Visualise Your Dream To Make The Most Of This Season (Spring/Summer Edition)

Do you know that Spring/Summer is the most optimal time to call in your vision? As the temperature rises and days get longer, our inner-world also opens and blooms. Our instinct follows Nature and nudges us to engage with life with more confidence.

Despite radical changes in the world this year – shops closed, streets emptied, travel paused – this is an important season for to envision your dream and grow your inner-life.

You, a fierce spritual seeker in the process of becoming. Maybe you’ve walked through fire, maybe you were “beaten up” by life, but you are not destroyed nor reduced. You’ve become more refined.

Now, look onward and upward: where is your vision pulling you? And what are your hidden gifts?





Your dreams set you free.

Your dreams make you smile and motivated for no reason.

Your dreams are your vision and the true size of your Soul.

Claiming your dreams makes you less self-critical or judgmental, but more empowered and expressed.

When channeled wisely, your imagination and vision can go past self-sabotaging beliefs, and offer an inspiring and gentle pathway towards a more meaningful, relaxed and joyful Self.

Visualisation (whether it is through meditative dreaming or journalling) is a powerful way for you to get clarity: what you want more in life and what you want less.

Through a pressure-free way of exploring and re-discoverying, you are connecting with your most intrinsic Self.  

This is not to ignore our reality, but free ourselves from our default (often tangled and self-sabotaging) reactions towards reality, so that space is made available where better and more creative solutions can prevail.

This way, your decisions are not imposed but unfold organically and flow spontaneously. This kind of decision-making is not derived through pros vs cons but following the logic of divine plan and timing.

The more chilled and playful you are; the less agenda your mind have, the more you can get out of visualisation or journalling your vision.

Take a look at the following prompts, gently close your eyes and meditate on the questions, then write longhand, let your curiosity and creative nudges delight you.

guided journal to visualize your dream life

✍🏼What does your ideal day look like?

✍🏼Where are you spending your time?

✍🏼Who are you with?

✍🏼What are you wearing?

✍🏼What activities are you doing?

✍🏼How are you feeling?

✍🏼What fragrance can you smell in the air?

✍🏼Can you sense any passion? Sweetness? Compassion? Wisdom? Humour? Authentic connection?

Many people get stuck with visioning, if this is you, please don’t give up just yet. Forget about “reality” for 10 minutes. Just dream your dreams first. This is your opportunity to create a sacred space for your dreams.

You might find it helpful to go back and rewind your memory tape. Take as much time as you need.

What were your childhood dream

✍🏼What were your childhood dreams? Can you remember?

✍🏼Who are your childhood role models? And why did they inspire you?

✍🏼What made you giggle the most and lose track of time? You don’t have to do the exact thing that was in your childhood vision yet, but I invite you to relive that feeling, that vibe, now.

When we were toddlers and kids, we followed our dreams instinctively. We knew who we were and we had no shame of being who we were.

We were playing. We were sweating. We were drawing. We were dancing on our feet. We were speaking broken language out of truth without the need for any approval.

We might have suppressed a lot of our creativity and inner-child’s wonder, nevertheless, every year, when Spring arrives, it’s like we are given a brand new opportunity.

✍🏼So what are you inspired to start anew? And how will you resurrect?

✍🏼And finally, imagine meeting and embracing your future Self, what’s her/his word of advice for you?

Enjoy your vision!

Yiye Zhang 章一叶


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