Life In Words: 自称我的空间

是的, 这是一个全新的列!

The reason being? I put a lot devotion and dedication to my work in the past three years, 有时有点过分, 我忘了挑逗我自己的生活.

我的意图? 请注意我的生活下来, on digital paper.

It doesn’t have to be chock-full of wisdom like other categories on this blog, 也不会我曾经施加压力,自己: “This MUST be life-changing for somebody from a different corner of the Earth…” It just needs some accuracy.

准确度让我们的视角. 精度解放. 精度愈合.

这是一个空间,让我感到自由活泼, 想 “胡乱”, to record things that lighten me up.

It’s a space where I can lean back on the process of being alive, give myself permission to explore, 是好奇, 爱上生活和被生活被爱.

Previously, 我没有对自己声称这种空间一个惊人的赛道记录, because

: 声称你的空间 需求, 很多, 从你的整个人. 它可以是非常累人的自我. In my case, it requires me to stand tall with all of my past, 现在和未来, 与我不同的文化和专业背景和主题, with full acceptance. Otherwise I’d suffer from 自暴自弃 – for most of us this is a familiar pattern.

: claiming your space insists you must get over yourself. 自称你的空间实际上是要求你的力量 – 没有空间的感觉对不起自己了. “我太年轻了,声称我的空间。” “我太老了,要求我的空间。” “我太好了,声称在我的空间 他们”. “我没有足够的教育权利要求我的空间。” 突然, all this negative talk sounds so ridiculous. 我们调用我们自己瞎扯淡 – these statements are simply not true, then you have no choice but to do what you are here to do this life time…哎呀, 这听起来很酷,但感觉织补可怕的,当你真正做到这一点!

: 声称你的空间 可以在寂寞的时候. 行, 现在你已经得到了你想要的东西. But what are you going to do with all the time and space and freedom in hand? Then you slip back to your old patterns in the blink of an eye.

但, 今年早些时候,, I made a decision to change. 我希望我的空间. 我希望它够糟糕来不惜一切代价.

So far, I’m happy to report that it is progressing well.


: I claimed my right to sleep well – no more burning the midnight oil. 这反过来又使我更jollier企业家.

玩, 女企业家, be happy, 正

: I claimed my space in my daily life. I don’t feel that “mundane” is holding me back anymore. I consistently make an effort to be present with my daily activities such as food shopping and washing – 你知道, those activities that I was could not be bothered to pay attention to, but they’ve brought me much more beauty and child-like joy.

女神, 吸引力法则

: I claimed my space to welcome the arrival of autumn, my birth season.

fall, 秋季, 叶子, 丰富

I took a long digital sabbatical (6 周!). It was really hard at the beginning – guilt, fear of missing out, making peace with OCD…仅举几. But my soul knew, a 6-week break was exactly what I needed. I heard the voice – step away and live more, feeling the pulse of London, its streets, its iconic river, and all those little hidden gems.




As I walked away from all the daily “应有水平” and noises of the online business world, I started reconnecting with my path, passion and purpose. 我没有任何外部验证更有信心 – it was slow progress but definitely worth it.
走你的路, 企业家精神, 吸引力法则, 目的, 光之工作者

: And when I came back from my sabbatical, 我要求我的愿望,使更多的光. I redesigned my 主页shop – I wanted to make this space even brighter for you, dear honoured guests.

The Universe is big enough for all of us to have our own place.

So what are you claiming today?

医治你的钱的故事, 住你的灵魂的目的, 快捷键丰富有爱,

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