Supermoon: Your Life Is Your Movie

所以, tonight our moon will be full, low-hanging, exquisite and the closest to Mama Earth since 1948…The full moon energy will be supercharged, which can lead to some immense manifesting power, but can also trigger emotional turmoil.

If you are in an anxious or depressive state, I want to assure you that you’ll be more than OK. No matter how deep your sorrows are, you have just the same access, 如果没有更多的, to the joy and richness on the other side – as someone has gone through this many times.

I still remember a full moon when I was 14, I was absolutely mad with the educational system and frustrated with where I was. I wrote about the emptiness and lifelessness inside, then posted my little piece to my favourite magazine.

Two full moons’ later, it got published. That was one of my first affinities with the full moon: manifesting without over-trying, just being honest with myself.

I used to resent my childhood, 很多. There was little room for fun or creativity, but way too much misunderstanding, emotional abuse and harsh judgement.

I always had this inner-script, “If only I were not being forced into certain conditions as a child, but had a say in what I really wanted, I’d have blossomed more.”

但是最近, increasingly I’m making peace with my past. I actually don’t want it to be any different, not one single bit, for the unique experience and perception that my past has provided for me.

Everything that you have go through makes you, .

When you have courage to feel all the pains that have been suppressed or bypassed, and in turn understand that those are just emotions, although valid, they are not who you are.

They don’t define you. They cannot possibly restrict you (no matter how convincing it is on the surface). But they do make you more interesting, understanding and dimensional.

Super-full-moon is a wonderful opportunity to harvest your lessons.

It is time for you to step up, trust your voice and sensitivity, honour your power and presence, curl back to your neglected inner-palace and stand behind your heartbeat.

I am looking at you with admiration and appreciation, the brave one. I invite you to set an intention for more:

当然…爱, into your work and life.

Your life is your art, your own movie.

Your divine Self designs all the set-ups, scenes, turns, climaxes, and miracles.

Your divine Self is the director. The wounded and confused ego is the dedicated actor. It doesn’t matter which scene you are in right now, have a deep sense of what is true and eternal.

Pour out endless healing light towards your ego: just relax into the acting role. Take the pressure off, the actor does not need to know “什么时候”, “怎么样”, not even “为什么”, because the divine director has already made the perfect movie.


一冶张, 五行acunpunture, 灵性导师, 直觉发展, spiritual realm

Supermoon flash sale:

我看见你, beautiful Soul. 内心深处,你想用你的创意和人才激励和医治人; 同时你的内心,评论家一直困扰你: “Who do you think you are? such a fraud…”

Have you been trying so hard to “move beyond your fears and doubts”, 但事情就是不工作?

You’ve followed the old-school gurus’ advice: “让我们征服恐惧!“但是,你只能落得更加倾尽自己...


很好, your Inner-Master was not on board.

Feeling called to recognise, rediscover and reconnect with your Inner-Master? 祝贺! You will succeed with more ease and grace with this new yet ancient connection.
Your own Soul, your Inner-Master, is the most powerful Guide by your side.
Listen to your Soul’s voice, tune-in and embrace the presence of your Inner-Master…

I’ve put together a bundle to help you reclaim your relationship with your Inner-Master. With tonight’s rare supermoon, enjoy nature’s special healing power.

50% off on Inner-Master Bundle (输入代码: “supermoon”) 48 hours only, as little as £11 to invest in your precious Soul…

“Knowing others is intelligence. Knowing yourself is true wisdom.” – LaoZi

一冶张, 直观教练, 快递内的主, 如何删除你的自我怀疑 9 周

FREE: 获得直觉和神圣的女性繁荣顶级技巧