What To Do When Your Friends Don’t “Get” 你

经历精神觉醒的人的众多斗争之一是你的家人和朋友似乎不感兴趣或不想支持你 – at least it 感觉 this way at times.

肯定, they are worried about you, they are concerned, and they might even want to warn you “for your own good.” You hear negative comments, harsh judgement or unsolicited opinions, so distracting and disheartening that you would do anything to get out of that unhealthy and un-nurturing situation.

If you let those opinions influence you too much, you might start doubting if you are on the right track at all.

I’ve certainly been there too, especially at the beginning when I didn’t have much support from my network. I spent too much energy reacting to the not-so-funny tease, projections and misunderstanding.

Hiring mentors to guide me and cheer me on certainly helped, but deep down, I also wanted to attract more like-hearted souls into my life in addition to my professional and creative work.

Re-examining my definition of friendship, owning my vision in mutually-giving, soulful relationships and setting myself free from others’ opinions was a real challenge. To me that was certainly much harder than learning and honing my skills in teaching, 写作, 教练, and practical business how-to…all combined.

Many people after a heart-opening or spiritual awakening feel the same way: “I want to be seen, be witnessed. But I don’t know who I can talk about this kind of stuff with. People will think that I am weird.

今天, I am sharing a few things that really helped me. Take what resonates with you, I hope they’ll help you too!

1. Be crystal clear with what you want and make a full-commitment.

This means, stop looking for validation from your friends. Chances are, when you start out a new venture or change your direction, you and your ideas are still in the mist. It’s so human to attempt to get approval.

然而, unless you are 100% 承诺, others will sense your hesitation and they respond to that primarily.

The best thing you can gift yourself is to clear the fog. And you must start the clearing from within.

Know what it takes for you to succeed and give your all. Take responsibility of your happiness, and let your family and friends off the hook. 最终,, this is a great freedom for both you and them.

2. Give yourself what you need.

The more you become self-tolerant and self-loving, the more you are connected with your essence. You’ll then understand that there is nothing you truly lack. 矛盾的是, you’ll attract more and more empathy, understanding and support.

Many of my clients (and myself included) have experienced these phases:

“they don’t get me, oh they really don’t. I can’t believe that they don’t believe in me.”

“actually I don’t need anyone other than myself to believe in me.”

“Holy C, they get me and believe in me!”

And we all know the truth beneath: they haven’t changed. But we have.

简而言之, the more honest and clear with what you need, the easier for you to tolerate human limitation and that includes your friends’ temporary perception on who you are.

3. Let some go.

Unfortunately some relationships are meant to be only for a season. Be thankful for what you’ve been through together, the witness, the companionship, the love and affection, but when you grow apart, the best thing is to let it go with grace.

Forgive. Forgive. And forgive. Make room for your expansion. And when the new people who adore you and cannot wait to support your vision, let them in wholeheartedly.

Let some go if you have drifted apart, but you don’t need to let all of them go, because:

4. True intimacy can be found in many places

Is it possible to have intimacy without talking about deep stuff all the time? 我认同.

A member of my Manifesting Course asked this question, “自从几年前我开始对自己的工作, 它已经很难与志同道合的人连接. 虽然我对我的心灵成长真的很感激, 我觉得有时候寂寞. 每当我遇到了我的朋友, 他们只是在谈论表面层次的东西感兴趣. 我爱他们,也希望让他们在我的生命, 但令人沮丧. 任何意见?”

And here are my two cents “I understand your frustration. 你不想自己做你寂寞的改造工作全部, 与您的亲人很少的见证.

你爱他们, 并希望他们与你在同一页上. 这将是非常有趣得多, 不会吧?

但是,你知道什么是更有趣? 探索亲密不管人是否与你或没有在同一页上.


既然你说你要保持你的朋友在你的生活, 我认为他们爱你,他们作出努力,培养你的友谊.

他们必须有一些特质吸引你摆在首位,除了你的心灵成长. 这可能是他们的善良和慷慨, 他们敏锐的头脑或情报, 他们爱玩的和冒险性, or that they simply make you laugh…

无论质量,您被吸引到, 这是他们的精神闪耀发亮,没有与你谈论灵性. 所以,当你们在一起, 专注于这一点,充分利用它.

培养你的存在,你的内心魔法的妙处在于,你不依赖于别人知道如何在精神上是, 为了生活你自己的真实生活.

这不是你谈什么主题, 或者就是你与谈话, 但如何你说说生活中的一切,任何事情. 合理?

有灵性丰富的美德, which are hidden everywhere and anywhere in life.

例如, 你可以谈论的直觉与动物爱好者本能.


You can admire and appreciate body intelligence together with your yoga mates or gym buddies.


And even when you say “Hi, how are you today” to your neighbours in a fully present and genuinely interested way, 您共享你的光在这珍贵的时刻. 而当可供他们以同样的方式回应, 那么你就可以享受自己的光太.

我们发现所有的朋友, 我认为至少有一个或两个人谁是开明,善于倾听. 然后, 他们, you can share the deeper side of your journey and growth in recent years in a more verbal and obvious way.

与此同时, 给自己足够的空间来接收,并与志同道合者喜欢好心人连接.

无论是在在线和离线空间, 睁大你的眼睛.

分享你的真实自我, 您的光临, 你内心的魔无论你走到哪里.

你对生活的态度令人耳目一新将激励和授权他人内部魔. 对于那些人谁是与你在同一页上? They will step forward and join you in that sacred space.

Stay on your purpose.



一冶张, intuitive guide, five element acupuncture london

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