attitude for a change?

“我给我的心脏的欲望作为爱情的世界一源. 在他们完成, 我带来光明的消息给大家,我遇到的. Money is here to support me living my purpose at each step.”

You can find more mantras here to help you.

这些谁的耻辱你钱的爱情不懂爱情, 也能在这个宇宙中如何流动.

恨钱往往导致贫困. 在这种情况下, 你更容易为钱发愁, 即使你自己不注意到它!

I met a few colleagues in the past, who resent money due to some complicated stories when they grew up.

But they didn’t know that what they are resenting is NOT the true essence of money – which is just a form of energy, protection and provision to be specific, but the stories that they associated money with.

可悲的是他们不喜欢钱, 并因此排斥金钱,并强调了关于入不敷出月月了.

If you are struggling to make ends meet, 这不是你的错. My advice is to:

1) release your old stories (you’ll be amazed by how many layers there are!) reconnect with the essence of money.

2) take practical actions to reverse your situation.

See below for the “怎么样”.

3.2 Feel the essence of money.

我们都知道,金钱并不能保证幸福, 但 purposeful money can certainly ease your pains, 抚平你的伤口,并滋生更多丰富.

:: Just went out with your close friends and had a blast at your favourite restaurant?

–> Money just supported you for 喜悦. 哦, and that generous tip you gave to the waitress? It made her day brighter!

:: Got excited ‘cos you are heading to Hawaii for vacation?

–> 钱已取得 ADVENTURE more accessible for you!

:: Paid rent/mortgage in time with peace of mind?

–> Money has brought SAFETYSECURITY for you and family!

Just to name a few…

Want to feel more?


相信我, this is not hard when you start with something that you already love.

My former client, 梅拉妮, a devoted lightworker and gifted healer worked with me earlier this year. Her passion for using aromatherapy to add more love to the world was (and still is) so contagious!

I enjoyed her energy and consulted my Spirit Guides and hers. I could feel her love for aromatherapy – 它应该是她对金钱的爱太! Her joyful energy towards aromatherapy inspired me to invite her to classify her main expenses, feel into the essence of each and connect it to an oil.

当我问梅拉妮如果是OK与她分享我的博客上这样的爱情过程, 她说是的,慷慨地写了下面.


“Money is fun to make, fun to spend and fun to give away.” – Sara Blakley


梅兰妮 - 工作300×300


“几个月前, 我有幸与美丽的洗衣液来解决资金和丰富. 了解关于我的精油激情, 她邀请我去想想我的主要开支和能源植物关联到每一个.

我喜欢这个练习, because it really allowed me to shift the perception I had of my current expenses, and made the whole process of paying my bills much more meaningful and enjoyable. 我想和大家分享一下我是如何配对油与我的五个主要的费用来源, 希望它会帮助你过你对丰路径.

出租 - (本质: Security)

我联想到租金的能量安全. Patchouli essential oil is for me the perfect association with rent, 因为它是一种油,这是非常接地, 创建安全和深喜悦感, 当你回家,你的家人就像. Patchouli essential oil balances our first chakra and gives us the strength to accept our uniqueness while still belonging to the whole.

我儿子的学校 – (本质: 天使, 喜悦)

给我的儿子我认为是最好的开始在生活中他代表了未来的一个伟大的投资 (他的“与世界), 它是一种深深的喜悦让我看他是如何兴旺在他的蒙特梭利学校. I chose to associate Litsea essential oil to this expense, because Litsea is the 天使’ oil, 一个你可以用,当你想打电话,欢迎您的天使在你的空间. This essential oil also promotes joy and self-confidence, 帮助明确的压力和焦虑.

作为一个侧面说明, 山苍不能用于儿童或怀孕期间, 并且,必须使用稀释, 因为它可以是刺激性的皮肤. 但, 像所有的油, 你总能在植物的精神打电话,只需连接到它的能量).

杂货 – (本质: Protection & Heath)

健康饮食是一件很重要的,不可转让在我家, and I like to associate this budget with Fennel essential oil. Fennel gives you protection and balances the solar plexus and the heart chakra, 这是与免疫系统有关的.

与混合 天竺葵, fennel is also a great way to protect yourself against negative energies from places or people, 和我吃大量蔬菜中也有类似的效果.

汽车 – (本质: Freedom)

已经活没有车的大多数我的生活后, (通过选择), 有车成为必然的时候,我们搬到了我们当前的加拿大城市, 特别是在冬季. 因此,我我的车与自由联系在一起, 一种方式来“开拓”我的世界. The perfect oil for that is palmarosa, 因为它有助于发现机会,我们只能看到障碍, 开放的路径,膨胀.

互联网/手机 – (本质: Communication)

工作主要是在线, 这些都是我的主要沟通渠道与我的客户 (以及与国外我的家人). Cardamom is the essential oil I associate with this, 因为它便于沟通. It opens up the throat chakra, 帮助您以清晰和真实的方式沟通, 并给你的力量和自由分享你的独特的真相.

非常感谢洗衣液为你的美丽指导, and for giving me the opportunity to use essential oils in such a creative way.”

It was so pleasant to witness how you can align your love for creativity and your consciousness on money.

顺便说说, 如果您想了解媚兰的工作. She teaches energy aromatherapy, 包括如何创建自己的神圣的掺和物,你的签名香水.

沉思, 花, 香精油, 免费资源医士, 光工作者

现在, let’s get back to you.

What do you love creating every day?

Writing? Then write a poem to money, tell money that you are grateful for the food you ate, the bed you are sleeping in, the screen you are reading right now…

Performance art? Then choreograph a piece around protection/provision, just for fun, and to understand money better.

Are you an 直观的? Then call up and connect with your Prosperity Guide.

Are you a sensual/sensory person? 然后 romance it up:

:: you can wash your coins (while releasing all the negative stories towards money).

:: you can draw/paint some paper notes (while appreciating how convenient they have made your life to be).

:: you can sleep with your notes (为什么不把这种关系实? :)).

:: you can put money dearly in your hands and closely on your heart – feel its unique vibration – it’s all about protection and provision. 就是这样. Everything else is human added flavour, 它决定你如何品味生活,但它可能不是真相.

I share many simple & childlike exercises like the above with my clients. And for those open-minded clients who 投身金钱自由和紧密连接, 他们总是在自己的银行账户几乎立即收到更多的钱, 在吸引理想的客户支付的形式, (who are ideal but they thought they were out of reach before), recovering owed money from years ago, unexpected refunds, or gifts.

I think it is because that love is the solution for all.

Just try it.

Feeling this is too dirty or weird? Then you have pleeeeeeeenty of room to improve how you feel about money.

Of course money is not everything. But if you have a wildly loving relationship with money, 这绝对是更多的乐趣和神奇.

Plus it will make the next section a loooooooot easier, which is…

3.3 The down-to-earth part

So down-to-earth that we’ll talk about your bottom line straight away.

有一堆指标可以定期跟踪, 但这些都是 most important two:

:: your profitability (your take-home money, do you know how many self-claimed 6/7 figure business owners who are making losses?)

:: your cash flow (food for your business, 你知道多少万美元的企业都在努力,由于现金流问题?)

Here are a few guidelines to help you:

:: Focus on bottom lines. Don’t get too allured by top lines (gross sales).

:: Hone your genius zone. What do you enjoy doing the most while others seeing values & wanting to pay you? Keep doing it. Everything else is just distraction. 是的, everything else is just distraction.

:: 有没有这样的事情作为一个被动收入 (除的 “portfolio section” 下面). 首先, there was time and resources upfront to create your products, then promotions, then human interactions, then the upgrade, then more promotions… Some claim that they’ve made such and such from passive income, but have you noticed how much energy they’ve invested in promoting this idea to you? My recommendation is less “lucrative” yet more sustainable: just put your head down, work in your genius zone and increase your bottom lines steadily year on year.

:: If in doubt, get helped. If you feel allergic to what I said above, please find a trustworthy professional like an accountant who has specialised helping freelancers/creative entrepreneurs just like you for at least a few years.

用粉红色的储蓄罐 3 在白色背景上百美元票据

I have separate business accounts (and credit card) – highly recommended to separate your business accounts from personal accounts. 最终,, your business should support you well financially, if it still gels together with your personal account, not only it’ll become increasingly difficult for the admin, you are not giving it chance to “grow up” either.

如果你是在英国, 查看 税务及海关总署‘s site. Their telephone staff are quite helpful when it comes to answering your enquires, even the detailed ones. 即使你有一个惊人的会计师, knowing the basic requirement yourself is very 授权. Make sure that you know when your self-assessment is due (31 Jan the following year in the UK); and when your accounts filling is due (9 months after your year end in the UK); and every other important filing dates. Be organised and get them done in advance, so they won’t hold you back if you suddenly enjoy an influx of clients.

I ulitise ISA (即, tax saving scheme in the UK: you don’t get taxed on the interests on your cash ISA pot/or investment gains on your investment ISA pot. You might have equivalent in your own country). I also highly recommend you to do so. 顺便说说, it doesn’t matter how much (or how little) you put in your ISA each year, the key is to have an intention to take advantage of the compound effect over the years. You’ll thank yourself by taking a trip to your bank this afternoon years later…(with online banking, it’s even easier than ever to set up an account and make the transfer today).

检查你的投资 投资组合 经常, set up a standing order to put your spare cash to contribute further into your funds or pensions. “Urrr, 委托书,现行命令! 投资组合!” I appreciate that those sound nowhere near as glamorous as “海滩!””被动收入!” 许多互联网营销引诱你, 但 他们究竟是什么可以让你被动收入和自由为基础的生命 下山的路.

I also encourage you to automise your finance, 即, pay off your credit card in full each month (or if not possible at this stage, at least pay off as much as you can, declutter the unnecessary spending and actively look for ways to add more value in your work or business – this is the key to quantum leap your income.)

如果你一直在告诉自己同样的事情,一遍又一遍: “是啊, I know that’s important. And I’ll do that tomorrow” 但 “明天” still has not come yet, 那么它的时间来 reflect on what are the underlying stories 从越来越多的基金阻止你.

:: Do you believe that being rich and financially sound is “脏”;

:: 或者你不信任你的银行由于受全球金融危机的影响,在过去的十年?

:: Or you do love the idea of being financially abundant but you have a wounding relationship with money that you just don’t trust enough?

花一点时间来检查你的潜在的恐惧和情绪 – 不管究竟他们是什么, 没准他们什么都没有做与金钱.

金钱是一种能量的只是一个交换. Its true essence is provision and protection. 其余的部分…just our stories and they can be changed.

You ARE capable to take responsibility of your financial health, 从今天开始.

I schedule dates with Money weekly (looking at statements, 我在哪里, where I am heading etc.).

I schedule dates with Abundance daily (开玩笑, 欢乐 + expand my receiving ability).

我用我的 钱爱剧本 共创繁荣潜意识音频strengthen my relationship with Money and Abundance continuously.

money manifestation, 企业家精神, 吸引力法则, 钱情书, 关系

4. Done-for-you Scripts & Templates

Here are some popular scripts that I’ve created over the past few years. My intention is to save you time and headaches.

您可以简化他们. 打扮起来. 或者调整他们,让他们自己.

这是 如何回复 “但你太昂贵” – 没有更多的舌绑.

我强烈建议你 有效地推销你的手工制作的业务是这样.

通过物物交换不知所措/折扣/”接你的脑” 要求? 你可以说没有与恩典和爱.


5. Your Online Presence

5.1. Offering

Your signature offer is one of the most important things in your business.

很多人拖延与发行, over-complicate the process, 或过工程师的特征.

如果你正在努力与它, 我想给你一些好消息: 它实际上可以很简单 – 找出哪些人的价值,然后提供它.

使用调查. 说话的人 1:1. 运行一个焦点小组. 要求从过去的客户诚实的反馈. 扫描一些主题论坛热门. 甚至只是开始帮助人, make a basic package then gradually you’ll find out what works the best for you, 谁是你的理想客户是, 以及如何帮助他们最.

I work at my best during an intensive setting as I can offer my deep insights to guide a transformation. And I fell in love with hosting VIP Days/Half-days.

予用于提供更长和更短的服务,例如3个月的指导或 90 min intensive, 我可能还是重新开一些在未来. But right now, VIP Day/Half-day is what I enjoy the most. 因为它是一个独特的容器,使加速度可能 – right in front of your eyes, when a client who:

:: 知道,推出她的签名服务是她的业务需求,而且正在寻找指导现在手艺它, instead of in 6 个月的时间;

:: knows that raising her rate is the right decision (for herself and ideal clients) but needs energetic and practical steps to actually make it happen;

:: 知道预算到底是什么她的家庭需要,但需要整个过程很有趣和充满活力;

:: knows that reaching out to XYZ is the next step to fulfill her purpose but needs space and a gentle kick to stop it dragging on + send that email with confidence TODAY…

Those can unfold during a VIP Day/Half-day more easily than other formats because its depth.

这是当它涉及到交付成果和价值美妙的加速器. I encourage you to think about offering VIP Days if you haven’t already, especially if you enjoy working intensely.

My pricing for products and services has been steadily increasing in line with my experience. I switched back to charge in GBP from USD for simplicity – 这是主题为过去的一年对我来说.

5.2 网站

您可以使用wordpress.org, which is free and you might even get more exposures to potential followers, but bear in mind that you’ll have limited functionality, 设计和方法与你的听众沟通.

如果你想更好地控制, 然后自托管你的博客/网站与WordPress, 有广泛提供给您吨的模板和插件. 这意味着每月有一个小的投资, I’m talking about the region of £5 – $10.

我的托管公司HostGator的 – 这是建议的约翰·威廉姆斯. Alternative hosting companies include: BlueHost的, GreenGeeks.

我使用的基本免费WP主题 2012 当我开始了.


(别, 我并没有被它的缺乏设计怍. I was really pleased that I felt OK to trust that my content would be sufficient for the time being. I didn’t let external reasons stop me from doing what I deeply loved – connecting with YOU that is! I hope you don’t either!)

我一直容忍的设计,因为我去. 向的端部 2013, my inner-child got curious and wanted to get her hands “脏”.

所以我买了 论文主题 (溢价主题, 在一次性投资Ç. $97). You can explore other premium themes over here.

I learnt some basic html and it’s getting less and less intimidating – a bit like studying another language.

Once you’ve learnt the alphabet, and put some words and sentences together, with some decent practice, you then can put a few more words and sentences together, 等等.

The same for your website. 只要保持在你的工作就. The more you use it, the more you’ll realise that it’s supporting you, not against you.

I always invite my Spirit Guides on board when I am doing the practical side.

In contrary to common belief, our Guides and Angels can be very hands-on and effectively. Especially when you make the intention to attract such Guides too (see the article above for the “怎么样”).

If you don’t want to get involved in the details at all, you should consider hiring a web designer. Ask your network, get recommendations and see whose work you resonate with.

5.3 Mailing list

I use Aweber (有替代品,如 MailChimp). It’s fairly straightforward to set up opt-in forms, create follow-up series (to deliver your both free or paid ecourses for example), segment your lists, create “规则” 名单内. 它最近推出了 “campaign” function, which I’m yet to navigate.

It is easy to interface Aweber with leadpages and shopping carts such as ejunkie (which is what I use at the moment) to deliver eCourses. Ejunkie changed its design and layout lately, which is much more user-friendly than a few years ago.

5.4 Your relationship with social media

Julia Cameron has really nailed it:

For many artists, social media is a mixed blessing. Easily addictive yet highly connective, 它最适合我们作为一个除了我们的艺术,而不是作为其替代品.

You can read this short article here.

I’m not a social media expert. 正如你们许多人知道,我不登录,或张贴很多时候,当我做, I choose to hang out in low maintenance (but more engaging) platforms and interact with my connections in ways that feel good, natural, not being pressured.


Let go of FOMO (fear of missing out). Do what it works for you. When you let your intuition guide you, it’ll be more effective than any hottest trends at the moment – going back to my earlier point of “honing your genius zone, or else is distraction.”

有很多的调度工具,可以帮助您节省您的时间,例如. Hootsuite, Buffer. 他们都有免费的计划开始. 还在苦苦? 有一个聊天 特雷西, my former assistant, her good relationship with social media and SEO may well become your catalyst to move forward with joy.

5.5 Graphics

For the DIY option – 克里斯蒂Halmick has tons of useful resources on her site. 您可以从源照片istock, 存在Shutterstock.

There are many sites that can help you bring your vision onto digital paper: Pixlr, Canvas, PicMonkey.

Time hungry + looking for some fab assistance? 还有我们惊人的社区成员杰西卡 – she is really generous and I know that she will go above and beyond to help you!

6. 一个健康的给予/接受

Needless to say that in order to make your creative business work, you’ve got to give your heart, your brain, your time, your energy, your intuition, your skills, 您的…一切.

A very common trap that healers/creatives fall into is an imbalanced giving/receiving. 因此, it’s easy to suffer from “abundance stagnancy”. 你给, 给,给, 你完全耗尽自己,但棒子的另一端仍显得过于遥远?

很好, 在给予和接受社会的规范是根本性的缺陷 – “give to others then you can receive something IN RETURN” – this will not get you where you want.

A true giving-receiving is completely free from co-dependency. 这里有 4 简单的步骤,迅速将您重定向到一个健康的循环 + renew your energy level.

每当有疑问, 永远记住,: 你是CURE.

That’s it for now.

Some links above are to “sister links” on my own website; 别人是外部的联系,但也有 会员链接. If you find them useful, 然后我会得到纯净的喜悦推荐他们! For record, I don’t have anything against affiliate marketing. 然而, 据我所知,, in this ever increasingly crowded online place, impartial recommendations are becoming more and more rare. And I thrive to give you rare content.

签名, 一冶张

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内主, yiyezhang, 丰富的教练

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7 关于“的想法”Ultimate Resources To Sustain Your Creative Business

  1. 哇! 这是一篇文章的赫克! 非常感谢你分享这么多的知识和信息. 这真的是一个疯狂的世界在那里,当你试图启动并建立一个网上精神为基础的业务. 你的文章给了我很多的鼓励和想法. 再次感谢你, 太好了.

  2. 您好! 我最近想给一个大竖起大拇指为您的好消息
    你在这里这篇文章. 我会回来不久toyour博客更多.

  3. 一冶喜. Great post as always. I would like to know more about pricing and high end offers. Is there anything you can share?

    1. Oh thanks so much for asking, should have included these two articles, hope they’ll help!
      yourlifeexpression.com/5-guidelines-to-price-your-offer-right/ on pricing
      yourlifeexpression.com/cures see #2 on high end offer.

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