如何切换频率 + 走出自己的 “监狱”


没有头痛,头痛, 但我的意思是在我头上的能量场是重, 纠结和排斥.



“我是一个好妻子? 我的天啊, 我忘记了购物, 多么可怕!”


然后我进入它更深: “为什么我担心这?”

然后,我在想, 想多, 那么头痛来…

这是一个特定的频率, 有些人把它 “自我频率”, 有人称之为 “高频头”, 我把它称为 “过载智力”.

当你在这个地方, 你觉得卡住, 不安全和恐惧.



这只是一个频率. 你可以改变它.

开关频率, 光之工作者,以心脏为基础的企业家

喜欢看电视, you can opt to change the channel and watch a different reality; 您可以切换到心脏/灵魂根据频率, 或更高和更强大的频率 – 基于精神的频率.




或者,他们开始这样做, 但他们的智力不能相信这是多么简单, 因此他们判断, 他们在分析, 而放弃,最终.

我们的心是专为寻找复杂的解决方案 – “聪明”, 够不着, 需要吨的努力…


在这种情况下, 这个解决方案,我要说的话, 是什么新鲜事.

如果您已经阅读 “创意圣经” 由朱莉娅卡梅隆的艺术家之路, 你可能知道它非常好.

只写你的想法记下来,因为他们通过你的脑袋上运行, 长手.

经常, 我们的智力/脑/心繁忙和拥挤.

We need to give it a voice, 让出来, 以平息下来.

在写时间, 不要指望任何瞬间, 例如, “一个令人惊喜的时刻” 这立即到达.



根本原因艺术家, 作家甚至商务人士陷入他们的企业, 是因为他们忘了 “为什么”.


因为我们是创造者 – 这是有点儿东西,我们做的!

当我们过于注重结果, 我们失去的快乐; 或者,即使我们得到所希望的结果, 我们觉得事情是人仍下落不明,因为有过程中的小快乐.


我们认为这是因为我们需要更大更好的效果, 那么我们推, 推而推…


所以, 这是我们所谈论的是过程.

A process to empty the garbage in your head.

写长长的手 5 分钟下手…


有点轻? 冷静? 更少的头痛?

继续写作, 直到你的意识开始下沉…

从你的头, 一路你的心脏.

那么声音变得更安静, 更清晰,更坚定.




天 1: “hmmmm一个新的习惯, 我爱它!”

天 3: “我的天啊, 新的见解, 这东西是伟大的!”

天 10: “难道我真的要花费额外的XX分钟要注意下来?”

天 15: “我想我只是想dieeeeeee”

天 30: “生活” 开始碍事, 你停止了一天.

天 35: 你还没有做它在过去的 5 天, 什么是救灾!

天 40: “长号! It feels like a writing deficiency disorder, 我别无选择,只能再次把它捡起来”.

天 60: 莫名其妙的事情真的开始转向. You find your mind is more manageable than you originally thought.

你的心脏的力量开始显现 – 这是你的新老板.


天 70:You find it’s less like writing, and more like listening.

Listen to wisdom in your heart.

想要一个新的赚钱方式? 你听你的心脏说:…你注意到了下去 – 这是一个伟大的新战略!

想要写一本书? 你听一遍, 哇 – 这里是剧情!

天 80: 你的生命和创造力的朵朵. 当然, 你不仅可以按照你的心脏做, 你的智力都很好地支持你.

但这里谈到另一个问题 – 你的智力要采取一遍….use its best heroic ability, “让我告诉你, 我知道我知道…相信我, 我们不再需要写这篇文章的事情。”

您正在出售,留给你的智力. 寻求批准的趋势逐渐回来…


你觉得是什么 ….失踪…. 再次.

天 90: 你要回去了进去. It’s like reuniting with your bestie.

This time you are firmer, more grounded and appreciative. A more authentic lifestyle starts to emerge.

You might not notice it yourself, but your friends see the difference in you, although they can’t put a finger on it.

Now you realise that it is easier to follow your heart’s desire than not to.



No matter where you are in life, it should’t take longer than 90 days to align your head back to your heart.

If your heart is your top priority, this process WILL work.

Longhand writing will help you to switch back to the place where you can see the bigger picture, despite the resistance you might experience in many ways.

The question is, how willing you are to surrender to your own bigger power + live a heart-centered life that is contented and joyful?

To your heart.

To the Creator inside you.


一冶张, london spirit coach


16 关于“的想法”如何切换频率 + 走出自己的 “监狱”

  1. i am just finishing my 10th week of morning pages (a la “the artist’s way”). the results have been amazing – so much clarity and insight. 伟大的职位!

  2. What a great post! I love the morning page/mediation combo. Sometimes I even through in some sun salutations.

    I feel like the writing empties my brain and then I can get into a good head space to meditate and stretch. It makes SUCH a difference in my day.

  3. I was *just* talking to my client about doing Morning Pages so this is perfect to share–谢谢! And also a reminder for me to keep doing it, I go in and out of using it and need to make it a daily habit.


    1. Thank you Terri!! It’s tricky to keep it a daily habit – especially when things rock high, that’s when we forget about it!

  4. YES! I am a card-carrying member of the Over-thinkers Club. Morning Pages were such a saving grace for me. I discovered after a page or two of senseless rambling a wiser voice would jump in and ask for permission to speak. I liked hanging out with that voice more so after a few years of committed writing she finally started showing up from the first page. 🙂我发现了,我开始更频繁地写博客,我上午的网页已经变成了迷你博客或想法博客文章. I’m not sure if that’s good for clearing my head or just another form of overworking. Do you find that happening too?

    1. Hey Jen, I’m so glad that we are connected! I know what you mean by it turned into a blog post/article etc…last year this time I started to do morning page, because I was so devoted, the pages turned into my ebook! Then I started to blog everyday, and my intellect told me: you don’t have time to do morning page anymore, just treat blog posts as your morning pages. 该死的! That’s where it got wrong….as much as I enjoy talking to this lovely community every week, I struggled a bit somehow. It’s only when I picked up morning page a few weeks ago, things become easier. And it really stretched the time and I find writing blogs are easier than before (I also find a plot for 2-3 other books I’m writing this year) The lesson I learnt is: practice morning page daily – some will turn into posts or even book, but stick with the process. Intend to march your consciousness on the page, the result can be rewarding; but don’t put the focus/intention on the result, because you’ll miss the process. Thank you SO MUCH for dropping by!

  5. I love The Artist’s Way and I KNOW her morning pages exercise WORKS, yet I still put it off. Looks like I need to get back to it so I can really hear my own heart story. Gotta get back in the game! 感谢这个🙂

  6. When my frequency drops or I suddenly feel anxious or over-think things, I find that quickly changing my physical position often shakes me out of it, something like standing up and walking up and down a few paces, or stretching.

    This is of course a lot more profound, and you’ve reminded me of the fact that I haven’t done any morning pages or journalling in, 很好, a long time! I’ll follow your advice, 谢谢你的美丽后🙂


    1. 女巫喜 – love what you said about stretching, like moving, walking etc…
      I think we are all guilty from phasing out morning page…i’m back into it too! all feeling great now!


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