The Power Of Spring – The Wood Element

不管冬天有多长, 春天每年都会回来. 随着天越来越亮, 我们受到鼓舞重新开始. 每天, 我们的身体制造了数百万个新细胞 – that is how life asserts itself. Which parts of you are reawakening? Where is your vision pulling you? 春天是肠道的旺季 & Liver. 这篇文章将解释你的肠道的精神作用 & 肝脏在你的精神成长和表现出对齐.

没有什么季节比春天更适合地球妈妈展示更新和重生的力量了. As the days get longer and brighter, we know that new life is just around the corner. When nature calls the shots, a new chapter, life force, vitality…is all indestructible.

Which parts of you are reawakening? What would you like to give birth to?

Where is your vision pulling you?

Are you inspired to start anew?

And how will you resurrect?

This can be challenging if we did not let go of old patterns in the last Autumn, or get sufficient rest in the Winter.

然而, 即使你是不是 100%, can you feel the elevating power of Yang energy inside you? (顺便说说, if you are in the Southern hemisphere, read this seasonal article on Autumn instead).


The Wood Element

Spring is the season for growth, and its associated element is Wood in the Five Element tradition, its Planet is Jupiter. In the Chinese language, we even call Jupiter “Wood Planet” 木星.

The Wood Element in us gives us direction, plan, and structure. It governs your nervous system. It filters toxins out of our digestive system.

When the Wood is working effectively in your body:

:: you excel at clear seeing and planning, bringing your goals into reality;

:: you are both assertive and flexible during confrontation and disagreement;

:: you are able to make wise decisions and express emotions including anger in a healthy way.

否则, if Wood is in an imbalance you might experience the opposite of the above.

If this element is deficient or in excess, one can suffer from an inability to make decisions, disorganisation or inflexibility, difficulty in looking forward to vision the future, overwhelm from your external environment, constant emotional meltdowns, struggling to take action, easily feeling frustrated/angry, or inability to express appropriate anger in given situations, nervous pains, PMS, insomnia, migraines…

Many of us have experienced some of the symptoms above chronically and thought that “this is the way I am” or looked at painkillers for a solution.

然而, our body itself can be the cure.

{Entering Gall Bladder}.

Your Gut Does Not Lie

Your Gall Bladder is relatively a masculine organ and he has a sister called “Liver”. 这些两个兄妹表示木材🌴元件 (想想树木在春天如何成长, the power surges through everything and the freedom to reach out to the sky).

Gall Bladder, aka Gut, has the direct connection with heaven, it bypasses all the noises, hype and BS, it gives you the truth of the truths.

External influences have nothing to do with him. Different from all other organs in your body, your Gut has the divinely given purity. All other organs somehow have to get into contact with polluted energy or corrupted substance, however the Gut only interacts with bile, a pure secretion of your body.

因此, your Gut holds heaven’s blessing for right and wrong and retains integrity.

No wonder why our mama old us to “listen to your gut feelings” – ‘cos he knows!

Your Gall Bladder is such an expert to:

: : 1. play a digestive role.

: : 2. clear your bile – the clearer your bile is, the clearer your brain is.

: : 3. make decisions (big, small and everything in between) and judge wisely.

:: 4. stand up to injustice.

:: 5. handle confrontation effectively and smoothly.

The peak time for your Gall Bladder to do his job is 11pm – 1是, when the day has definitely finished and the world is governed by Yin, your Gut needs his replenishment directly from heaven.

If you enter into deep sleep by 1am, you are allowing your Gut to do his job. That is the very reason for expressions like “I need to sleep on it”.

The next morning when you get up, you’ll feel fresh and clear, and all the little things which previously took over your energy are sorting themselves out, and you are able to thrive from adversity and take aligned actions.

No more over-analysing or procrastinating, you simply get on.

This is your body intelligence playing. No pills or external beliefs can possibly replace this innate ability.

然而, if you party till midnight, eat heavy junk food in the evenings, pull an all-nighter for your product launch… inevitably those habits will put a huge pressure on your Gut.

He can no longer to do what he is best at, but to use his precious energy to deal with the “emergency” you pushed him to do.

Try to go to bed earlier tonight, be kind to your Gut.

Liver: Your Best Life Strategist

Your Gut works closely with his sister Liver.

She is responsible for the planning and the “strategist” in your life.

She is expansive – nothing needs to be set in stone at all – she is the utter Free Spirit.

She is attached to nothing but freedom. Just like your Soul can reincarnate over and over again and be whoever and wherever you want to be.

Her peak time is 1-3am. During this window, the Free Spirit Liver leaves your body, she travels anywhere, she can be anything and with anyone.

In your dream state, she starts checking things out in the Universe:

:: Is it the time for you to have a collaboration partner?

:: What do you need to do for the next stage of your career?

:: Where is the best spot for your next holiday?

:: Where you should live next?

The next day, you’ll be inspired to make that phone call, take the initiate to make the right connection, or implement anything as appropriate.

The Wood Element is the true master of the manifestation.

For those of you who struggle to sit down and visualise, here is the good news for you: you do not need to force yourself to visualise. Your Liver is an expert in doing that anyway, so go to bed early, catch her peak energy, let her do a good job for you and you can simply relax.

We all know that we should go to bed early enough, and this is the deeper why.

If you can do this, you are not missing out on anything important. The Wood in you will find the right partner, job, 事业, friends and activities for you.

我教更多关于你的身体智力 这彰显课程 顺便说说.

The Meridians

A patient and a couple of readers asked me a very interesting question, “What if my Gall Bladder has been removed? What is the impact at the non-physical level?”

It is important to point out that the name “Gall Bladder” refers to different meanings in the Chinese Medicine comparing to the Western terms.

In Chinese Medicine, each organ is interpreted as an Official.

Think about the palace in an empire, the heart being the Empress (Heart is an Yin Organ) holding the heavenly mandate, however she cannot implement everything on her own. She needs a group of ministers in her palace to govern the daily affairs in the empire.

Each organ in your body is like a minister doing a specific job at all levels – 灵性, 情绪和身体. And this is delivered via each meridian line (a.k.a the energetic pathway).

When we were talking about your Gut and Liver in the above examples, we were referring to their overall energetic pathway. The physical function is part of the bigger picture, however a relatively small aspect.

因此, when someone’s Gall Bladder has been removed, the Gall Bladder Official/Minister continues to function and reports his work to Heart, the Empress.

The physical element of Gall Bladder is a small, hallow, and pear-shaped organ, locating right under the liver.

The energetic pathway of Gall Bladder, 然而, starts right from the outside corner of your eyes (where your makeup eye liner ends usually 凤角), runs up and down behind your ear, your head and the base of your skull. It carries on all the way down your shoulder, the rib rage, the outside of your leg, ending on the outside of your 4th toe.

See the image below for illustration.

You can gently massage this meridian line especially in Spring, to support your inner-balance. As this is for preventative self-care purpose instead of treating patients, you do not need to get bogged down with the exact pressure point locations, simply follow the meridian line.

If a specific area feels painful, that indicates blockage, so pay more attention and care towards that area.

It is very common for ladies to experience discomfort along the Liver meridian, especially before the menstruation cycle, along with headache, sore breasts, frustration and even anger, which are often the indicators that your Liver Qi is not travelling freely inside.

As we said earlier, your Liver is like the General and Strategist for your life. She knows how to vision your most authentic life, guide you to live your purpose and plan your day to day affairs.

Gently massage long the Liver meridian (see image below), the energy runs from your toe to above, so follow this direction during massage to assist your Liver and enjoy Spring more!

The images above are for illustration purposes only. When you start out massaging your meridian lines, you should do both sides. As you strengthen your relationship with your body further, you will be able to tell which side has more blockage/stagnancy (即, more pain), then you can focus on that side.

The two sides of your body should communicate with each other anyway assuming your body is functioning effectively.

Develop self-care habits

In Spring, it is the time for you to birth and bring things that you have been holding so dearly in your heart into life, but not sure if the timing was right before.

I always recommend my clients to not rush into New Year Resolutions, simply because it’s deep Winter around that time and nature wants to restore energy instead of splashing it around.

然而, now when we look around, sprouts are under the ice, greens are coming out.

Your body too wants to align this wonderful energy for your new vision, plan and growth. It’s a perfect time for your organic expansion.

Your Liver and Gut are the Spring for your body. 他们要经历的峰值能量,你可以做一些事情来帮助他们:

一) 开始你的一天早些时候:

呼吸着清晨的空气与日出. 观看水仙现身. 感觉所有的潜力和可能性趴在你面前.

B) 让自己每天枸杞茶, 尤其是在下午.

随着温度的上升, 你是否也觉得内生长的不耐烦或者甚至沮丧或愤怒? 这是您的Live齐没有得到正确引导. 枸杞滋养肝脏从而帮助你睡得更好,更快.

将枸杞一小撮放入热水, 那么你准备好去!

想爵士它? 试着用甘菊茶枸杞和蜂蜜一调羹.


Ç) Go out and hike

It is time to open the window and, 更好, get out. Eat more greens and be with the green outside.

You will naturally want to grow with the plants, trees and flowers around you.

ð) Put on a new lens + reinvent yourself

As the new life cycle starts out, you too can look at yourself and your situation (工作, 家, 关系, 创造力) with a new lens.

What seeds would you like to plant for the rest of the year to benefit from?

Seasonal tune-up

There are so many layers of “living your dream life” and we will be challenged throughout the journey.

Yet we will also be guided by our Soul at each step forward. When we peel off any artificial thoughts, desires or patterns, we are ready to meet our truest, most shining Self.

每天, 我们的身体制造了数百万个新细胞 – that is how life asserts itself.

Each morning we wake up and take that first breath, each time we visit a place where we’ve never been before, each new passion we devote ourselves into…it is the power of Spring. And you have that in your body…

Do you want to play with the seasonal change: tune-up your body, harmonize your life and heal you Soul?

Spring has great influence on our nerve system thus an important season to do some work if you are an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person – 见下一节).

If your situation allows, 您可以 work with me in person and/or via skype.

Advice for a highly sensitive person

The Wood Element in you also governs your emotional and intuitive body.

As an intuitive/highly sensitive person/empath, your nerve cells are hyper-reactive.

A rude email, an unjustified comment, or even a cold look… they can get to you in a split second; 从亲爱的朋友患, 附近或长途, 完全可以穿你.

作为HSP自己, 我已经肯定尝到极为敏感的两面. 我曾经是那么忙 “搞清楚” 办法对付我的本性:




多年来,我不知道怎么哭, 我没有寻求帮助, 我没有让流过我的神, 我没有…了解我是谁.

很好, 直到我做了和爱上了我的真性情.


🎨 它激励我创作多样化的内容而不会让我发疯.


📚一个新的课题研究? 没问题, 这让我泡在每一个理论和实践像海绵一样,但不尝试.

你可能会问: how do you cope with the dark side of being highly sensitive? The overwhelm of feeling too much? 保持吸收一切都在你的环境中,直到你病得很重? Don’t you want to protect yourself?

首先, I did go through a phase when I tried every single possible technique to “protect my energy”. The tools were great, fun and effective in a lot of ways, but still, something deep down was missing.

I missed true freedom: 我不想过度分析,如果这或那是 “坏” for my vibes.

So I decided to strip out my “helmets”, “wellie boots” and “ponchos”.

不再挣扎如何把情感墙壁在那里, I am widely open and in service to the world. 就像小树地下根深蒂固,深入到天空, 致力于其发展和扩张.

其次, as a highly sensitive/creative/intuitive being, 你完全可以在瘦和瘦回来,你想, whenever, whenever and however.

是的, dear empath, you have the choice: 回 灵活性木质构件给我们.

例如, when you are genuinely upset, you can give yourself permission to say it calmly: “Your actions hurt me intensely”.

It is not weak nor b!tchy, 在优雅的敏感度下降是你可以做你自己最善良的东西 和, at times, perhaps the most honest and honouring feedback you can give to others.

灵敏度让我们活着, 热情, attentive. 它要求我们要善于 “doing my life”. 它往往水龙头我们的肩膀,耳语 “time to stop and listen”. 它邀请我们到这里,现在凑合…

“And those who were seen dancing were thought insane by those who could not hear the music.” ― Nietzsche

不要害怕你的敏感的. A balanced Wood Element in your body makes you both soft and strong, both sensitive and sensible.



神州连接, 感性的女人味, 一冶张

我希望你觉得这篇文章有帮助. 如果您有任何进一步的问题, 只需在下面的评论部分询问.

7 关于“的想法”The Power Of Spring – The Wood Element

  1. Yaaaay! Thank you for posting, I’ve been checking back faithfully for quite some time now.
    I love your content, is there another site where I can see more of your work?

    1. Hello Leah – thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

      与此同时, there is a search box on my blog, you can look for posts on intuition, spirituality and prosperity etc.

      Take good care and more soon!

  2. Wow Thank you for writing about the gallbladder! A lot of people don’t really talk about it within the spiritual world and it was honestly a huge part of my awakening journey. I still often get ghost pain from that experience. Also super thanks for writing about what happens after the removal that makes a lot of sense.


    1. You are most welcome Ash! I am glad it helped! I agree that overall there is a tendency to remove the body aspect in the spiritual world – hopefully more and more people can tap back into their body wisdom…

  3. 一冶喜

    感谢提供这篇好文章. 每当我试着早睡像你建议我似乎不能够去睡觉. Have you got any advice or tips for me?


    1. Hi Andrea,

      Thanks for your question. It’s great that you are looking after yourself.
      Here are a few things might help:
      1: Aim to get up at the same time each morning, this will help you body to remember a healthy routine.
      2. Try to do some exercises in the early evening to relax yourself.
      3. Strictly no blue light 2 hours before bed.
      4. Have a foot spa before you go to bed each night – very simple to do. This will help you have more deep sleep as well.
      5. Make sure that you do NOT have a big dinner – aim to have the biggest meal for breakfast, less for lunch, if still hungry, have some protein snacks in the afternoon, and only a small dinner. Your stomach has the most energy at 7-9am, and the least energy during 7-9pm, you don’t want to add pressure on your stomach at night which will not help you sleep.


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