Deepen Your Intuition & Sixth Sense With Seasonal Wisdom

increase your intuition and 6th sense

Intuition: the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

The sixth sense might sound too mysterious but often it is our long forgotten first sense.

How do seasons come into play in developing and improving your intuition then?

Well, everything is made of energy. The energy inside and around us is in a constant state of change.

We are part of Mama Nature. As the seasonal wheel is turning, our inner landscape is also shifting.

Broadly speaking, our intuitive ability is about reading energy. If you’ve been following my tips in this article on awakening and growing your intuition, you’ll have infused and enjoyed more spontaneity and sparks in your work and life.

We are intuitive beings all year round of course, but when we pay close attention, we’ll notice that different seasons heighten different aspects of our intuition.

Our ancestors did this all the time: from reading signs of upcoming weather, using sensory awareness to survive, to feeling and collaborating with the landscape for food, medicines, water, elements…

Each season has its own alchemy. Each represents a unique energy movement, which nourishes some of our specific intuitive channels, adding nuance to them.

For example, if you are in the northern hemisphere, as Autumn is now transitioning to Winter, you are most naturally reflective and insightful.

This is the time when the universal green is fading away, our eyes meet that lush colour palette, and we are gifted with revelation. Some fundamental questions might surface and re-surface in this season, and we are more inclined to dig deeper, figuring out the why and looking for that full body alignment.

There is generational wisdom running through our body, which has helped our ancestors survive and flourish.

Your body holds your divine light, carries your dream, bears your pain. There are sensations, emotions, talents, pleasures, strengths and passions that are part of your innate neurological responses to life.

This kind of non-verbal and non-linear wisdom is hidden in the unconscious, unlocked only by the lunar light of embodied knowing and animal wit.

Autumn heightened this type of intelligence. Sink into your bodily wisdom. You are exercising your clear feeling (clairsentience).

Alternatively, if you are in the southern hemisphere, as Spring moves into Summer, your Gut instinct will make you more perceptive and visionary than usual.

Like the wildlife, your body, emotion and brain will too feel the rebirth on Earth. After a resting phase, you’ll now feel more expansive and assertive to re-set and grow. The abundant growth is the reward for your patience.

This is the time when our dreams and foresight are enhanced.

  • Where is your vision pulling you?
  • What are you inspired to start anew?
  • What does your ideal day look/feel like?
  • And how will you resurrect?

Check out more prompts here Spring/Summer Edition.

Let your vision rise up and guide you. You are activating your clear seeing (clairvoyance).

Make Intuition Your Best Friend This Season

Whichever the part of the world you are in, right now, we are all heading towards the closing chapter of this year.

A couple of weeks, we entered the Excellent Moon (the 10th Moon by Taoist calendar), which invites us to tune out from social pressures, but instead looking at the quality of our life and tune back into what makes our Soul sing.

This is a time to gather all treasures from the past episodes, including lessons learned and values gained, and dispose of what is no longer needed; to give thanks for all that have served us in the past and release any mismatch with peace.

Life is asking us for courage.

One of my clients, whose business has really taken off after a whole year’s dedication, is incredibly grateful, but admittedly very overwhelmed and stressed out.

To him, courage means knowing his limits, creating better boundaries and support system.

Another client, who just left a toxic relationship, has learnt in hindsight that all the grand gestures at the beginning of the relationship were merely an act of lovebombing, not a real connection or affection that she was led to believe at the time.

As much as the truth hurts and painful the process is, she is developing an important skill going forward: seeing through the mirage.

To her, courage means forgiving herself and never looking back.

During this time of the year, some aspects in our life are slowing down, while other aspects are speeding up.

At times we might face anxiety, “Only a couple of months left in the year! Have I done enough for work so far? Am I prepared for the upcoming holidays? Where has this year gone?…”

But once again, our primitive instinct, the intuitive hunches inside can teach us about the right timing and balance, allow life’s organic flow to manifest, and not get caught up in the mist of busyness.

We will breathe with the season that we are in, literally and figuratively, like the Dao De Jing nudged us:

“There is a time for being ahead,
a time for being behind;
a time for being in motion,
a time for being at rest;
a time for being vigorous,
a time for being exhausted;
a time for being safe,
a time for being in danger.

The Master sees things as they are,
without trying to control them.
They let them go their own way,
and reside at the center of the circle.”

With love,

Yiye Zhang 章一叶

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