My Top Three Ways to Overcome “Charging Shame”

“Hi Yiye, 我真的很喜欢你的工作,现在我有一个很大的问题. 你的建议将是非常赞赏! I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into my blog for years. I recently developed paid products and services (I am a person too and I’ve got bills to be paid!). But my audience reacted badly to it. One person even said that I betrayed them. I can’t help but feel ashamed. 我失去信心, 我甚至开始怀疑,如果我做出了正确的举动. 你会如何​​处理这样的情况?”

– 塞莱纳


当我 13 和 14, 我打篮球, 很多. It was one of very few ways to get some temporary peace from endless (ranked) exams and homework, so I played it religiously with a few other pupils. One of them became a close friend.

One spring afternoon, under the clear blue sky, she proposed a pact: 我们会一起打篮球, 像永远…我说, “YES, OF COURSE!”

I thought what she meant was: we’d get together and play, every now and then, 只要是可行的,为我们双方.

Then summer came, 是时候了,我们选择高中. She fell in love with basketball for real and went to a specialised sports school. 我? 我选择了一个学术路径.

我错过了她. 我写信给她几次, 但遗憾的是没有回复. I also bumped into her once during the Lantern Festival, where everyone came out to watch fireworks at night, but she didn’t even acknowledge me.

I was left confused and hurt. But I was too proud to ask her what it was going on, 她为什么不高兴,如果我能做点什么.

就这样, our friendship had been frozen for three years.

直到她听到我离开英格兰新闻. She picked up the phone and called me, it was awkward silence to start with.

Luckily we both had a place in each other’s heart, gradually the conversation flew. 到底, 我们有这么多的快乐,甚至更多的救济结束, “Let’s play another game before I leave!”

那场比赛之后, she said sorry for acting childishly and told me that my friendship meant a lot to her as she rarely opened up to anyone except me, but I let her down by ditching our pact and going to another school…

“哦….that was what that pact meant! It all made sense now…我很抱歉过!” We laughed at our silliness.

你猜怎么着,我想在这里是说,: 有时它是没有一个人的错. Just that we thought that we were being clear but we could have been a lot clearer.

And this lesson is not limited to 13 或 14 year olds.

Our situation changes. 我们需要改变. We are forever changing and that’s the one thing that doesn’t change.

During the changing phase, there are challenges, 例如:

: no matter how clear we think we are, 是需要时间的事情再次沉淀和一清二楚为大家;

: everyone who is involved can get a little insecure and act from a place of lack, understandably;

: when money is part of the picture, 它会引发很多情绪 “东东”, thus many hidden stories will for sure be revealed.

As you have already seen, 塞莱纳.

以铁的扭结出来, here are a few suggestions.


1. 在你看外部, 你怎么 感觉 关于这一招不管? 你觉得有点 “不安全的或可耻的” even without any criticism anyway?

I remember when I got my first media interview for my newly formed online business, 我的第一个潜意识的反应, 加上兴奋, “哦CR @ p, 我的自尊心一定是狂野, 我是谁有一个网站? 并邀请人 阅读 我的写作?!…”

猜猜发生了什么? 24 小时后, 这是什么有人告诉我, “你的自我肯定狂野, 或为什么你的博客?”

我花了内工作的一卡车 从这个自我陷阱分离, 相信我的内心,声音,并显示多达采访,谈谈我做什么 & 为什么我从一个地方服务与和平做.

It is often not easy to detect what is holding us back, but when someone else criticised me, it became more obvious what it was!

肯定, 我被那个侵入性的评论所困扰, 但事实下方? 我是我自己的破坏者. 那个人只是反映我自己的潜意识的信念.

当我们即将长大,并加紧每次, subconsciously we sabotage ourselves: “you are not good enough, you are not worthy, ohhhh people will hate this”. Just that this part is normally well hidden.

如果我们生活的世界完全是黑色和白色, 我们确切地知道我们的想法是透明, 即, 无意识/潜意识的概念,甚至不存在, 所有你需要做的是阅读 秘密. 然后完成任务, 你会发财, 快乐和健康的昨天.


It’s not so easy to figure our own underlying blocks, 但他们会通过其他人反映出来.


这是一个很好的机会,以反映 (“哦, 别, 不是另一个!” – 我能听到一些人. But really, 富有同情心对你的基本的故事. 在你内心深处的孩子发现任何unwitnessed伤口. If any fast-track for enlightenment and growth exists, 这将是它).

所以, 去探索周围的金钱和自我价值的故事:

: 如何你觉得作为一个心脏为基础的企业主? 你对钱根本感觉是什么呢?

: 你在哪里仍然不觉得值得? And how can you change it from the inside out?

: Are there any past situations that you need to forgive? What old beliefs are not serving you anymore and must be released?

: Are you still held back by those limited beliefs that society has imposed upon you, 例如:”我永远不会快乐和高薪, 不管我如何努力尝试”, “我不配成为财务自由”, 或 “它永远不会成功…”

传统, 我们被教导说自由和精神财富,是金融财富互斥. 但事实并非如此…


如果你已经是一个慷慨和乐于助人的人, 有更多的钱可以让你显得更加大方,乐于助人,甚至更多的人.

另一方面, if you inherently have a lack mindset, 那么没关系多少钱在银行, 它不会让你感到安全.

自由, 阳性, 吸引力法则, be happy

而不是采取认真审视我们的基本思路和模式, society blames money – well, 它更容易责怪别的东西, 是不是? 只是……这确实 解决你的问题.


“回去的实干家撤消它是什么做的......”即, 回到你的潜意识的自我, 和重新编程. (需要帮助? 我做了这门课程 让您的生活更轻松).

2. 让您的所有沟通尽可能公开和坦率.

常, it is not about what you communicate but how you communicate it.

Be very clear what you want to do with your blog from now on: it’s part of your business.

我) Let the new readers know that you are running a business, 是开放的,前期, 例如:

: 请确保你的产品和服务的网页/菜单可见 – 你不需要轰炸的人与你的产品所有的时间 (不推荐反正), 但不要让他们知道你是可供租用.

: 当你在赠送免费内容, 何况,这是我的XYZ的免费预览.

: Start saying to NO to “接你的脑” 或易货请求. 专业的服务意味着专业的服务.

: 走亲的螺母和螺栓 – 使用电子邮件地址与您的域, 给自己一个职位 (以后可以随时更改), gather some reviews and testimonials from people working with you…

二) 还, give your existing readers plenty of time to adjust the change (它通常需要更长的时间比你想, 但你的耐心会得到回报).

例如, 对于那些谁抱怨你的改变, 承认自己的感情和诚实, 让他们知道 “为什么” 变化的背后 (当你能更好地支持自己的财务, 在更多的价值,你可以为他们提供).

III) 重点开展对您所在的社区提供价值 – 这个不用说.

对于那些谁,目的是要你的社区的一部分, 他们会坚持围绕. 对于其他人, 他们的需求将在其他地方更好地满足.

Make sure the entire process is acted out of love, 相互尊重和同情.

3. 意识到你并不孤单.

许多有创造力和精神的自由职业者, 企业主和艺术家都经历过类似的痛苦阶段.


但你被要求挺身而出. 就是现在.

成长, 成为更多的你. 有些人可能不喜欢那样 (暂时地), 无论出于何种原因. 这是事实: you are not for everybody.

The more intense your growth is, 表面上看起来越不稳定.

然而, 只要你忠于自己, 最终一切都会好起来的.

Sometimes things fall apart, 使他们能够更好地落下再度携手, to be more solid and aligned to who you are.

Trust your vision. 你并不孤单.

每当有疑问, 微笑.

爱 & 丰富,

医治你的钱的故事, 住你的灵魂的目的, 快捷键丰富


直观的 & 富足指南,

I decode the mysteries of your soul & 简化路径的丰.

This is a Q&A article from my “You Asked, I Listened” column. I value my community – if you want to submit your question, here is how.


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2 关于“的想法”My Top Three Ways to Overcome “Charging Shame”

  1. Thanks for another very insightful and heartfelt article! I have been experiencing similar problems myself and this has helped me get a clearer perspective and feel more at ease.

    I’ve also written “如有任何疑问, 微笑” on a sticky and put it on the fridge, it’s a great affirmation!

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