
在过去的一年中,我们许多人感到困惑和崩溃, intuitively we are looking for ways to mend and heal our roots. Nature is full of gifts even in the coldest days, 在这种情况下, she offers us, 很好, roots…

Radish, parsnip, turnip, salsify…anything that organically grows underground can tonify our sense of safety and connection with the land we live and dream on.

It doesn’t matter which corner of the world you are in, today we both are under the fullness of the Wolf Moon. And I want to share this poem, The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer.

Since I initially read this poem in 2001, I’ve kept it and taken it across the ocean with me to the UK.

The Wolf Moon 19 years ago was my first ever winter in the UK, on my own in the University accommodation. All other students had gone home. I was snowed in and struggled to find a part-time job (any part-time job) to support myself going forward. Just when I was about to give up, I found this little poem in my luggage.

我想知道你疼什么, 如果你敢于去梦想满足你的心脏的渴望.

我想知道你是否会冒险,看起来像傻瓜的爱, 为你的梦想, 对生命的奇遇.

我想知道你是否触碰过自己受伤的心, 如果你已经打开了生活的背叛或已成为干瘪和关闭恐惧更多的痛苦.

我想知道,如果你可以坐在疼痛, 我的还是自己, 而不是避开它,或者它褪色, 或者修复它.

我想知道你是否能与喜悦, 我的还是自己, 如果你能狂舞一曲,让快乐溢满你的指尖和脚趾尖, 而不是告诫我们要小心, 要现实, 记住做人的局限.


我想知道,如果你能辜负另一个是真实的自己; 如果你能承受背叛的指责而不出卖自己的灵魂; 如果你可以移情别恋,所以值得信赖.

我想知道如果你能看到美女,即使它不漂亮,每天, 如果你可以从它的存在来源自己的生活.

我想知道,如果你能忍受失败, 你和我, 仍然站在湖边,并喊满月的银, “是的!”


我想知道你是否能站起来, 悲伤和绝望的夜晚后,, 一身疲惫和伤痕骨, ,做需要做的事情养活孩子.



我想知道是什么支撑着你, 从内侧, 当一切消逝.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

Only 421 话, but there was something magical in it. It helped me connect with something bigger than my trouble and fear.

I don’t read this poem very often, but when I need it, it’s right there for me. I’m sharing it today in case it comforts and inspires you too.

In the past few days, London was caressed by snow. As the white charm is now melting away, daffodils are not shy about shooting up, magpies proudly singing their songswe too can ponder about our next stepthere is always enchantment in transition.

With love until next time,

Yiye Zhang 章一叶

4 关于“的想法”用狼月表达你内心的呼唤

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