
吸引力法则, 善待自己, 企业家精神, 光之工作者, 丰富

I was reading emails from readers last Sunday by our fire place while it was pouring outside. 这种特殊的刘若英,来自印度的电子邮件引起我的注意. Her question wasn’t strictly about money, but she asked if I could help. 她搬到远离家乡 (2 旅行的日子) 上大学. 她是孤独的,节日期间在大学里没有朋友. 她想念她的家人担心她即将到来的考试紧张. 她想知道如何吸引定律可以帮助她在考试中表现良好.


从表面上看,这是一个关于考试的问题, 但实际上这是对几乎所有的真棒问题!

想想吧, 学生担心考试, 企业家担心客户 (or lack of them), 转变, “超过预期”, 保留等…



吸引力法律并没有帮助,也没有伤害任何人, 这是你作为状态只是反映.

Law of attraction is the result, it is not the cause. YOU are the underlying cause (和 the cure).

As a teenager, I went through ranked exams regularly (I wrote about this soul-destroying experience here by the way).

How come my results varied each time then? 我是谁拥有同样的知识和技能为同一人!

很好, firstly as someone who is so sensitive towards energy, I knew exactly if I’d do well or not even beforehand. The ones in which I did well, I was enjoying it and relaxed; the ones I didn’t, I was too nervous about the outcome – it didn’t matter how much I was pushing myself by revising all day long or visualising myself doing well, the brutal truth was: my Spirit was absent.

其次, I only found this out recently – I was way too hard on myself. 几个月前, I reunited with a high school friend, and he was talking about how well I performed back then. I told him how frustrated I was with my “swinging” ranking, he laughed it off, “So when you did the worst, 行, you were not the top 10, but you were still in the top 100 out of 1000s of the best students in our city, 而大多数的孩子甚至不能进入我们的学校! Give yourself some credit for all your hard work!”

He was totally right, I clung my self-worth to some B.S. and kept beating myself up, in which case, I bored my Spirit away.

When we are not in our Spirit, we attract results based on our fearful ego.

所以回到问题, I could advise you to do a vision board, with your desired exam results/ranking/grades/whatsoever.

但, for your long-term happiness, I encourage you to practice letting go instead. (鉴于你已经达到了,问这个问题,, 我敢肯定,你是一个非常敬业的学生了。)

Rather than “pushing it through”, or forcing yourself to repeat something that you don’t even want to believe in thousands of times (talking about tedious!), trust that your fears are not real no matter how potent they feel like right now.

Have faith that when you are relaxed, when you stop beating yourself up, when you cease being overly anxious about your performance, wisdom will come through naturally. Your outer wold will, 当然, reflect that.

The law of attraction can be totally on your side, providing that your focus is not law of attraction techniques, but YOU.

Just like when you are about to have a safe landing, you check that you are alert and well, you’ve got all necessary equipment and you trust that gravity will inevitably take you to the ground, not overly thinking about how to improve your techniques of gravity – which cannot be worked on anyway.

这同样适用于谁正在寻求吸引更多客户的企业主. If you are extremely nervous right now, it’s wiser to take a step back and relax into your being, before you implement any strategies. 人们想要什么是你的能量, your genius, and your brilliance. 可悲的是, when you are frustrated or stressed out, those qualities simply won’t shine through.

Don’t believe me? Just think about the last time when you had a breakthrough, didn’t it happen during a hot bubble bath?

Or after a nourishing vacation?


Or during a super-inspiring conversation with a mentor or friend?

Still can’t trust yourself? Here is a love letter for your exhausted heart.

有一次,我正与一个客户有一个激烈的战士能源. 她是能够解决问题 任何 障碍. 她工作宕辛苦她的生意. 她读的所有相关书籍, 她去了所有的讲座, 她注册的所有课程 (她通过他们去)…但不知何故,她和她的生意都在痛苦中, 那种深深的痛苦保留她醒在凌晨3点.

我建议她去, 以及欣赏大胆, 她的勇敢无畏的方面, 探索女性, 轻松俏皮的一面, 因为那是她向往的一部分,见证,并表示. 我建议她与深度在她的生活和事业发挥, 而不是拍摄更多的速度.

我鼓励她看待事物 在一个更加非线性的方式: 当我们让自己深入挖掘,并从生活的很好喝的快乐和灵感, 还有更多的,我们可以通过我们的商家报价有机. 号码, 客户吸引和保留会照顾从那里.

她挣扎着给自己的权限开始, 但一天一天, 一点一点, 她觉得更充满活力和放松. 随着她的灵魂这一新的表达结合她的传染性的勇气, 她成为了一个事件更鼓舞人心的领导者,她的社区.

Be kind, to yourself first.

其余的部分? 很好, 当你有足够的空间来呼吸, the Universe is right here to support you through the law of attraction.

[要问我一个问题 – 在这里阅读指引.]

With Abundance Love,

吸引力法则, 企业教练

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4 关于“的想法”吸引力法则可以真正帮助?

  1. 谢谢洗衣液, 这是一个奇妙的职位. 我尽量保持我的这个主题为一年: Be kind, to yourself first. 这是很困难的,我, 但现在我有一个小宝宝,它得到了更加困难. 我知道我必须去关心照顾自己成为我的孩子妈妈我想成为.

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