Now the sky is high and the air is crisp. Shorter days and darker nights are Autumn/Fall’s invitation for us to get insightful into our life and journey.
If you are in the northern hemisphere, now is the perfect time to meditate with this season, re-discover and re-align with who you are.
Journalling can help us organise the thoughts (both conscious and subconscious) in our head and reveal insights about our life which can be easily missed otherwise.
Schedule some time on a cozy day, make yourself comfy, and try the following prompts to get started or go further with self-reflection.
- What area of your life needs a little more care, attention nourishment right now? ✏
- Are you suffering from SAD (seasonal affective disorder)? If so, what activities can you build into your routine to reduce the symptoms? ✏
- What are you most grateful for this year? ✏
- What do you appreciate most about your loved ones? ✏
- What are the sources of your true happiness and how can you connect with these sources better? ✏
- Whose permission are you awaiting, and how can you grant permission to yourself instead? ✏
- What are you still holding onto from the past that you wish you were not? ✏
- How do you want to show up in the world, when you strip out the social-conditioning? ✏
- What are the purposes of your life and how can you best serve that? ✏
In this season, there is so much beauty both in your inner-world and out there in Nature.
We are called to rest, play, nurturing our creativity and important relationships, and also step further into our genius zones – our mind is sharper as the temperature descends.

✏ Finally, what would you like to try in this season that you haven’t done before?
Let your insights flow 🌌
Let the truth come to your paper 📝
Thanks for visiting, happy writing & living 🙏
Yiye Zhang 章一叶

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